Chapter 354
Lin Binbin was shocked!
When he thinks that everything he has gained today may be destroyed because of what he has done before, he feels fear.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Wang Qian directly.

"Hello? It's so late, what's the matter?" Wang Qian asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Wang, I, I met the mysterious man." Lin Binbin said tremblingly: "He said that sooner or later the truth of the scandal I did will be revealed!"

"I suspect, he, he must know Lin Yang!"

Wang Qian on the other end of the phone frowned, remained silent for a long time, and said, "Don't worry about it, don't think about it, I'll take care of it."

After finishing speaking, Wang Qian hung up the phone directly.

He sat up from the bed, lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth, his brows furrowed into a ball.

"This mysterious man is really similar to Lin Yang back then... Could it be that they are really brothers?" Wang Qian thought worriedly.

"It seems that I will find an opportunity tomorrow to meet him."

Wang Qian also felt a threat because of Lin Yang's mysterious identity.

Lin Binbin couldn't sleep all night, always thinking of Lin Yang's words.

But Lin Yang and the others were directly at the villa.After sleeping until dawn, I went directly to the company.

As soon as he sat down in the company office, Lin Yang received an email.

"Mr. Mysterious Man. I'm Zhou Jielun. I'm very glad that you can accept my invitation to be my special guest."

"This is my heart, don't delay, I look forward to meeting you in the imperial capital."

Below the email, there are Zhou Jielun's phone number, the date of the concert start and rehearsal date and so on.

"Heart? What did he send?" Looking at the mail, Lin Yang wondered.

"Boss, you have a package!" He Bing shouted at the door.


As soon as Lin Yang left the office, he saw Bai Ning and others gathered in the company lobby, looking at something with their heads down.

"My God, Zhou Jielun is so generous!" He Bing looked surprised.

"How much does this thing cost?" Lin Miaomiao asked with wide eyes blinking curiously.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

He looked intently at the ground, and a piano case was lying on the ground.

The outside of the box is covered with genuine leather, and the inside is lavender plush fabric.

The piano case alone is already expensive.

And the guitar in the piano case caught Lin Yang's eyes even more.

I saw the guitar inside the piano case, and the Dunhuang murals were engraved on the piano case. The colors were strong and lifelike, as if they were 3D oil paintings.

On the body of the piano, there is an abstract oil painting with strong colors, which complements the carving of the piano case.

On the head of the piano, there are also two entangled dragons hollowed out and carved, which is extremely luxurious and artistic.

"This violin is so beautiful." Lin Yang picked up the guitar carefully, and asked doubtfully, "Does anyone know how much this violin costs?"

"Um...Lin Yang, I checked the serial number on this violin." Bai Ning pushed his glasses and said in disbelief, "This violin is exclusively customized by a high-end European violin factory."

"This violin is unique in the world. It can be said that it has a price but no market. But if we have to talk about the price, the price of this violin customized by Zhou Jielun is 800 million..."

"How much?" Lin Yang couldn't help but exclaimed, "How rich is Zhou Jielun to give such a big gift before we meet?"

"Forget about Zhou Jielun, come and watch Lin Binbin's live broadcast." He Lin waved to everyone.

In the live broadcast room, Lin Binbin had a swollen face and was crying, looking aggrieved.

"Everyone, I'm really not in a relationship. I didn't even know that girl yesterday." Lin Binbin said aggrievedly while wiping away tears.

"I hope you can believe me. Because of this incident, I was reprimanded by the company's leaders yesterday. I've been busy recently. How can I fall in love when I have time?"

Lin Binbin's appearance really won the sympathy of many people.

Many girl fans in the comment area are not calm.

"Brother Binbin, you have been wronged, hug me!"

"Is this being beaten by the company's leaders? How can it be like this... Even if you are in a relationship, you can't beat someone."

"Suddenly I feel that being an idol is not very good, even if you are in a relationship, you will be beaten."

"I feel sorry for my brother, the panda live broadcast is too hateful!"

"Yes, even if my brother falls in love, we should bless him, why beat him?"

Lin Binbin looked at the comment section and breathed a sigh of relief.Secretly said: "These stupid fans, as long as they sell a little miserably, they can be forgiven no matter what."

He thought so in his heart, with a grievance still on his face.

At this time, Wang Min's voice suddenly came from his earphones.

"Hurry up, sell badly and show off your talents. I've already found a marketing account and navy."

"Fans' attention will be directed to the company's beating, and maybe you can take the opportunity to attract fans and let them buy gifts!"

Lin Binbin raised his eyebrows, and secretly said: "What a good way!"

He immediately pulled out a guitar and started performing.

And the navy and marketing account bought by Wang Min immediately sent countless reports on the Internet, saying how miserable Lin Binbin was.

The popularity immediately overshadowed Lin Binbin's post about dating, and immediately attracted the attention of countless passers-by.

In the forum, the incident of Lin Binbin being beaten also attracted widespread attention.

"Damn it, Lin Binbin was really beaten?"

"Sure, five finger prints that even foundation can't cover up."

"Lin Binbin is too miserable, isn't he? Seeing that he works hard every day to perform, isn't it okay to fall in love?"

"Yeah, it feels pretty miserable. After working so hard every day, I don't even have the qualifications to fall in love."

"I'm going to his studio to support him!"

"Go to his live broadcast room to see, we can't let the capital oppress artists like this!"

"Yes, yes, everyone, hurry up and support Lin Binbin."

"I made a group dedicated to supporting Lin Binbin. You can join the group. If Lin Binbin is beaten again in the future, we will support him!"

There was an upsurge about "protecting Lin Binbin" on the Internet.

The trending searches on a certain blog and the pushed articles on various websites were all about Lin Binbin's beating.

One spread to ten, ten to hundreds, became more and more outrageous, and even later, there was news that "Lin Binbin was abused".

But no matter what, Lin Binbin sold badly this time, and the traffic was good enough to make a profit.

He was singing live, and saw that the number of fans in the live broadcast suddenly started to skyrocket, directly reaching more than 900 million!

The screen was full of gifts in the live broadcast room, almost filling the screen!
Wang Min, who was in the background, looked at the income and immediately beamed with joy!
"Today's income has broken the highest record!" Wang Min was overjoyed, and secretly said: "If you work hard, it's best to suppress the mysterious person today!"

(End of this chapter)

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