Chapter 363 Sushi Restaurant

Director Shi Di looked her up and down, and thought to himself: "Face plastic surgery, I don't know where I have done it on my body."

"This kind of woman really has no appetite at all."

He said with disgust, "You can leave now, we have a new candidate."

"A new candidate?" Ya Ling thought it was a bolt from the blue!

She has already marketed this news in China, and she has already publicized it on various platforms.

The friends in the circle are already well-known, this time, she is full of confidence, and she is waiting to go back to fill the cup.

But I didn't expect that when I first met someone, I was rejected directly!
If people found out this time, wouldn't they be laughed to death?

When she thought that she would become the target of ridicule by the black people all over the Internet, she felt a chill down her spine.

How could such a shameful thing like throwing it at grandma's house happen?

She hurriedly trotted all the way to Director Shidi, with the director's hand on her chest, and said flatteringly and charmingly.

"Mr. Steele, what's wrong with me? Why do you want to change?"

"What's more, I am the most popular in the whole big country, why not use me? If you change people, who do you want to change?"

Yaling exhaled like blue, her big eyes blinked like butterfly wings, and her body was as soft as a water snake, clinging to Shi Di.

Yaling has absolute confidence in her body!
She thought to herself, "We must not let this endorsement go away!"

"No man can run away from me! This Stie will definitely promise my mother tonight!"

She has enough confidence in herself.

But she didn't know, how could Shi Di, who had seen all the stunning beauty in the world, take such a plastic face?

Shi Di sneered, and pushed her away mercilessly, with a disdainful expression on his face.

He patted his sleeve, as if it was dirty after being touched by Ya Ling.

"You, leave the ditch company now! Otherwise, I'll call the security guard!"

"Who would like a woman like you? None of the parts on your body should belong to you, right?"

"Hurry up, don't get my eyes dirty! You can't control what our company decides!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Di turned around and left without even bothering to look at Ya Ling!
Yaling stood there, stunned for a while, completely bewildered.

She stood there in a daze for ten seconds, only feeling that her mind was blank.

In the big country, every time she appeared, a large group of men would surround him, eager to praise her to the sky!
Among them, there are also some rich second generations.

But what she didn't expect was that one day she would be so disgusted by others!
This not only made her feel ashamed, but also made her feel angry!
But she absolutely did not dare to trouble the ditch company.

Not to mention her, even the company behind her is not as good as the ditch company!

Her anger can only be turned on the person who snatched away her spokesperson for the Asia-Pacific region!
"No matter who steals my endorsement, I will definitely not let her have a good time!"

Yaling gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with hatred!

And all of this was seen by her manager from behind.

Her manager's face was full of pleasure of revenge, and he thought to himself: "It really deserves it!"

But she still looked concerned on the surface, hurried forward and asked with concern: "Yaling, what's the matter?"

"Which Boss Stie signed you?"

When the manager said this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

And Ya Ling didn't even look at her manager, so naturally she didn't see this smile either.

"Go back to China!" Yaling said angrily, "I want to know who took my position as the image ambassador for the Asia-Pacific region!"

Yaling looked unhappy, carrying her bag and walking out in high heels.

At this moment, Lin Yang was still lying flat at home, not knowing about it at all.

What's more, he didn't know that after he entered the mainstream, there would be a lot of trouble.

At night, Lin Yang was resting in bed when his cell phone rang suddenly.

After picking up the phone, Bai Ning's voice came from the other end, saying, "Lin Yang, I want to invite you to be a guest at an event, will you go?"

"What event?" Lin Yang asked, "Why haven't you come back yet, are you still in the company?"

"Boss, do you think I'm like you, going home after the live broadcast?" Bai Ning rolled his eyes and said, "Well, you come to pick me up from get off work, how about we go out for dinner?"

"Are you sure you want me to wear a mask to eat out?" Lin Yang said, "Aren't you afraid of paparazzi?"

"Don't worry." Bai Ning said mysteriously: "I booked a restaurant, it will be fine! There are private rooms, and it's very private!"

"Okay, then I'll pick you up." Lin Yang said, "Bring He Lin and He Bing."

"They're going back, it's just me, you and Miaomiao." Bai Ning said.


After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang immediately drove to pick up Bai Ning and left for get off work.

When they came downstairs to Agni Media, Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao got into the car after a while.

"Okay, let's go out to eat!" Sitting in the back seat, Lin Miaomiao said with dancing, "I've wanted to go out to eat for a long time."

"I'm either at home or at work every day, it's so boring."

She dragged her cheeks with both hands.Pouted, looking bored.

"You and Bai Ning can go out to eat by yourself." Lin Yang said.

"How is that possible!" Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes and said, "Sister Bai Ning seems to be a different person when she goes to work, it's terrible!"

"And a workaholic! Working non-stop, that's amazing! There's no way she's going out to eat."

"Lin Miaomiao! I'm your boss!" Bai Ning glared at Lin Miaomiao feigning anger.

"I see, Manager Bai." Lin Miaomiao lowered her head, shrank her head, and stuck out her tongue.

"Hahaha, I don't care about your going to work." Lin Yang laughed, and said, "Miaomiao, you have to listen to Bai Ning about going to work."

"I know!" Lin Miaomiao said, "I've been working too, but I can't keep up with Sister Bai Ning's speed."

"Ordinary people are really incomparable to Bai Ning." Lin Yang said, "Okay, let's go, let's eat first."

"By the way, today I ordered an island sushi restaurant called Underground Cuisine in the city center." Bai Ning said, "This is a handmade high-end sushi restaurant."

"Ordinary people usually can't get a seat. I managed to get a seat, and there is only one box in it! Fortunately, I snatched it!"

"Wow, does that cost a lot of money? Sister Bai Ning is so rich." Lin Miaomiao said from the side.

"Sister Miaomiao, when we go out to eat with the boss, do we have to pay for it ourselves?" Bai Ning pushed his glasses and said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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