Chapter 365 Too impulsive
Young Master Huang sneered and said, "Don't you understand what labor and management are saying?"

"You!" Huang Shao pointed at Lin Yang's chest and said, "Get lost!"

"Leave them to me!" He pointed at the two girls again.

"Impossible." Lin Yang said firmly.

At this time, the man in the yellow coat frowned, looked Lin Yang up and down, and said, "Boy, why do I think you look familiar?"

"Are you crazy? Does he look familiar when he's wearing a mask?" Huang Shao said.

"No, Young Master Huang, he seems to be the popular anchor now, what's his name... By the way, the mysterious man!" said the man in the yellow coat.

"Yo, the mysterious man?" Huang Shao sneered, and jokingly said, "I thought it was a big man, but it turned out to be an anchor."

"So, get the hell out of here now, and labor and management will reward you in your live broadcast room tomorrow. How about it? Well, the big brother!"

Young Master Huang patted his chest triumphantly, held his head high, and said, "Come on, call Big Brother Bang to listen, and I'll give you a reward right away."

"No need." Lin Yang said coldly, "Please step aside!"

Lin Yang emphasized his tone again.

"I'm going to Nima!" Huang Shao said viciously: "I've given you a face? A mysterious person, right? I want to see how mysterious you are today!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Shao stretched out his hand and was about to grab Lin Yang's mask.

As soon as he raised his hand, before he even touched Lin Yang, he felt something flash in front of him. The next moment, his hand could no longer move forward!

He rubbed his eyes with the other hand, and looked at Lin Yang in surprise.

Before he could react at all, Lin Yang grabbed his wrist.

He struggled for a while, but found that Lin Yang's fingers were like a vice, pinching his hand tightly!
His face was flushed, but Lin Yang's hands still didn't move at all!
"You, let me loose!" Huang Shao pointed at Lin Yang's mask, and said, "Otherwise, labor and management will immediately buy navy troops to blackmail you tomorrow!"

"Whatever you want." Lin Yang said indifferently, "I want you to get out of the way immediately!"

"You—" Huang Shao was furious, waved his hand, and said, "You two, give me a hand!"

The two men looked at each other, then rushed towards Lin Yang with their fists raised.



The two men had just taken two steps forward, and Huang Shao hadn't recovered before he heard two "bang bangs".

He took a closer look, and the two men had disappeared in front of him.

Both of them fell to the corners of the walls on both sides, clutching their stomachs and howling.

Huang Shao glanced at the two attendants left and right, felt a "thump" in his heart, and thought to himself: "Fuck, isn't Lin Yang dead? Why is there such a BT anchor again?"

"What the hell are all martial arts masters coming out to play live broadcasts?"

Huang Shao looked shocked, and looked at Lin Yang with a little more fear in his eyes.

But when he saw the beauty of Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao, he was unwilling to let it go.

What's more, his younger brother has been beaten. If he admits to being cowardly, if this spreads again, he will not be in the rich second generation circle of Shanghai in the future.

"You, don't you, don't mess around with me! Do you know who Laozi is!" Huang Shao pointed at Lin Yang and said boldly.

"You are the young owner of Feili Clothing, and then what?" Lin Yang said in a cold tone, "Now, can we leave?"

Huang Shao was stunned, and said: "You, you are an anchor, since you know me, you still dare to provoke me?"

Lin Yang sneered, and shook off his hand.

Huang Shao staggered two steps and bumped into the table beside him.


"Retaliate against me as you want, but if you dare to attack people around me, don't blame me for being rude."

Lin Yang didn't even look at him, and left the box with Lin Miaomiao and Bai Ning.

Huang Shao was directly ignored by Lin Yang.

As a well-known rich second generation in the devil's capital, when was he taught this way and ignored like this?

He looked at Lin Yang's leaving back, and the anger in his heart rushed to his brain.

He yelled at Lin Yang's back: "What the hell are you waiting for me!"

"Who do you think you are? An anchor. No matter how awesome you are, labor and management can kill you!"

"The two women next to you will belong to labor and management sooner or later! Labor and management will make them kneel on my bed and sing conquest!"

Lin Yang stopped walking immediately when he heard this, a surge of anger surged in his heart.

Seeing Lin Yang's footsteps stop, Young Master Huang felt a "thump" in his heart.

He knew that if Lin Yang turned around, he would definitely not be his opponent!

Bai Ning at the side tugged at his arm, and said in a low voice, "Forget it, let's go!"

"Forget it, brother Lin Yang." Lin Miaomiao persuaded in a low voice.

Lin Yang took a deep breath, nodded, and prepared to leave.

At this moment, the owner of the sushi restaurant suddenly yelled at the box: "Mr. Huang, why are you so rude to my customers? Get out!"

While speaking, the old man rushed into the box angrily.

Huang Shaozheng was furious, and when he saw the old man rushing in, he was furious!
"I'm an idiot!" Huang Shao cursed and kicked the old man's stomach.


With a muffled sound, the old man fell out of the box directly.

As soon as Lin Yang reached the door, he stopped and looked back.

The old man was lying on the door of the box, clutching his chest, with a painful expression on his face.

In the private room, Young Master Huang cursed angrily, and said, "Go to hell with me! Labor and management smashed your shop today!"

As soon as the words fell, Young Master Huang rushed out holding a chair, and was about to smash it on the old man's head.

Seeing this, Lin Yang was furious and rushed to Young Master Huang.

Before the latter could react, Lin Yang snatched the chair back.

The next moment, Lin Yang unceremoniously kicked Huang Shao in the stomach.

Huang Shao only felt that his stomach was hit hard by a car, and his internal organs were squeezed together in an instant, as if he was about to be torn apart.

The powerful force sent Huang Shao flying up, and slammed into the wall behind the box.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

Huang Shao stuck to the wall for a while, and then slowly fell off from the last time.

Young Master Huang's face was pale, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

He clutched his stomach. "Pfft" spit out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out directly.

"Young Master Huang!"

Seeing this, the two followers hurried forward enduring the pain and helped him up.

The two attendants took a look and were about to speak harshly.

But seeing Lin Yang's sharp gaze, he swallowed his words again, and silently carried Huang Shao away from the sushi restaurant.

"Sir, you, you are too impulsive!" The old man got up from the ground and said with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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