Chapter 360 The Air Is Quiet
Sissy, who was slumped on the ground, didn't feel a headache after a while.

He gradually took his hands from his head, and slowly raised his head.

A masked man appeared in front of him.

He was startled, "ah", rolled his eyes, and passed out directly.

The other people standing aside completely ignored the fainted sissy.

At this moment, the air is quiet.

Everyone used the same stiff, surprised expression, full of surprise, trembling pupils, looking at the mysterious man wearing a mask in front of them.

"Crack, crack. Crack..."

I don't know who in the crowd started to applaud first, and then countless people started to applaud together, and the street was filled with thunderous applause!

"Long live the mysterious man!"

"Mysterious man is awesome!"

"Mysterious man, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Mysterious man, sign me up!"

Hundreds of people, Wuyang Wuyang, rushed towards Lin Yang like a surging tide.

Lin Yang froze for a moment, pointed to the fainted sissy on the ground and said, "Send him to the hospital! I will pay for the medical bills!"

After speaking, Lin Yang ran towards the company gate.

Suddenly, at this time, a stray Mandarin sounded behind Lin Yang.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, I am a member of the Shanghai Extreme Sports Club! I hope you will endorse us!"

It was the gringo who spoke just now.

The eyes of the crowd also looked towards him involuntarily, at this moment someone recognized him immediately.

"A plant! Isn't that David?"

"David is here, the mysterious man is indeed an eternal god!"

"Oh my God, David, I'm your fan! Your tube live content is so interesting!"

There was some commotion in the crowd because of David's appearance.

Lin Yang also stopped, looked back at him, and said, "You want me to be your endorser?"

"Yes!" David said firmly: "I thought about finding some athletes, but top international basketball players are too expensive."

"Some other athletes don't have much influence in Shanghai."

"So, I feel that you are the most suitable spokesperson for us! The point is, your extreme sports ability is incredible."

David looked at Lin Yang with excitement and admiration, talking a lot.

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and thought to himself: "Now receiving more endorsements should also expand the influence..."

"You and I go to the office to talk." Lin Yang said.

"Great! Let's go! I hope we can sign the contract today!" David said impatiently, "As long as we can afford your price, sign the contract immediately!"

"We'll talk about this later." Lin Yang smiled, made a gesture of invitation, and walked towards the company's gate.

"Mysterious man, you haven't signed us yet?"

"Mysterious man, let's take a photo together!"

"Mysterious man, I want to give birth to a monkey for you, do you have a girlfriend?"

A group of fans also rushed into the company, but they were stopped by the security guard before taking two steps.

Lin Yang took David into the elevator and went straight to the top floor.

As soon as the elevator door came, a figure suddenly rushed towards Lin Yang, accompanied by the tangy body odor.

"You scared me to death just now!" Lin Miaomiao hugged Lin Yang's neck, his eyes were red.

Lin Yang rubbed her hair and gave her a look.

Lin Miaomiao looked at David at the side, immediately let go of his hand, wiped his eyes, lowered his head, and said shyly, "I'm going back to work first."

The girl's face was red to the ears, and she ran away at a trot.

David looked at Lin Miaomiao who ran away, a flash of desire flashed in his eyes, and then it disappeared.

He said enviously: "Mr. Mysterious Man, you are so lucky. The lady just now is very beautiful."

"Thank you, but she is not my girlfriend, but my sister." Lin Yang said lightly.

"So that's how it is." David suddenly realized, "No wonder she called you brother."

Lin Yang smiled again, and led him towards Bai Ning's office.

At this time, He Lin was also preparing to go to the office to find Bai Ning.

As soon as she saw Lin Yang, she rushed up and said excitedly: "Boss, you are so worried about me! You are so amazing!"

Lin Yang smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled, and was about to eat when He Lin suddenly hugged Lin Yang with a bear hug.

"Boss, you are working too hard! You scared me to death!" He Lin said with tears.

Just now when Lin Yang hung one hand on the edge of the balcony, He Lin was terrified. Later, Lin Yang even skipped the third balcony and rushed directly down, scaring He Lin even more.

He Lin cried not only because she was worried about Lin Yang, but also because she was scared.

"All right, all right, I have something to do with Bai Ning." Lin Yang patted her on the back, pointed to David beside him, and said, "Why is this David from the extreme sports club?"

David thought to himself from the side: "The fire media is full of beauties? Isn't this mysterious person enjoying himself to death?"

He watched He Lin stretch out her hand, and said, "You...well..."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, He Lin lowered her head and ran away blushing.

David smiled and said, "Who, is this lady your employee? Really, really enthusiastic..."

Lin Yang also smiled awkwardly, and said to himself, "What's going on, have you started hugging people?"

The two came to the door of Bai Ning's office, knocked on the door, and said, "Bai Ning, open the door, I have something to tell you."

"Lin Yang?" Bai Ning said excitedly, "Here we come!"

"Mr. Mysterious Man, isn't this manager also a woman?" David asked.

"Yes." Lin Yang said.

David whispered: "You should have another hug."

"No, Bai Jing she—"

"You scared me to death!"

Before Lin Yang finished speaking, his eyes suddenly went dark, and a figure threw himself into his arms.

David on the side looked at Lin Yang with envy in his eyes and an awkward smile on his lips.

Lin Yang also glanced at David, smiled embarrassingly, and said to himself, "This thing won't be misunderstood, right?"

"Okay, okay, isn't it all right?" Lin Yang patted Bai Ning's back and comforted him.

"Who told you to play so big!" Bai Ning said angrily.

"Let me introduce. This is David, from the extreme sports club. He wants me to speak for him." Lin Yang pointed to David beside him and introduced.

Only then did Bai Ning realize David's existence.

She quickly touched the few tears in the corner of her eyes, and took two steps back, avoiding Lin Yang by a few steps.

"Mr. David, hello." Bai Ning immediately returned to the appearance of a strong woman, and the smile on his face was just right.

"How come I'm not enthusiastic anymore." David thought to himself, "If I come here often, maybe I can hook up with one or two."

He also stretched out his hand, shook hands with Bai Ning, and said, "Hello, Manager Bai, right? Are you the manager of Mr. Mysterious Man?" 
(End of this chapter)

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