My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 373 It's an Exaggeration

Chapter 373 It's an Exaggeration

Lin Binbin looked at the reporter who asked the question, his eyes almost burst into flames!
He took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said almost gnashing his teeth.

"Maybe the mysterious person and Jie Lun know each other, I don't know about it." Lin Binbin said coldly: "But, I am indeed a concert guest!"

"Mr. Lin, is it possible to temporarily replace the guest?" The reporter asked again.

"If the guest is temporarily replaced by a mysterious person, how do you feel?" A reporter then asked.

"Excuse me, I'll give Jie Lun a call."

Lin Binbin said, and directly called Zhou Jielun.

At this moment, Zhou Jielun was waiting for Lin Yang's arrival with Lin Ke'er in a restaurant of his own, and he had already forgotten about Lin Binbin.

He sat on a chair, frowning, and kept looking at the time with an anxious expression on his face.

"Why haven't you arrived yet? Will you be blocked by reporters on the way?" Zhou Jielun said with a frown.

"Oh, don't worry." Lin Ke'er said, "What is Lin Yang capable of? Even if he meets a reporter, he won't be able to do anything to him."


"Don't worry about it." Lin Ke'er said speechlessly: "It's only been a while since the convoy started, even if it's a normal time, it's normal that they didn't arrive."

Zhou Jielun was about to speak when the phone rang suddenly.

After picking up the phone, Lin Binbin's voice came from the other end.

"Mr. Jie Lun, didn't you say someone came to pick me up? Why... picked up the mysterious man?"

Lin Binbin on the other end of the phone got straight to the point.

Zhou Jielun was stunned when he heard this.

He patted his forehead and thought to himself, "How could I have forgotten him?"

"Mr. Binbin, I'm sorry, Mr. Mysterious Man is... my distinguished guest. I have also sent someone to pick you up, please wait a moment."

Zhou Jielun could only speak perfunctorily.

"Okay, then I'll wait a little longer." Lin Binbin said, "See you later."

"Okay, I still have something to do, so let's not talk about it."

After Zhou Jielun finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He sat on the chair, threw his mobile phone on the table, and said, "How did I forget him?"

"Who is it?" Lin Ke'er asked suspiciously.

"Lin Binbin." Zhou Jielun said: "Nowadays, some young fans also like young idols."

"In addition to this concert, I hope that I will make a breakthrough, so I found Lin Binbin, who is currently the most popular on the Internet."

"As a result, the mysterious man and Lin Yang came today, so I simply forgot about him."

When Lin Keer heard the word "Lin Binbin", she exclaimed, "What, why did you ask him to be your guest?"

Zhou Jielun asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

Lin Ke'er rolled her eyes, and said, "If it wasn't for him, Lin Yang wouldn't have been banned! This man has such a bad character! He's just a scumbag!"

"What?" Zhou Jielun frowned, and said, "According to what you said, I shouldn't invite this Lin Binbin?"

"Of course!" Lin Ke'er said as a matter of course: "Not only did you not invite him as a guest, but you also belittled him! It's best to block him!"

Zhou Jielun smiled embarrassedly, and said, "I've already signed a contract with him, so it's inconvenient to change guests now."

Lin Ke'er rolled her eyes and didn't speak to him again.

At this time, the door of the box was pushed open, and a waiter stood aside respectfully.

A masked man walked in with a young and beautiful woman.

"Ah, Miss Bai Ning!"

Lin Ke'er stood up in surprise, ran to Bai Ning's side, gave him a bear hug, and asked suspiciously.

"Sister Bai Ning, where is Lin Yangren? Why are you and the mysterious man here?"

"Hello, Miss Bai, Mr. Mysterious Man." Zhou Jielun also stepped forward excitedly, shook hands with the two, and asked.

"Well, Mr. Lin didn't come? Is it because it's inconvenient?"

"Mr. Lin is here, and so is Mr. Mysterious Man." Bai Ning pointed to Lin Yang, and said, "Look for yourself."

Lin Yang smiled, took off his mask, and said, "Hey, aren't you here now?"

"What? Lin Yang, you..."

Lin Ke'er stared at Lin Yang with big eyes, hello written all over her face, and she looked at Lin Yang in disbelief.

"Mr. Lin, you, are you Mr. Mysterious Man?" Zhou Jielun also asked incredulously.

"Yeah, didn't you see it now?" Lin Yang threw the mask aside and said, "Great, I can finally stop wearing a mask when I go out for dinner today."

"No, no!" Zhou Jielun frowned, looked at Lin Yang in disbelief, and said, "How is it possible, you can't be the same person! Absolutely impossible!"

"Yes! Sister Bai Ning, are you two cheating together? How is this possible?" Lin Ke'er also looked in disbelief.

Bai Ning looked at the two with a blank face, not understanding why they reacted so violently.

"I don't need to lie to you, what's more, Lin Yang is a mysterious person. Otherwise, how do you think I met the mysterious person?"

What Bai Ning said was plausible, of course.

But Lin Ke'er and Zhou Jielun looked at each other, they still shook their heads together, their faces full of disbelief.

"Why do you still look at me like this?" Lin Yang asked in a daze, "Why don't you believe me?"

"On the Internet, in the videos of singing about this, the mysterious man and Lin Yang obviously use two different styles of singing, completely different!"

"Even if a world-class singer can use two vocal styles and two voices to perform the same song almost perfectly, it is basically impossible!"

"You, how old are you? This, this is impossible!"

Zhou Jielun looked at Lin Yang incredulously, with a look of complete disbelief.

"Yes! Lin Yang, if you are a mysterious person, unless you use the mysterious person's voice to sing "Left Fingering the Moon" again!" Lin Keke said.

Lin Yang smiled wryly, and said, "Good guy, I don't think I need to worry about being exposed. No one will believe that I am the mysterious person."

Bai Ning was on the side, completely unable to understand the music.

She asked suspiciously: "Is it really such an exaggeration? Lin Yang has always been a mysterious person."

"It's not just an exaggeration? It's just an exaggeration!" Zhou Jielun sat aside and said, "Mr. Lin, sing it again, and sing with the voice of the mysterious man, and I will believe you!"

Lin Yang had no choice but to say, "All right, I'll sing."

He cleared his throat, stood up, and began to sing slowly.

Flowing music flowed from Lin Yang's throat.

The thick and vast and majestic singing voice is exactly the same as the mysterious person, exactly the same!
Zhou Jielun listened mesmerized, and even more terrified!

He never expected that Lin Yang's singing skills were much stronger than he imagined! 
(End of this chapter)

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