Chapter 367

Qin Tianming took a sip of tea, raised his eyes, and asked, "What does he want from me?"

"Not sure." Butler Lin bowed slightly and said, "His tone is very strange, as if he has malicious intentions."

"Oh?" Qin Tianming sneered, put back the teacup, and said, "Prepare the car, I'll go see him."


At this moment, Huang Qing was sitting in the reception room of a private club in his family.

He was sitting at a long table with steaming coffee.

There is also a laptop on the table, the computer is a forum for discussing mysterious people, and various videos.

"Xiaojuan, do you think there are such strange people in this world?" Huang Qing asked jokingly, smoking a pipe.

"I think it's probably fake, it's just that those fans have been led into rhythm." Xiaojuan said while pouring coffee for Huang Qing.

"Nowadays, netizens are like a bunch of mad dogs who don't understand how the capital behind it works."

"Hahahaha." Huang Qing laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said: "You are right, this kind of netizens are a bunch of mad dogs!"

"However, if this video is really fake, some netizens should be able to check it out, right?"

Xiaojuan shook her head and said, "I'm not sure about that, maybe these netizens are just watching the fun."

Huang Qing took out shredded tobacco and stuffed it into the pipe, shook his head, and said, "In my opinion, this video should be real."

"Really?" Xiaojuan said with a look of surprise: "In this world, is there really someone who can jump from such a high place and be fine?"

"These are not necessarily the case. The world is so big that there are no surprises." Huang Qing raised a playful smile on his face, and said, "However, even such a strange person can't compete with capital."

"Old Huang, why did you remember to come to me?"

At this time, there was a hearty voice at the door.

A middle-aged man in a suit with a neat back comb came in with great strides, and swaggered and sat opposite Huang Qing.

"Brother Qin, we haven't been together for a while, it seems that you have done a lot of amazing things."

Huang Qing's words were stinging, and the smile on his face looked a little sinister.

Qin Tianming took out a cigar, lit it slowly, and said casually: "Old Huang, tell me what you have to say, I'm very busy."

Huang Qing frowned slightly, then smiled sassyly, and said, "Okay, then I'll be straight."

"Brother Qin, what does that Bai Ning have to do with you? Agni Media has changed owners a long time ago, why did you say it wasn't sold?"


Qin Tianming turned off the lighter, and slapped the lighter on the table with a "snap".

He stared straight at Huang Qing with cold and domineering eyes, and said, "You are investigating me!"

Huang Qing took a sip of coffee, leaned back on the chair, smoked a pipe, and said in a cold tone: "I have to investigate!"

"Brother Qin, we've always been good friends, but this time, you have to tell me the truth!"

Qin Tianming put his hands on his chest, looked at Huang Qing in front of him coldly, and said, "What are you talking about? What do you want to know?"

"What does this Bai Ning have to do with you!" Huang Qing said coldly, "That mysterious man beat my son! He is still lying in the hospital. I have to explain this matter!"


Qin Tianming suddenly slapped the table hard and stood up abruptly.

His eyes were cold and domineering, and he pointed at Huang Qing's nose and said, "Huang Qing, let me advise you, your son deserved it if he was beaten!"

"You'd better not provoke Bai Ning and the mysterious man, otherwise you will feel better!"

Huang Qing frowned, and said coldly: "It seems that this Bai Ning is really yours? Qin Tianming, your people beat my son—"

"Miss Bai and the mysterious man are not my people." Qin Tianming interrupted him, and said, "They are people I can't afford to offend! Let me advise you, my son was also taught a lesson by the mysterious man."

After all, Qin Tianming turned around and left, leaving a sentence, saying: "To deal with them, you'd better weigh yourself!"

Huang Qing frowned and watched Qin Tianming leave blankly.

He thought in shock, "Here, Miss Bai? What is the origin of the mysterious man, that the Qin family dare not provoke him?"

Xiaojuan also looked blank on the side, and asked: "Sir, it seems that the Qin family is not the backer of the mysterious person. It seems that the mysterious person is the backer of the Qin family."

Huang Qing breathed out a long breath, and said: "It seems that this matter is not that simple. If what Qin Tianming said is true, we have to take a long-term plan to deal with the mysterious man..."

And Qin Tianming, who had just left, immediately called Lin Yang as soon as he got in the car.

When the phone was connected, he immediately changed his tone and asked respectfully: "Mr. Lin, I didn't bother you, did I?"

"No." Lin Yang's voice came from the other end of the phone, asking, "Why did Mr. Qin come to me suddenly?"

"It's just a small matter." Qin Tianming asked: "Mr. Lin, do you have any problems with the young master of the Huang family?"

"How do you know about this? They're looking for you?" Lin Yang's doubtful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes, they investigated Liehuo Media." Qin Tianming smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

"Then I'll trouble you." Lin Yang said, "You can tell me what's going on, after all, it's my business."

Qin Tianming smiled sassyly, and said: "Mr. Lin, what you said, I still have a way to deal with the Huang family. I won't bother you with such a trivial matter."

"Thank you then." Lin Yang said.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tianming leaned on the back of the seat, let out a breath, and said, "I hope that old boy Huang Qing is a little bit self-aware!"

"Sir, are we so respectful to Lin Yang?" Lin Butler, who was driving, asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you see his skill that day?" Qin Tianming said, "Dodging bullets is terrifyingly fast."

"The more I think about it, the more unbelievable it becomes. If this kind of person is alone, maybe it's not something to be afraid of."

"But what if he's not alone? Do you think he was born to dodge bullets?"

Steward Lin, who was driving the car, was startled, and exclaimed, "You mean, he has brothers from the same school?"

Qin Tianming nodded and said, "It's very possible! If that's the case, who knows what people in such a mysterious sect are doing?"

Butler Lin immediately understood what Qin Tianming meant.

He was startled, and said in a low voice: "If there really is such a sect, there really are a group of such people."

"Then no matter what they want to do, they are all blessed by nature. No matter what industry they are in, they must be dragons and phoenixes among the people!"

"That's right. Besides, they don't show off their mountains and show off their water. Who knows what the origin of this sect is?" Qin Tianming said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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