Chapter 352
Lin Binbin had no choice but to drive away reluctantly.

He stepped on the accelerator vigorously, and the Ferrari roared with a "boom", and the tail lights flashed, and it instantly moved away from the crowd on the Bund.

And Lin Binbin had just left, and a headline was "Famous Internet celebrity anchor, Lin Binbin suspected to be dating his secret girlfriend on the Bund."

As soon as the news came out, those fans of Lin Binbin who stayed up all night surfing the Internet became restless.

Below the news, there are all kinds of denials and abuse.

However, various self-media and marketing accounts still reposted or published reports.

After all, no matter whether it is sprayed or praised, these self-media and marketing accounts don't care at all.

These days, traffic is the truth and the real king. Who cares whether it is sprayed or praised?

And after Lin Binbin left the Bund, he went on a wild ride on the streets of Shanghai!
"What are you following me for?" Lin Binbin asked the girl beside him; "You, get out of the car right now!"

"I don't!" the woman said pretending to be wronged; "Why didn't you let me go when you took advantage of me? Now that the trouble is like this, if you let me get out of the car, what should I do if I am recognized?"

"Why do you have so many things?" Lin Binbin asked with a displeased face; "Tell me, how much does it cost?"

The woman turned her head, looked out the window, pretended to be reluctant and said, "Since you don't like me, that's fine, give me 2000 million, and I'll leave right away."

"How much? Are you crazy?" Lin Binbin snapped.

His face was flushed with anger, his eyes were wide open, and his face was ferocious. He stared straight at the woman and forgot to look at the road.

Although he made a lot of money during the live broadcast, he also made a lot of money when he was doing errands.

But as soon as he got rich, he started to buy cars, houses, and a lot of luxury goods. Now his whole body is worth more than 1000 million!
"2000 million, for a big anchor like you, it shouldn't be much, right?"

"A mysterious person came out recently. You must be under a lot of pressure, right? If there is another scandal now, I think your career should be about the same?"

The woman's face was full of confidence, with a strange look of yin and yang, and her mean and vicious eyes gave Lin Binbin a glance.

The latter gritted his teeth, suppressing his anger, and the veins on his cheeks burst out.

"A woman like you? Why don't you die?" Lin Binbin gritted his teeth, wanting to say something more.

Suddenly, a dazzling light came oncoming.

When he turned his head, a white car rushed towards him brightly.

He thumped in his heart, "Drove the wrong way!"


He hastily stepped on the brakes, and the extremely fast spinning wheels drew a long black mark on the ground.

But even Ferrari still can't control it perfectly.

With a bang, Lin Binbin's car collided head-on with the car on the other side.

"Ah—" The woman let out a sharp scream, her body shook violently with the car, and she froze.

Lin Binbin held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, panted heavily, stared blankly at the car in front of him, as if he was dumbfounded by fright.

His hand holding the steering wheel was trembling, and his heart was beating fast.

After being frightened, a burst of anger surged up in his chest.

He got out of the car angrily, and when he saw the white car, he frowned and said to himself, "The new Santana? Why does this car look so familiar?"

He walked to the window and saw a man with his back to him, hugging the girl in the co-pilot.

And this girl got into the man's arms, and the two of them didn't seem to be in any serious trouble.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Lin Binbin slammed on the car door and said, "Get out of the car for Laozi! Do you know what car Laozi is driving?"

"Labor and capital are Ferrari! Even if labor and capital go retrograde, you have to give way to labor and capital!"

The man in the car was furious when he heard this!
When he turned his head, a pair of angry and cold eyes, hidden under the V for Vendetta mask, stared straight at Lin Binbin.

The latter was startled immediately, and subconsciously took two steps back.

He immediately frowned, pointed at the man, and exclaimed, "Are you a mysterious man!?"

This masked man is exactly Lin Yang!

He didn't expect that he would run into Lin Binbin when he went out for a supper, and he still used this method.

He patted Lin Miaomiao's back and whispered in her ear; "Don't let Lin Binbin see you."

Lin Miaomiao agreed softly and buried her head between her legs.

Lin Yang got out of the car directly, staring at him with cold eyes, without saying a word.

Lin Binbin frowned, glanced into the car, and thought to himself, "Why is the back of the woman in the car so familiar?"

But the night was dim, and Lin Yang's car was almost pitch black, so he couldn't see anything.

"Losing money." Lin Yang lowered his voice, as if his voice was equipped with a voice changer, and he couldn't hear it at all.

"Losing money?" Lin Binbin put his hands in his pockets, looked at Lin Yang jokingly and jealously, and said, "Mysterious man, are you crazy?"

"What kind of car does labor and management drive? What kind of car do you drive? Just such a broken car, labor and management should pay for it?"

"You're retrograde!" Lin Yang emphasized his tone.

"So what?" Lin Binbin yelled with an arrogant and domineering look on his face; "Labor and capital are retrograde, and labor and capital are retrograde! Can you control it!"

"You think it's great just to have some fans?"

"With this broken car you're driving, I guess you're a poor guy! Garbage!"

"Do you want to compete with me in popularity? Do you want to threaten my status? Are you dreaming!"

Lin Yang looked at Lin Binbin's bluffing appearance with his teeth and claws open, and he felt it was ridiculous.

He said jokingly in a low and hoarse voice; "I just started two live broadcasts, and I don't want to be your opponent."

"It seems that you are thinking too much? Also, you asked your fans to make that video vote, right?"

Lin Yang's eyes were still cold, still hiding the contempt that made people feel crazy.

Lin Binbin looked at Lin Yang so calmly, as if he had punched the cotton with his fist.

It's as if he tried his best to compare with the other party, but the other party didn't even look at him, just like a clown!
He gritted his teeth and glared at Lin Yang, saying, "Mysterious man, okay, you're the one to be cruel!"

"Labor and management feel sorry for you today, and you don't need to pay compensation! Just watch, you won't be proud for long! You poor ghost!"

After Lin Binbin finished speaking, he was ready to call a tow truck and have someone take him away.

"You haven't lost money yet." Lin Yang looked at him coldly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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