Chapter 364 Eating
While driving the car, Lin Yang jokingly said, "Okay, I'm a rich man today, so you can slaughter as you want!"

The three went straight to the sushi restaurant.

At this moment, at the entrance of a bar, a stylishly dressed man was smoking a cigarette and leaning against the sports car.

And beside him, there are some men who are dressed in the same fashion as him. The clothes on each body are expensive, and they all have luxury cars.

Such a group of rich second generations is not uncommon in Shanghai, and people on the street are no strangers to it.

"Young Master Huang, how is your family's recent profit?" A man in a white leather jacket and black jeans asked sadly, smoking a cigarette.

"Mother, don't ask me this." The man called Huang Shao said.

He was wearing a fisherman hat, sportswear, and a pair of domestic sports shoes on his feet.

He smashed the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground, and said: "Fuck, a bunch of bad guys, now they all want to wear foreign goods, so they feel like they are rich."

"Young Master Huang, don't get too angry. As long as you find a good spokesperson and make a good sale, you will be fine." Another man comforted.

"Okay, let's go, go eat." Huang Shao shook his head and said.

"What to eat?" A man in a yellow coat asked.

"Go to underground sushi, I have members who don't need to make an appointment." Huang Shao said.

"I'll go, Huang Shaoniu, everyone said that it's difficult to make an appointment at the underground sushi restaurant. You actually have a membership card?" the man in yellow said enviously.

"That's, you think Huang Shao spent the past two years in Shanghai for nothing?" The man in white leather flattered him.

Huang Shao sneered, opened the car door, and said, "Go, let's eat!"

The three rich second generations were driving sports cars, the whole street was occupied by the roar, and they went to the sushi restaurant ostentatiously.

After a while, three sports cars stopped at the entrance of the underground sushi restaurant.

This underground sushi restaurant is not located underground, it just means that this sushi restaurant is very small and not many people know about it.

After all, even if ordinary people know about it, they can’t afford it, and it’s useless to know about it.

The storefront of this store is not big, about 30 square meters.

There are two red lanterns hanging in front of the store, and a wooden door is closed tightly, with a sign on it that reads "Closed business today."

"Brother, it's closed." The man in the white leather jacket said, "How about we change to another one?"

"That's closed for ordinary people, I said, I have a member!"

Young Master Huang pushed open the wooden door and walked in with the two of them swaggeringly.

An old man in the sushi restaurant was concentrating on making sushi, and three diners were sitting at one of the few tables.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the old man said without raising his head: "The business is closed, please come out and listen."

"It's me." Huang Shao sat down in front of the bar and said, "Open a box."

The old man stuffed the sushi in his hand into his mouth, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Huang, the box is reserved, you are late."

"But since Mr. Huang is here, please wait a moment, and come back after the other diners have finished eating."

"What?" Young Master Huang became angry immediately.

He boasted just now and said that he has privileges.

It's good now, not only there is no private room, but also you have to wait for dinner, where does this make him lose face?
"Mr. Huang, did I not understand what I said just now?" The old man said neither humble nor overbearing: "Please go out and wait for a while, so as not to affect the diners to eat."

"If you bother the diners again, I'm going to re-make the sushi for the diners."

The old man was neither humble nor overbearing, and looked at Huang Shao with cloudy eyes, without any fear at all.

"Old man, are you stupid? I'm a member! How much did labor cost you?" Huang Shao snapped: "I tell you, today I not only want to eat now, I also want to eat in the private room!"

"Mr. Huang!" The old man frowned, and said with a more serious tone, "Why are you so unreasonable!"

"What did you say?" Young Master Huang frowned, looked at the old man arrogantly, and said, "How dare you talk to me like that?"

"The labor and management will tell you today! I will not be reasonable today!"

After finishing the words, Young Master Huang pushed the old man away, and angrily walked towards the box.

Seeing this, the other diners looked at each other and left the restaurant one by one.

"It's unlucky, why did you meet this prince today?" a diner muttered in a low voice.

"Don't talk, what if you are overheard?" Another diner reminded.

Seeing this, the old man was furious!
Although he cooks sushi, he is also an authentic big countryman.

He learned cooking since he was a child, and later became obsessed with sushi. He went to the island country to learn this kind of sushi. Now he has been cooking for most of his life.

Not only does he cook according to the rules, but he also cares about the enjoyment of the diners in the store.

Now Young Master Huang not only broke the rules in his shop, but also ruined the enjoyment of his diners, which challenged his bottom line!
He rushed forward with a stride, trying to grab Huang Shao.

As a result, the man in the yellow coat directly pushed the old man hard.

"Get out and make sushi for me. Since Young Master Huang wants to eat it, you have to make it!"

The old man staggered and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Young Master Huang kicked the door of the box.

With a bang, the door was kicked open.

And the three people sitting in the box were Bai Ning, Lin Yang and Lin Miaomiao.

The three of them froze for a moment, Lin Yang immediately lowered his head and put on the mask with sharp eyes and quick hands.

"Oh, are you still wearing a mask? Are you cosplaying with my brother?" Huang Shao said sharply, "No matter what kind of moths you guys are playing, get the hell out of here now!"

While speaking, Huang Shao looked up and down, looked back and forth at Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao several times, as if wishing to put his eyes on the two girls.

The eyes of the two men behind him were also green, shining with strong desire.

Bai Ning frowned, glanced at Lin Yang, and said in a low voice, "Let's go, he is the son of the owner of Feili Clothing."

Lin Yang frowned, not wanting to cause trouble, got up slowly, and said, "Okay, let's go."

Just as Lin Yang took a step forward with the two girls, Young Master Huang suddenly stepped forward and stopped Lin Yang.

"Wait, you can go, these two girls, you can stay."

When Huang Shao was talking, he didn't even look at Lin Yang, his eyes kept wandering around the two girls.

Lin Miaomiao subconsciously hid behind Lin Yang.

Bai Ning also took Lin Yang's hand and leaned against Lin Yang.

Seeing this, Huang Shao showed a bit of jealousy in his eyes, and said, "Good guy, two beauties? You kid can play?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lin Yang said flatly, "Please step aside and let my friend and I leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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