Chapter 357

Lin Binbin followed Lin Yang's lens to look down at the building, and blurted out "Fuck".

"This, is this fatal?" Lin Binbin looked at the height of the building on the screen.

At a glance, the pedestrians on the sidewalk are the size of ants.

If it falls, let alone whether it can survive, it is a question of whether it can leave the whole body!
"Is it so big to play? Do you really dare to dance?" Lin Binbin questioned.

"Anchor, if you dare not dance, just go down, no one will laugh at you."

"That's right, if I jump down, I'll probably be smashed to pieces!"

"This is not extreme sports, you are doing extreme sports!"

"On the verge of death, in a crazy temptation!"

There is everything in the comment section.

Lin Yang smiled indifferently, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, I'm going to dance soon, but before I do, I have a request!"

"What conditions?"

"Say, how many rockets do you want to see you off?"

"When you go to your house for dinner, don't you sit at the child's table?"

"Anchor, tell me, I will try my best to satisfy you."

"Don't worry, I will take care of your wife and children."

Lin Yang looked at these comments and didn't care about the jokes.

He said lightly: "I need a fan base of 1000 people!"

Lin Yang's voice fell, and immediately a rich man spoke, saying, "No problem! Everyone joins the group, and I will send red envelopes directly! Tell me, what is the group number?"

Lin Yang glanced at He Bing at the side, and said, "Create a group of thousands of people on a certain blog, hurry up."

"Right away!" He Bing immediately took out his mobile phone and registered an official fan group of a mysterious person on a certain blog.

"It's finished, group number XXXX." He Bing said.

"Everyone heard, the fan group number is XXXX." Lin Yang said to the camera: "As long as the group is full of 1000 people, I will jump right in without saying a word!"

"Niu Pi, this jump is full of spirituality!"

"Jiaqun, brothers, Jiaqun!"

"Don't add it, if you add it, he will jump off!"

"Yes, yes, you can't add it, if you add it, he will jump directly!"

When Lin Yang saw this comment, he was stunned, good guy, how can we not add it?
He cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, if you don't join me, I'll jump right away!"

"Damn it, are you crazy? Is your heart about to jump?"

"Fuck you, bullshit!"

"Add it, can you dance?"

"Yeah, can you not dance after adding it? This is a game of life!"

Lin Yang gave a helpless wry smile, and said, "As long as you join the group, you can watch me dance if you want, or you don't want to watch me dance."

Lin Binbin stared, staring at the screen, said: "What the hell, this public opinion plan is so good, there is no need to jump."

"No, I have to call the navy company!"

He immediately took out his mobile phone and called the navy company directly.

"Mr. Lin? What's the matter?" Sailor Manager asked.

"Have you all watched the mysterious man's live broadcast?" Lin Binbin asked.

"Look, the number of fans is very high now, what do you need us to do?" the manager of the navy asked bluntly.

"Simple, let him jump off for me!" Lin Binbin said viciously.

"It's a matter, the price is not low." The manager of the navy said slowly: "This is a big deal, and accidents will happen if you are not careful."

"Don't you just want to add more money? Make an offer!" Lin Binbin was determined, and said, "As long as it's not too much, I'll pay!"

"2000 million!" Said the manager of the navy: "This price is not negotiable, maybe my whole company will be affected."

"Okay! 2000 million!" Lin Binbin gritted his teeth and said, "I'll pay for it!"

"Okay, cool!" Said the manager of the navy: "Just watch, he will definitely jump down later!"

"I'll give you a 500 million deposit, and he will pay the rest after he jumps down!" Lin Binbin said.

"No problem!" Said the manager of the navy with a half-smile: "Mr. Lin, I have recorded our phone call. If you don't pay, you should know the consequences."

"I know, what nonsense!"

After Lin Binbin finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap.

He stared at the screen with cold eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, since you want to die, then you really want to die for me!"

Lin Binbin rolled his eyes and said to himself, "No, I have to ask the company to reimburse me for the 2000 million."

He called Wang Qian directly and told Wang Qian about the matter.

He said with a smile all over his face: "Mr. Wang, look, such a good opportunity, as long as he dies, won't our company have no rivals?"

"So you want me to give you the 2000 million?" Wang Qian saw through Lin Binbin's thoughts at a glance.

Lin Binbin smiled awkwardly, and said, "Mr. Wang, I don't have any money. If I have money, I will definitely pay for it."

"I will reimburse you the money." Wang Qian said lightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, I—"


Before Lin Binbin finished speaking, Wang Qian hung up the phone.

Wang Qian, who was in the office, watched the live broadcast with great interest while drinking coffee, said.

"It's ridiculous. You want to jump off a building? Do you think you can fly?"

"As long as you jump down, no one in the entire live broadcasting world can threaten me."

Wang Qian whispered, watching the live broadcast with interest.

At this moment, the number of people in Lin Yang's live broadcast room has directly increased to 600 million!

Most of the comment area is now occupied by the sailors that Lin Binbin found.

"The fan base should be full soon, right? I took the time to watch you jump off the building."

"Brother, do you dare to dance? If you don't dance, I will leave directly."

"As long as you dare to jump, I will send you a rocket right away, but I think you are a coward!"

"Brother, you are dancing!"

Lin Yang looked at the comments that made him jump off the building, and a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"The system prompts that the number of fans reaches [-], and the mastery of all musical instruments will be rewarded."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it going to be so soon?"

"The fan base is full, you should dance, right?"

"Who are you? Do you want to watch people jump off the building?"

"It seems that he himself said he wanted to dance?"

"That's right, he said he wanted to dance, so what's our business?"

The comment area was soon captured by the navy.

Lin Yang saw that the comment area was full of comments that made him jump off the building, and felt something was wrong.

He said bluntly to the camera: "Everyone, thank you for persuading me not to jump. But this height is really not difficult for me."

"As for those netizens who want to watch me dance, there is nothing to blame, because I really want to dance."

"But those who are maliciously invited to my live broadcast room, want me to jump off the building, and disrespect the fans, you all save your energy!"

"Going down here is only two or three hundred meters. To me, it's really nothing!"

(End of this chapter)

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