Chapter 369
Lin Binbin immediately said: "Yes, I am Lin Binbin."

The woman's eyes suddenly brightened, and the smile on her face became elegant.

"Don't you know me?" The woman asked softly with her eyeballs rolling.

Lin Binbin looked at her face for a long time, and felt a little familiar.

He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, pointed at the girl, and said, "I see, you are Ya Ling?"

"It's me!" Yaling smiled sweetly, and said, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Yeah, what a coincidence." Lin Binbin kept wandering his eyes on Yaling, and asked, "What are you doing in the imperial capital?"

"Me? I'm going home." Ya Ling said with a smile.

The smile on her face was gentle and kind, but her heart was full of disgust for Lin Binbin!

"If Gouzi's Asia-Pacific image ambassador hadn't changed, and the company asked me to find a popular Internet celebrity to cooperate with and gain attention, how could my old lady talk to a dick like you?"

Lin Binbin didn't know what Yaling was thinking at all, he thought that Yaling had taken a fancy to him.

Otherwise, why are you chatting with him so enthusiastically?

"Are you going to see Zhou Jielun's concert?" Lin Binbin asked immediately.

"I don't believe it, you don't want to get closer to Zhou Jielun! He is a heavenly king!"

Lin Binbin thought so in his heart, and he still looked complacent, and the words "come and curry favor with me" were almost written on his face.

Ya Ling pretended to be admiring, and said, "You are going to be Zhou Jielun's opening guest, right? It's too powerful, ordinary people don't look up to King Zhou at all."

But she was slandering in her heart, and said.

"Isn't it great to be the opening guest for Zhou Jielun? This kind of opening guest is completely a hot spot, and it is used to increase the preparation time for the backstage."

And Lin Binbin didn't know what Ya Ling was thinking at all, being flattered by such a popular actress felt very rewarding, and she felt very happy.

Back then, he was an ordinary rural college student, and the closest distance to an actress like Ya Ling was the distance from him to the phone screen.

But now, being complimented like this by a female star who used to only look up in front of the screen, how could Lin Binbin not be secretly happy?

"How about this, how about you go to Zhou Jielun's concert with me, and I'll take you to have dinner with him when it's over?" Lin Binbin said in high spirits.

"Really? That's great, thank you." Yaling smiled and said, "By the way, you sing very well. How about we cooperate when we have time?"

"No problem!" Lin Binbin waved his hand and said generously.

Yaling smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you."

She sneered in her heart, and said, "If the company hadn't asked me to find an Internet celebrity to cooperate with, I wouldn't even bother to talk to you!"

The two chatted along the way, but Lin Binbin didn't realize from the beginning to the end that Ya Ling didn't even look down on him.

But at this moment, in the airport of the imperial capital, as usual, a large group of people gathered.

These people are all dressed in fashion, almost all girls in their teens and 20s, and there are very few boys.

These people were all holding mobile phones and gathered in the open space of the airport. Many of them were holding posters, banners, and stickers on their faces.

Regardless of whether it is a banner, a sticker, or a poster, there are the words "Lin Binbin" or a photo of Lin Binbin on it.

And these are the itinerary photos that Lin Binbin sent out in advance, in order to have fans pick them up here.

Among this group of fans, a girl wearing a bright red top, shorts, and basketball shoes was the most eye-catching.

She has long hair scattered on her shoulders, and her standard oval face is just a little bit more hyaluronic acid.

She stood at the front of the crowd, holding a poster of Lin Binbin in her hand, and other fans stood behind her.

"Sister Zhan, when is Binbin coming? We've been waiting all morning." A female fan asked.

"Binbin will be here soon, there are still 10 minutes." Sister Zhan tossed her hair and said, "Why don't you have any patience? Waiting for brother for a while can't stand it?"

"I can't wait to see my brother." The female fan said with a smile: "By the way, I just saw a large group of reporters at the gate of the airport, and they are also waiting for my brother, right?"

"Reporter?" Sister Zhan was taken aback, and said with disgust on her face: "It must be, it's really annoying, pestering our brother every day."

What Miss Zhan didn't know was that many of the reporters at the door were Lin Binbin who deliberately asked someone to release the news and let them come over.

Now Lin Binbin is in urgent need of popularity in the live broadcasting industry!

Because of the appearance of the mysterious person, Lin Binbin's original looks and talents were completely crushed.

And the popularity gained from stepping on Lin Yang at the beginning gradually became useless.

If it weren't for the mysterious person, Lin Yang's enthusiasm would have been exhausted already.

A group of fans are gathered together, chatting excitedly while watching the exit.

Suddenly a figure appeared in the passageway, he was dressed stylishly, wearing a black hat and mask, followed by a girl in a long black dress.

Beside the man and the woman, there was a large group of assistants and bodyguards.

As soon as Sister Zhan saw this man, she immediately shouted excitedly, "Look, brother is here!"

"Brother Binbin!"

"Wow! Brother Binbin, I love you!"

"Brother Binbin, look here, I have a gift for you!"

A group of fans were so excited that they rushed into the passage.

And the group of passengers who came down from the VIP room were all surrounded.

All of them looked blank, as if they were asking, "Who is this girl?"

Before everyone could react, as soon as they left the passage, a group of fans rushed up like a tide, and the road was immediately surrounded by water.

These fans frantically surrounded Lin Binbin, screaming excitedly, almost breaking their eardrums.

The other passengers frowned, and they all looked unhappy, but after seeing the battle, they didn't dare to curse, so they had to squeeze the fans out.

As for Lin Binbin, who was overshadowed by all the stars, his face was full of pride at this moment.

From the beginning in school, he was ignored.Gained great satisfaction in this moment!
And the people who surrounded him were almost all girls, which made him even more useful.

And Ya Ling, who was standing beside Lin Binbin, thought in surprise, "Lin Binbin, an Internet celebrity, has so many fans?"

"It seems that I still underestimate Internet celebrities, their influence is no less than that of first-line stars!"

Fans naturally also noticed Yaling standing aside.

Sister Zhan approached Lin Binbin and asked, "Brother Binbin, have you dated this woman?"

"Isn't it? Brother Binbin, are you in love? Are you still so high-profile?"

"Huh? I feel like I'm broken in love!"

A group of fans showed displeased expressions, and Ms. Zhan stared straight at Lin Binbin.

(End of this chapter)

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