Chapter 374
Zhou Jielun, who is recognized as the number one heavenly king of a great country.

There is no doubt about his musical attainments!

His understanding of music, his expression of music, is one of the top-tier existences in big countries, and even in the entire world!

But when he met Lin Yang today, he felt as if he had never learned to sing.

Lin Yang's singing voice is thick, majestic, and magnificent!

If it is said that the left finger moon sung by Lin Yang's identity is a fairy-like sound, like the sound of nature coming from the clouds, passing through thousands of mountains and rivers, and passing through thousands of years.

Then, Lin Yang's singing in the voice of a mysterious person is like a god in the sky, overwhelming and majestic!
Two completely different voices, two completely different moods, two completely different singing and expression methods.

Both are great, but completely different, irrelevant musical expressions.

But at this moment, I was told that it was sung from a person's mouth.

For a while, Zhou Jielun only found it hard to accept.

After the song was over, Lin Yang sat directly on the chair and said, "How is it? Believe it now?"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Jielun and Lin Ke'er looked at each other, but did not answer Lin Yang.

Both of them looked at Lin Yang with the eyes of a monster, and did not speak for a long time.

Bai Ning glanced at the two of them, then at Lin Yang, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on here? What happened?"

Lin Yang shook his head and said, "Well, how do I know this?"


Zhou Jielun stood up from the chair suddenly, staring straight at Lin Yang, tears gushed out of his eyes.

"No, no, what's wrong with you?" Lin Yang's claws went numb all at once.

He quickly stood up and asked helplessly.

Good guy, is it okay to sing this song and make the King of Heaven cry?
Zhou Jielun still didn't speak, and suddenly knelt down on the ground with a "plop".

"Mr. Lin, please, please accept me as an apprentice!" Zhou Jielun knelt on the ground, looking at Lin Yang sincerely.

Lin Keer was also taken aback by Zhou Jielun's actions.

But when she thought of Lin Yang's terrifying singing ability, she felt relieved again.

She looked at Lin Yang faintly, and said, "Why don't you accept him as your apprentice?"

"Jie Lun is a music fanatic. He loves music very much. For music, he will do anything."

"Yes! Mr. Lin, please accept me as an apprentice!" Zhou Jielun looked at Lin Yang sincerely, and said, "As long as you are willing to accept me as an apprentice, you can ask me to do anything!"

"This time the national tour, I can make it yours! I'll be your guest!"

"Also, I can give you a tuition fee of [-] million yuan a year! As long as you are willing to teach me singing, you can pay as much as the tuition fee!"

Seeing Zhou Jielun like this, Lin Yang could only smile wryly.

He never thought that one day, Zhou Jielun, a singer at the level of a king, would actually kneel down in front of him and want to be his apprentice.

"You get up first." Lin Yang said helplessly, "If you don't get up, we won't talk about recruiting apprentices."

Hearing this, Zhou Jielun quickly got up from the ground, looked at Lin Yang sincerely, and said, "Then, are you willing to be my master now?"

Lin Yang shook his head and said, "Sorry, I never accept apprentices."

"But I-"

"This is my principle. I have never accepted an apprentice." Lin Yang interrupted Zhou Jielun, and said, "But if you have any songs you want to ask me to cooperate with, I can agree."

"Really!" Zhou Jielun was overjoyed and said, "I have a song that has been playing for a long time, and I always feel that I can't sing it well. Can you sing it for me?"

"It should be fine." Lin Yang thought for a moment and said.

"That's great, when are we leaving? A demo of my song is in the studio."

When Zhou Jielun talked about this matter, his eyes lit up, looking excited.

"Then you have to eat, right?" Lin Keke said from the side: "Lin Yang hasn't eaten yet."

"Yes, let's have dinner first, and then go to the recording studio." Zhou Jielun said.

After eating, the group of people immediately rushed to the recording studio in a commercial vehicle.

On the way, Zhou Jielun's phone rang suddenly.

He picked up the phone and saw that it was Lin Binbin calling.

He glanced at Lin Yang and said, "Lin Binbin."

"Go ahead, it's okay." Lin Yang said indifferently.

Picking up the phone, Zhou Jielun asked impatiently, "Is there something wrong?"

This impatient voice immediately ignited the anger in Lin Binbin's heart.

In the hotel, his face was gloomy and terrifying, and his eyes were full of resentment.

At the gate of the airport just now, he was waiting for Zhou Jielun to send someone to pick him up.

He also specifically asked the reporters to wait until Zhou Jielun came to pick him up.

In the end, only one car came, and it was an ordinary taxi!
Compared with Lin Yang's treatment, this treatment can be said to be a heaven and an earth!
As for who Zhou Jielun valued more, it was clear at a glance.

As soon as this happened, the media immediately reported it.

All of a sudden, various articles mocking him appeared on the Internet one after another.

Even Lin Binbin's fans couldn't clean him up!

He called Zhou Jielun just because he wanted to invite Zhou Jielun to a meal and post a certain blog by the way so that others could see it.

It's good now, Zhou Jielun's tone obviously doesn't want to get to know him at all.

"Mr. Jielun, since I have come to the imperial capital, I would like to treat you to a meal. Do you have time?" Lin Binbin asked.

"Sorry, no!"

Zhou Jielun directly refused.

"I'm going to Nima!" Lin Binbin cursed angrily, and threw the phone on the ground.

At this moment, Zhou Jielun, who was hanging up the phone on the commercial vehicle, sneered, and said, "He wants to invite me out to dinner."

"I guess, he must be trying to get close to me again, and then post it on the Internet."

"Look at what's going on online now. Lin Binbin is being ridiculed." Lin Keke flipped through his phone and said, "Look at the news!"

She pointed to a title on her phone titled "A Large Number of Lin Binbin Fans Lose Fans" and said.

"Lin Binbin overhyped to participate in the Tianwang tour, but was ignored by the Tianwang. The mysterious person met with the Tianwang in a low-key manner, and was taken seriously by the Tianwang?"

Bai Ning read this article, with a smile on his face, and said: "This Lin Binbin, it can be said that evil people get evil rewards!"

"This kind of person, you shouldn't make him angry!" Bai Ning said, "By the way, Lin Yang, Jianli Company is also in the imperial capital. I contacted their boss, why don't you meet them?"

"Okay, I'll let you arrange this matter." Lin Yang stretched his waist and said, "Jie Lun, if I'm free, I'll cooperate with you."

(End of this chapter)

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