My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 355 Jump off a building?

Chapter 355 Jump off a building?

He Bing looked at the comment area in Lin Binbin's live broadcast room, and suddenly frowned.

"What's the situation?" He Bing said in a daze: "Why are people still talking about our boss?"

He Bing pointed to the comment area and said.

"Well, although Lin Yang and the mysterious man are both very strong, they are not as down-to-earth as Lin Binbin."

"Yeah, although Lin Binbin is also an idol anchor of singing and dancing, and his strength is not as strong as Lin Yang's, but he looks really handsome when he works hard!"

"He came from the mysterious man's studio! Support Lin Binbin!"

Lin Yang frowned when he saw such comments coming out one after another. If all the fans are taken away, what's the deal?
But what Lin Yang and others didn't know was that all of this was also arranged by Wang Min.

In the office, Wang Min contacted several navy companies.

"Go to the mysterious man's live broadcast room now, mock him, scold him! Make him angry, let people see his gaffe!"

"Sister Wang, as long as the money is in place, you can talk about anything!" Said Shui Jun on the other end of the phone.

"Money is not a problem, as long as things are done for me!" Wang Min said.

"Got it!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Min showed a sinister smile on his face.

She secretly said in her heart: "Since you are very strong, then let your character go wrong! Live broadcast, you don't just need to be strong!"

However, Lin Yang and the others were still ignorant of what Wang Min had done.

Lin Yang looked at Bai Ning blankly, and asked, "Is my live broadcast not down-to-earth?"

"You're too casual." Bai Ning pushed up his glasses and said, "Now I want to see the normal side of celebrities."

"Whether you are Lin Yang or the mysterious person, you don't care much about your fans, and you are all too shocking. Of course, you are not grounded."

"Then what should I do?" Lin Yang asked.

"In this way, you start the live broadcast first, and broadcast something down-to-earth." Bai Ning said.

"What's down to earth?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"It's just that you should restrain yourself a bit, and stop shocking the world." Bai Ning said helplessly, "You drive an excavator like an artist, how can you be down-to-earth?"

"Pfft—" He Lin laughed out loud, and said, "Boss can still drive an excavator? Still driving it like an artist?"

"Yes, in the past, many teachers in technical schools wanted to ask brother Lin Yang to be their master!" Lin Miaomiao said proudly with her head held high.

"Don't bring up the past." Lin Yang said, "I'll start the live broadcast first."

"Okay, everyone, get ready, go online to support Lin Yang, and do some publicity work," Bai Ning said.

Everyone took action at once, and Lin Yang also went to the live broadcast room with his guitar.

As soon as he started the live broadcast, he found that the number of fans began to drop, and the number of viewers was only [-]!

And the number of people in Lin Binbin's live broadcast room has reached several million!
"Mysterious man, your loyal fans are unreliable, they all ran away."

"It seems that the mysterious man is in a hurry? Has he started singing and dancing?"

"Hey, I didn't expect that a big name and a dark horse in the live broadcast industry would be impatient?"

Lin Yang frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Are you here to mock me?"

"Hahaha, that's right, we are all fans of Binbin."

"That's right, although Binbin's singing is not as good as yours, he works so hard! Do you know that!"

"That's right, it's better not to live broadcast like you. Wearing a mask, you must be ashamed to see people?"

"How ugly is it that you dare not show your face?"

Lin Yang didn't expect that there would be so many black fans in this live broadcast room.

"You can watch my live broadcast or not." Lin Yang said in a low voice: "I only sing for people who like to listen to my singing."

After the voice fell, the comment barrage was still full of mocking voices.

"I already knew that you sing well, so what? Does it mean that you have to be liked if you sing well?"

"That's right, don't try to take Brother Binbin's place, you trash!"

Lin Yang didn't get angry when he saw these comments, he just planned to sing quietly by himself.

At this moment, a systematic voice sounded in his mind.

"System random tasks, build a fan base, and have 1000 die-hard fans."

"Task reward, proficiency in all musical instruments."

"Mission punishment, close the live broadcast room for a week."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and thought to himself: "Close the live broadcast room for a week? Doesn't that mean all the fans have run away?"

"No, we must build a fan base of 1000 people!"

Lin Yang put down the guitar again, and said, "Forget it, since you don't want to hear me sing, then what do you say you want to watch?"

"Oh, are you being cowardly? Wasn't it arrogant just now?"

Lin Yang smiled, and said in a deep voice: "No matter who your fans are, this is my live broadcast room, and I have to be responsible to those who want to watch my live broadcast."

"Oh, it's ridiculous, what a face!"

"Yes, disgusting! Disgusting!"

"You should hurry up and get out, what kind of live broadcast are you doing? Go get plastic surgery first!"

"That's right, hurry up and give me plastic surgery, what kind of live broadcast?"

Lin Yang didn't care about these trolls, he just said lightly: "What do you want to watch? Or live broadcast outdoors today."

Lin Yang didn't know that Lin Binbin was watching his live broadcast in front of another computer screen.

When Lin Binbin saw this sentence, a vicious smile appeared on his face.

"You can broadcast anything live? You really think you are a fairy, you can do everything?"

He sneered and typed a line of words on the keyboard.

"Are you sure you can live broadcast anything? If you have the courage, challenge extreme sports!"

As soon as he sent the text, Lin Yang nodded and said, "Okay, no problem! I've never broadcast this before."

"Tell me, what kind of extreme sports do you want to watch?"

Lin Binbin didn't expect Lin Yang to agree so easily.

Now there are not no extreme sports broadcasting on the Internet, but every one of them is a highly dangerous sport, otherwise no one would watch it!
"Are you sure? If you want to play, play the big one, do you dare?" Lin Binbin sent another text to ask.

Some sailors and trolls started booing.

"That's right, if you want to play, you can play big. Don't you want to compare with Lin Yang? Lin Yang's kung fu is better than yours!"

"It's better to play bigger, jump off the building, the kind without a safety rope."

"On the first wave, as long as you dare to play, I will send a hundred rockets immediately!"

"Damn it, the big money upstairs!"

Many people followed suit, and many small videos and marketing accounts appeared on the Internet as a gimmick.

"Mysterious man wants to play extreme sports and jump off a building?" "

"Mysterious man extreme sports, jumping off the building without a safety rope! "

Headlines like these keep popping up on various online media outlets.

For a moment, the fact that the mysterious man was going to jump off the building instantly became popular on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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