Chapter 359 My God
As soon as the words were finished, she saw Lin Yang leap forward and rush towards a balcony below.

The vertical distance of the next balcony is similar to the one above, less than 100 meters.

But compared to the previous one, this balcony is at the bottom right of the balcony, and it is more than ten meters away from Lin Yang in a straight line!
This means that Lin Yang has to jump more than ten meters to the right and land obliquely on the balcony!The distance of tens of meters, plus the influence of airflow and wind speed, the difficulty can be imagined!

At this moment, a crowd of onlookers had already gathered downstairs, all of them held up their mobile phones and looked at Lin Yang nervously.

Among them was a gringo, who was holding up his mobile phone and kept shouting, "Fake, God! God! This is impossible!"

"This is Da Guo Kung Fu, this is Kung Fu! Oh my God, Hallelujah, this must be light work!"

The foreigner yelled and seemed more excited than the others!
If anyone in the crowd recognized him, they would definitely exclaim!

This gringo is a famous extreme sports enthusiast.

It is also a famous live broadcast on the foreign tube live broadcast platform!
He also plays hang gliding and the like on weekdays, but hang gliding has a gliding suit anyway, and he has to carefully choose the time and weather.

This time, Lin Yang not only didn't have a gliding suit, but also the time was random, and the most important thing was that he didn't have any safety measures!
How difficult it is, he knows better than others!This courage alone is not something ordinary people can have!

He held his head up, fixed his eyes on Lin Yang, and blinked reluctantly.

I saw Lin Yang soaring in the air, like a free eagle, his body was tightly attached to the surface of the building, as if he was being controlled by a big hand.

Seeing that he was about to land on the balcony in front of him, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the railing of the balcony forcefully with one hand!

Lin Yang's five fingers were like hooks, like a vice, firmly locking the railing.

His body fell heavily, and the muscles on his arms were like tight rubber bands, "stretched", tense.

His body was hanging on the edge of the balcony swaying with the wind.

Lin Yang planned to just grab the edge of the balcony and swing towards the balcony below.

But the audience below thought that Lin Yang was about to fall, and they all let out a burst of exclamation.

"Fuck, I'm scared to death, I'm scared to death..." A programmer patted his chest and said, "Just looking at it is exciting enough!"

"My, my God, what is the origin of this mysterious man? Did he eat bear bile?"

"Oh my god, this man is too strong!" A young lady in JK looked up at Lin Yang with a nympho look on her face.

She put her hands in front of her mouth in the shape of a trumpet, and shouted: "Husband, come on!"

"Husband, come on! Come on!" The other girls also shouted.

The men pursed their lips, looking envious and jealous.

A man with fair skin and flashy clothes muttered in a low voice, "Can you be a god even if you are brave?"

"At least accidents are more reliable than a bitch like you!" Miss jk rolled her eyes.

Just as he was about to speak, he noticed the sharp gazes of countless young ladies around him.

He hastily smiled embarrassingly, lowered his head, and muttered in his heart, "How can this kid not fall to his death!"

And at this moment, Lin Binbin in front of the computer screen had the same idea as this sissy brother.

He was staring at the screen, looking at Lin Yang hanging on the edge of the balcony, muttering in a low voice, "Fall! Damn, why didn't he fall to his death!"

He was cursing viciously when suddenly a glass window slashed across the screen!
"Oh! Why didn't you smash him to death!" Lin Binbin said angrily.

At this moment, Lin Yang, who was hanging on the edge of the balcony, was just about to jump off the balcony.

Suddenly, he felt a piece of glass behind his back pass by at an extremely fast speed, and in the sound of the wind whistling in his ears, there was a sharp piercing sound!
As soon as Lin Yang turned his head, the glass window had passed before his eyes, rushing towards the audience downstairs!
Lin Yang felt a "thump" in his heart. Each piece of glass windows in this building is at least half the size of a square!
And they are all extremely thick and heavy tempered glass!

If it hits someone, you will spend the rest of your life in a hospital bed if you don't die!

Lin Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he said to himself, "Human life is important, fight for it!"

As soon as he let go, he kicked on the surface of the building. The strong driving force and falling force made Lin Yang rush down like an eagle swooping down to prey at extreme speed!

At this time, the engineer downstairs pointed at Lin Yang and the glass above and shouted: "Get out of the way! A glass is falling!"

Everyone took a closer look, they were stunned for a few seconds, and then a loud scream broke out from the crowd!
"Run!" The sissy screamed, waving his orchid fingers and was about to run back.

As a result, at a glance from behind, Wuyang Wuyang was full of people.

"Go away!" The programmer pushed the sissy away and rushed out of the crowd.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Miss JK cried out in fright, and rushed out of the crowd.

At this moment, the onlookers discovered that the floor of Lin Yang Company was already crowded with people, and many anchors came to live broadcast this scene.

All of a sudden, there were all kinds of shouts, people falling, and crying!
And the man who was brought to the ground by the engineer just got up, when he raised his head, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

The black shadow got bigger and bigger, Sissy froze in place, and he didn't feel the warm current between his legs.

"I'm dying! I'm dying! I'm dying!"

The sissy opened her mouth wide, looking as if she had been stunned, tears streaming down her face.

At the moment when the glass was about to hit his head, the sissy suddenly hugged her head and shouted, "Mom, help me!"

A hoarse howl attracted the eyes of those who had just run to the side.

Countless people opened their mouths and looked at this scene with a look of surprise.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly descended from the sky!

I saw him somersaulting and kicking on the glass window.

Everyone only heard a "bang", and the glass window was like a dart, spinning and rushing towards the wall beside it.

With a "bang!", a corner of the glass window was directly embedded in the wall.

But on the normally hard tempered glass, there was a "click" sound, and a crack appeared.

Everyone watched the cracks continue to spread, and finally the glass shattered to the ground with a "click"!

At this time, a black shadow fell on the ground.

He was wearing a black tracksuit and a V for Vendetta mask so that his face could not be seen clearly.

He got down on one knee and didn't even fall! 
(End of this chapter)

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