My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 372 What do you think

Chapter 372 What do you think

Faced with so many reporters, Lin Binbin not only didn't panic at all, but felt proud.

He was regarded as a transparent person since he was a child, but now he has an extreme love for this kind of occasion where he can have a sense of presence.

"Binbin, does the recent appearance of a mysterious person make you feel in danger?"

"Binbin, are you really going to cooperate with Jielun?"

"Binbin, why are you with Yaling? Are you in love?"

All kinds of questions rushed to his face, but Lin Binbin was calm and composed, with a calm smile on his face all the time.

He's clearly gotten used to it.

"My friends from the press, Yaling and I just ran into each other on the plane, and we just met."

Lin Binbin is smiling, gentle, and humble.

His appearance is completely different from the appearance of getting angry with his assistant just now.

"Then what you said about cooperating with Jie Lun is true or not?"

"Is he really going to work with you?"

Lin Binbin said proudly: "Of course it is true."

"I came to the Imperial Capital today to discuss with him about the concert guests."

"He will send someone to pick me up later."

After the words fell, a group of reporters showed surprised expressions.

"You are the first to be invited by Zhou Jielun as a guest, do you have any thoughts?"

"Zhou Jielun is a singer at the level of a king, do you feel any pressure to cooperate with him?"

"Of course there will be pressure." Lin Binbin said: "But it is my honor to be invited by Tian Wang as a guest. No matter how much pressure there is, I will persevere."

Lin Binbin said, tidied his clothes, and said proudly: "Since I am the first Internet celebrity invited by King Jielun, I think this is also his affirmation of my strength."

Lin Binbin's words were obviously turning a corner and boasting that his own strength was fine.

And these reporters naturally heard what he said.

A reporter then asked: "Then Binbin, who do you think is more powerful than the mysterious person who just appeared now?"

The smile on Lin Binbin's face froze immediately, looking a little embarrassed.

"This... I think everyone can see it. The mysterious man's singing skills are recognized, but the music is not high or low."

Lin Binbin's words directly avoided the reporter's questions, and he did not admit that his singing skills were not as good as Lin Yang's.

But the reporter asked persistently: "Then if you both sing on the same stage, will you feel any pressure facing the mysterious person?"

Before Lin Binbin could answer, another reporter asked, "What do you think of the video of you, Lin Yang, and the mysterious three singing on the Internet?"

Faced with these two questions, Lin Binbin felt furious in his heart, but he still kept a smile on his face.

"For this matter, I think the eyes of netizens are discerning." The smile on Lin Binbin's face seemed a little stiff.

As soon as he said this, he regretted it, thinking to himself, "Ma De, isn't this a disguised admission that he is inferior to Lin Yang?"

Because most people on the Internet are now saying that Lin Yang's singing skills beat Lin Binbin by several blocks.

It can be said that in this video, Lin Binbin is just asking for humiliation!

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, a reporter immediately said: "Then you think that the Internet said that your singing skills are not as good as Lin Yang and the mysterious man, are you right?"

When Lin Binbin heard this, the last smile on his face disappeared.

He knew that Lin Yang was sitting in the airport right now.

He thought in his heart, "What the hell, it should be fun for this kid to watch labor-management jokes behind me, right?"

Before he could answer the reporter's question, there was a commotion among the group of reporters.

"Look, whose team is that?"

"I'll go, such a long convoy? They're all Bentleys, big money."

"Who would have such a big battle?"

The keen news instincts of the reporters told them that maybe this is a big news!

Seeing this, Lin Binbin was overjoyed and said, "My friends from the press, this is the end of today's conversation. Jie Lun is here to pick me up."

Upon hearing this, the reporters became even more excited.

"Jing Lun is here?"

"There are not many opportunities to photograph Jie Lun, go and photograph him!"

"Hurry up! Maybe you can still be popular!"

A group of reporters rushed towards the convoy.

Lin Binbin showed a smug smile on his face, and walked towards the convoy with Ya Ling holding her head high.

Ya Ling looked at the battle, and said with some surprise: "I didn't expect Zhou Jielun to value you so much."

"Maybe, he appreciates me." Lin Binbin said proudly.

"Your talent is indeed worthy of appreciation." Ya Ling replied with a smile.

But she was thinking in her heart, "What kind of talent is it? It's just luck. There are far more people in the entertainment industry who can sing than you!"

At this time, a young man in a suit and leather shoes got off the car in the middle of the convoy.

These reporters immediately recognized this man as Zhou Jielun's manager!
"Hello, sir, is Zhou Jielun not here?"

"Aren't you here to pick up Lin Binbin? We just interviewed him."

"How does Jie Lun feel about Lin Binbin? Can you reveal a little bit?"

A group of reporters chattered like setting off firecrackers.

The manager was confused, looked at the reporter blankly, and said to himself: "Did I remember wrong? I'm here to pick up Lin Binbin, not the mysterious man and Lin Yang?"

Just as he was wondering, Lin Binbin came to him with Ya Ling.

Lin Binbin stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Hello, let me introduce myself, I am Lin Binbin."

"Senior Zhou asked you to pick me up? I didn't expect such a big fight. I'm really sorry."

The agent with a masked face said, "Well, hello, I'm not here to pick you up."

Lin Binbin froze for a moment, and the smile on his face suddenly became quite awkward.

His awkward smile is like that of a boy who fakes a smile.

"You, didn't you come to pick me up?" Lin Binbin asked suspiciously: "Then you are..."

"Please let it go!"

A voice came from behind Lin Binbin.

He looked back, Lin Yang took Bai Ning, squeezed into the crowd, pushed him away, and stood in front of the manager.

Lin Binbin's face turned green immediately.

"Mysterious man, you—"

"Sorry, they came to pick me up." Lin Yang glanced at him and said to his manager.

"Let's get in the car, Jie Lun should be waiting for me, right?"

"You are Mr. Mysterious Man, right?" The agent shook Lin Yang's hand with a smile, and said, "Well, Lin——"

"Get in the car first, show me Jie Lun and you will know." After Lin Yang finished speaking, he took Bai Ning into the car.

The manager got into the car and left without delay after seeing so many reporters.

Lin Binbin stood in the middle of a group of reporters, watching the whole convoy leave, he couldn't keep the smile on his face anymore, his face smelled like a bitter melon.

"Mr. Lin Binbin, didn't you say that Jie Lun invited you as a guest and came to pick you up?" a reporter asked.

(End of this chapter)

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