Chapter 358 Superheroes
After Lin Yang finished speaking, Wang Qian, who was watching the live broadcast, had a sneer on his face.

He drank a cup of coffee and said in a low voice, "Even if Lin Yang jumped from such a high place, there should be no bones left, right?"

"Where does this kid get his confidence?"

Lin Binbin sat in front of the computer screen, stunned for a moment, frowned slightly, and thought to himself.

"He found out that these are the sailors I bought?"

He immediately sneered and said in a low voice: "So what if you know? Don't you still want to die?"

He typed a line of text on the keyboard with a sneer on his face, "If you want to jump, jump quickly, don't whine!"

Lin Yang looked at the comment area and happened to see this comment.

He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, just jump, everyone hold your breath and watch!"

After the words fell, Lin Yang stepped onto the edge of the rooftop.

Lin Yang took a photo of the phone camera towards the bottom of his feet.

In front of my eyes are invisible streets, and countless densely packed pedestrians and vehicles.

The streets with traffic and pedestrians are densely packed, almost rubbing shoulders.

And the smooth surface of the building is made of tempered glass, which looks bright and reflective, like flies can't stand on it.

The angle between the building and the ground is almost [-] degrees vertical.

On the smooth surface, only a few opened glass windows stand out, and three balconies stand out from the building itself.

And in this building that is hundreds of meters tall, the distance between the three balconies is tens of meters longer. Even if they could land on the balconies, they probably wouldn't be able to survive.

What's more, the balcony is not big, and a part of the terrace is exposed, which extends out less than two meters. During the vertical fall of tens of meters, it hardly plays any role!
He Lin and He Bing were watching from the balcony, their hearts beating so fast that they almost reached their throats.

The expressions of the two were tense, their eyes were fixed on Lin Yang, and they didn't dare to take a breath, as if Lin Yang would fall if he breathed a sigh of relief.

And Wang Qian, who was watching the live broadcast, was not calm at the moment.

He raised his eyebrows, and whispered in surprise: "This kid is dying? He actually went up?"

Lin Binbin was watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room, holding his breath and concentrating in excitement, feeling involuntarily nervous.

He Lin and the others were nervous because Lin Yang fell, but he was nervous because Lin Yang flinched.

He stared straight at the computer screen, and muttered in his mouth: "Jump, jump!"

At this moment, all the viewers watching the live broadcast in front of the screen saw Lin Yang's perspective at the moment, and their hearts jumped into their throats.

At this moment, Lin Yang's comment area was completely quiet, and no one had anything to worry about to send comments.

Everyone didn't realize that the number of viewers in Lin Yang's live broadcast room at the moment was more than 900 million, and it seemed to be over [-] million!
Under everyone's nervous gaze, Lin Yang looked at the balcony next to the building with a smile on his face.

He handed the mobile phone to He Bing and said, "Hold the mobile phone, so as not to drop it later."

He Bing agreed, took the phone, and said worriedly: "Boss, you—"


As soon as the words were finished, Lin Yang jumped straight up, opened his arms, and fell towards the ground like an eagle.

"Boss!" He Bing yelled, and the camera quickly followed Lin Yang.

Seeing Lin Yang's falling figure, He Bing opened his mouth wide in surprise, his eyes staring as if they were going to pop out of their sockets.

"I, I, oh my god..."

He Lin also hurried to He Bing's side, she was just about to speak.

As a result, when she looked down, she was also stunned.

And everyone who was looking at Lin Yang had almost the same reaction as He Lin and He Bing at this moment!

"This, how is this possible..." Lin Binbin opened his mouth wide enough to hold an egg.

He looked at Lin Yang on the screen, like an eagle, with his arms outstretched, and his body was more like a swooping falcon, and he was able to cling to the wall of the building!
Before everyone could react, an open glass window appeared in front of Lin Yang.

Seeing Lin Yang hit the glass window immediately, He Lin and He Bing were shocked!
"Boss!" The two shouted in unison.

A crazy smile appeared on Lin Binbin's face, and he said, "What the hell, labor and management thought you could really fly! Hit you to death!"

As soon as the words were finished, Lin Yang suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed the edge of the window.

Lin Yang raised his head and smiled at the camera on the edge of the roof.

The next moment, his body swayed, like Tarzan of the ape, he jumped towards the nearest balcony on the lower left of him.


The audience watching the video gasped at this moment.

Lin Binbin stood up all of a sudden, and said in a daze, "Are you raised by a monkey!"

Wang Qian couldn't help but sit up straight, his eyes full of disbelief.

"This, it's impossible..." Wang Qian said in a daze.

The cigar in his hand fell to the ground with a "snap", still emitting white smoke.

Everyone's hearts trembled with Lin Yang at this moment.

I saw Lin Yang swinging in the air, with his arms outstretched, as if gliding, and landed steadily on the balcony.

At this moment, the people in the live broadcast room were boiling!
All kinds of dazzling gifts scurry across the screen, and one rocket after another flashes across the screen as if they don't want money.

And some netizens who were close to Agni Media directly went out and ran downstairs to Agni Media, and some even drove to Jiehuo Media specifically.

All the netizens in the live broadcast room are crazy!
"What an idol. What an effort, the mysterious man, the eternal god!"

"Fairy, god! Fuck, is this a superhero live broadcast series?"

"Wearing a mask, flying over the walls, what the hell? Is the mysterious man really a superhero?"

"Niubi, Niubi, pay attention! Don't talk about it, you will be my big brother from now on!"

"Upstairs, do you think you are qualified to be someone's younger brother?"

"Not enough? Then I'll be his little brother's little brother! Brother, take me a hundred rockets first!"

The live broadcast room was boiling, Lin Yang's action completely shocked everyone!

He Lin and He Bing, who were on the rooftop, looked at Lin Yang as he landed on the balcony, with expressions of "Damn it".

"I, my God, boss, yes, is it Superman?" He Bing said in a daze.

"Could it be that foreign superheroes are actually from big countries?" He Lin also said with a blank face.

And Lin Yang was completely unaware of the sensation he caused.

He glanced at the balcony below, raised his head, and made an "ok" gesture to the camera.

At this moment, everyone was stunned again.

"No way? He still wants to continue dancing?" He Lin said in a daze: "The boss is fine, I'm scared to death."

(End of this chapter)

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