Chapter 368 Lun's Idol

Lin Yang, who had finished answering the call, just put down the phone when Bai Ning rang his office room.

"Boss, Ke'er called me just now, saying that Zhou Jielun wants to see you and confirm the rehearsal schedule with you." Bai Ning said while flipping through the documents in his hand.

"Then did she tell us when to go?" Lin Yang asked.

"The sooner the better, preferably today or tomorrow." Bai Ning said, put the file on Lin Yang's desk, and said, "Look at these data."

"Here is the data of our income, expenditure, and network influence so far when we established the company?"

After finishing speaking, Bai Ning turned around and left.

Lin Yang opened the file, the first page was the income information.

Lin Yang took a closer look, the income during this period was completely beyond his original idea!
"How long did it take to earn 800 million yuan?" Lin Yang said in a daze, "In less than a month, how much did you earn?"

One month, 800 million, don't say this is a live studio.

Even some listed companies and large enterprises have a net profit of less than 800 million in a day!
Lin Yang glanced at the expenditure item again, and was even more surprised.

"I'll go, is this company so profitable?" Lin Yang was stunned for a moment.

In addition to the labor costs and daily expenses of the whole company, it is the payment of some websites, and there are almost no other costs!
Adding all these ins and outs together, it would be less than 200 million at all!

"I'm going, this industry is really profitable, no wonder, now so many people want to be an anchor, so many people want to start a live broadcast company."

Lin Yang then opened the network data again.

And what was shown in this information surprised him even more!
"The number of hot searches on the Internet, 8000 times? Domestic video hits, 500 million, and foreign [-] million?"

"There are more than 50 forums about mysterious people on the entire network? There are more than 700 million fans in the live broadcast room? There are 300 million fans on a certain blog?"

Looking at these data, Lin Yang was stunned.

He never thought that in less than a month, such a sensation could be caused.

It's just that most of this phenomenon-level sensation happened after Lin Yang's jumping performance yesterday.

He put down the document in his hand, thought for a moment, and said in a low voice: "The influence is enough, the next step is to revive Lin Yang."

While speaking, he glanced at the mask in his hand, and said in a low voice, "It's really uncomfortable to go out with a mask all day..."

The next morning...

Just as Lin Yang woke up in the room, there was a sound of footsteps in the living room.

As soon as he opened the door, Bai Ning was already fully dressed and packed a small suitcase.

"Are you awake? Go and have breakfast, we'll go out to find Ke'er later." Bai Ning said.

"So fast?" Lin Yang stretched his waist and said, "All right."

At this moment, Lin Ke'er, who was far away in the imperial capital, was in the same recording studio with Zhou Jielun.

They sat on a tea table, Zhou Jielun looked at the news on his mobile phone, and said in surprise.

"Ker, didn't you say that your friend Lin Yang... died?"

Lin Ke'er was stunned for a moment, and said in a daze: "No, how is this possible? Did you read the news there?"

"No, look." Jay Chou handed the phone to Lin Ke'er.

Looking at the news above, Lin Ke'er stared wide-eyed, and said incredulously: "Impossible, this must be fake news, I was on the phone with Lin Yang just two days ago."

"This..." Zhou Jielun scratched his head and said, "Fake news? Then why didn't Lin Yang speak out?"

"Oh, Lin Yang just likes to be clean, and now some people say that he is dead, and it happens that no one bothers him." Lin Keer said, "Brother Lin Yang is here today, you will know when you see him."

"He's coming today?" Zhou Jielun was startled, and said, "Then I have to prepare to pick him up."

"Okay, I want to go too." Lin Ke'er smiled into crescent moons and said, "I haven't seen him for a long time."

"By the way, he won't come with the mysterious man?" Zhou Jielun exclaimed.

"It's possible." Lin Ke'er said with a smile.

"No, I have to get ready and get someone to pick them up." Zhou Jielun said excitedly: "Lin Yang and the mysterious man are both masters! I have to make a big battle!"

"Huh? Lin Yang doesn't like being too high-profile." Lin Ke'er said.

"No matter what, I have to show that I value them!"

Zhou Jielun looked excited, and hurriedly started making phone calls to prepare.

Lin Ke'er drank tea at the side, shook her head, and said in a low voice: "Oh, he is really a music madman, and his influence is obviously not as good as yours."

In the eyes of other fans, Zhou Jielun is a heavenly king and an idol.

But those who are close to Zhou Jielun know that Zhou Jielun is not only an idol, but also a music madman!More like a musician, an artist.

And Lin Yang's singing skills can be said to be the highest level on this earth.

Such a person may be nothing more than an Internet celebrity in the eyes of others.

But in Zhou Jielun's eyes, this person is definitely a great god!
Others regarded Zhou Jielun as an idol, but Zhou Jielun regarded Lin Yang as an idol!

But Lin Yang and Bai Ning didn't even know that they were sitting in the first class cabin of the plane, waiting for the plane to land.

At the same time, in the first-class cabin of Lin Yang's previous flight, a man wearing a black hat, mask, and fashionable clothes was also rushing to the imperial capital.

He was lying on a chair in the first-class cabin, with earphones on his ears, and was resting with his eyes closed.

Suddenly there was an intoxicating fragrance around him.

He subconsciously opened his eyes, and saw a girl in a long black dress proudly passing by him and sitting next to him.

This girl's facial features are exquisite, and she looks a bit like a Barbie doll. It is obvious that she has been touched by a knife.

But for this man, it doesn't matter if he has used a knife, as long as he looks good.

Moreover, the bag, shoes, clothes and hats on the girl's body are worth more than 30!

And a watch in her hand cost hundreds of thousands!

The man took a look at the woman, and said secretly: "Sure enough, it seems that it is not easy to go to the imperial capital and still take the first class."

And the woman seemed to have noticed the man's gaze.

She frowned and glanced at the man in disgust.

The expression on her face suddenly became surprised, and said: "You are Lin Binbin?"

This man is Lin Binbin!
He was overjoyed, and secretly said: "Could it be my fan?" 
(End of this chapter)

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