My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 353 Learning to Sing and Dance

Chapter 353 Learning to Sing and Dance

Lin Binbin stared at Lin Yang coldly, pointing at Lin Yang but remained silent for a while.

"Are you looking for faults, right?" Lin Binbin gritted his teeth and said, "Labor and management will not pay for this money. If you dare to stop me, don't blame me for being rude!"

After all, he turned to leave.

"If I'm not selfish and go to law enforcement, then it's not as simple as losing money, right?" Lin Yang said jokingly.

Lin Binbin stopped in his tracks, took out a card from his bag and threw it on Lin Yang's car, saying: "The money in this is enough for you to buy another Santana! Get lost!"

Lin Yang took the card, sneered all over, and said in a hoarse and deep voice: "Lin Binbin, I give you a word, the truth of those scandalous things you did will come to light sooner or later!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang got into the car directly, locked the door and waited for the tow truck.

Lin Binbin looked at Lin Yang who was sitting in the car, pointed at him and shouted, "What the hell do you mean! What did I do?"

"Did you know Lin Yang? You give labor!"

While roaring, he rushed towards Lin Yang and slammed on the car door.

Lin Yang ignored him, and closed his eyes after calling for a tow truck.

Lin Binbin was banging on the door outside the car like crazy, when suddenly the phone rang.

Picking up the phone, he said angrily: "Made, are you driving a tow truck? When will the tow truck come?"

"Lin Binbin, what the hell are you doing to me again!" Wang Min yelled, and said sharply, "Why did another girlfriend come out? Come back to my mother immediately!"

Lin Binbin felt a "thump" in his heart, and thought to himself, "Why did this matter spread so quickly?"

"I'll be right back, right away!" Lin Binbin said hurriedly.

"What's your trailer? Did you get into a car accident?" Wang Min said holding back his anger.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just that the car hit me, don't worry, Miss Wang." Lin Binbin said flatteringly.

"I'm worried about Nima! If you had a car accident, you'd better die. If you don't die, no one will know about it!"

Wang Min roared hoarsely, and Lin Binbin could imagine her hideous face now.

"If you are found out in a car accident and reported by the media, I will replace you!"

After Wang Min finished speaking, he hung up the phone without giving Lin Binbin a chance to speak.

Lin Binbin hung up the phone, gritted his teeth and got into the car, cursing in a low voice: "Fuck, crazy woman! Like a wild dog."

"Who are you talking about?" asked the woman in the co-pilot.

"Shut up! What's your business?" Lin Binbin said sharply, "I'll send you back later, labor and capital will give you a maximum of 100 million, and you'll get out of here."

The woman turned her head and looked out the window without speaking.

"What the hell do you mean!" Lin Binbin was furious.

"Send me back first and then we'll talk." The woman said in a playful tone with confidence.

"I'm going to Nima!" Lin Binbin stretched out his hand and was about to hit him.

Instead of dodging, the woman held her head up, waiting for his fist to fall.

"Lin Binbin, you are taking advantage of me and beating people. If this matter is exposed, you will not be able to clean up by jumping into the Yellow River."

"By the way, you're still going retrograde, and you've made others lose money, plus this incident, and the wound you left on my face, how much do you think it's worth?"

The woman's eyes were cold, like a snake and a scorpion, staring straight at Lin Binbin.

Looking at this look, Lin Binbin felt chills running down his back, and thought to himself: "This kind of woman must have been hooking up with celebrities all the year round, and she probably has a lot of means."

"What the hell, it's better not to cause extra problems now!"

He put down his fist, leaned on the car seat, and lit a cigarette.

The woman sneered, turned her head to look out the window, and said in a low voice, "You son of a bitch."

The anger in Lin Binbin's heart surged up, and he glared at the woman, but he didn't dare to do anything.

After a while, the tow truck came, and all the cars of Lin Yang and Lin Binbin were towed away.

After this incident, Lin Yang didn't have the mood to eat supper anymore, so he and Lin Miaomiao went back to rest directly.

At this moment, Lin Binbin, who had just sent the girl home, was in Wang Min's office in the company.

"Sister Wang, you haven't rested so late, don't be too tired." Lin Binbin put on a smiling face as soon as he entered the door.

But Wang Min didn't like his tricks at all, and said sarcastically: "If you talk about your dog, you are really good."

"However you beat and scold, you can still wag your tail to eat, and you still look cute. How can you be so shameless?"

Wang Min's words were like a needle that pierced Lin Binbin's heart fiercely.

He has done so many unconscionable things just to get ahead, and what he hates the most is being looked down upon!
He took a deep breath, and said to himself: "I'll try my best, sooner or later, I'll make this woman pay the price!"

He thought so in his heart, but there was still an awkward smile on his face.

"Sister Wang, what do you want me for?" Lin Binbin asked knowingly.

"Squat down a little bit and come over with your ears attached."

Wang Min sat on the boss chair, crossed his legs, and hooked his fingers at Lin Binbin like a dog.

Lin Binbin bent down obediently, leaned in front of Wang Min, stretched his face, and asked, "Sister Wang, what's the matter, you—"

"Crack! Crack!"

Before Lin Binbin finished speaking, Wang Min slapped him with two backhanded hands, his voice clear and bright.

Lin Binbin staggered from the beating, and almost couldn't stand still. Both sides of his face were swollen immediately, and there were two bright red five finger marks.

"Miss Wang, you—"

"What are you?" Wang Min interrupted him, and said sharply, "My mother asked you to download the broadcast to practice, learn to sing and dance!"

"What the hell are you going out to flirt with me? You were even photographed by the media, do you think you are a celebrity at the level of a king?"

"It's alright now, the whole internet is discussing whether you're in a relationship, and those female fans have lost 10,000+ followers!"

"Lin Binbin, I'm telling you, starting from today, when you eat, sleep and go to the toilet, I will stay in the live broadcast room!"

"Miss Wang, I—"

"Shut up!" Wang Min gave him a hard look and said, "If you don't want to do it, someone else will!"

She pointed at the gate and said sharply, "Get out!"

Lin Binbin knew it would be useless to talk too much, so he left the office with his head down and returned to the live broadcast room.

He sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette, the anger in his heart almost swallowed him!

"Damn it, women don't have a good thing! If you steal labor and money, you'll be like a mad dog." Lin Binbin gritted his teeth, thinking viciously in his heart.

"It's better for these women to be hit and killed by a car when they go out! Otherwise, labor and management will not have a peaceful day!"

He let out a foul breath, and suddenly thought of what Lin Yang had said to him just now.

"What does that mysterious man mean? Sooner or later, the truth of what I did will be revealed?"

"Could it be that the mysterious man and Lin Yang really knew each other? No, I must tell Wang Qian about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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