Chapter 375

Lin Yang and his group came to the recording studio, and as soon as they entered, Zhou Jielun couldn't wait to fiddle with his equipment.

"Mr. Lin, wait a moment, I'll get the demo out, and we'll record directly!"

Zhou Jielun sat in front of the computer, his face full of excitement.

Lin Yang and Bai Ning were sitting on the side sofa waiting, when suddenly Bai Ning's phone rang.

Picking up the phone, the voice of Boss Jianli came from the other end.

"Manager Bai, is it convenient for you at 06:30 this afternoon? I want to treat you to dinner, and I'll send you the address."

Zhao Yong said: "By the way, regarding the endorsement fee, I want to change the price."

"Are you going to change the price again?" Bai Ning frowned and said.

"Oh, I don't know, Mr. Mysterious Man is so influential. He became popular on the Internet just now. I feel that the price I gave you before is too low, so I want to increase it."

Hearing Zhao Yong's foul-mouthed accent, Bai Ning was a little unresponsive.

I have only heard of lowering the endorsement fee, who would rush to send money to increase the endorsement fee?
"Mr. Zhao, are you telling the truth?" Bai Ning said in disbelief.

"Is this still fake?" Zhao Yong said as a matter of course: "If the price is too low, why are you being recruited by other people to endorse?"

"That's it. I still have something to do. Let's meet and talk at night."

"Okay, you are busy first."

Bai Ning hung up the phone and said: "Your endorsement fee has increased, and I don't know how much it will increase. He said to go to dinner at 06:30, so we don't need to talk about it."

"06:30?" Lin Yang looked at the time and said, "Isn't it already 05:30?"

As soon as the words finished, Jie Lun on the side heard it and said, "It's okay. If you have something to do, go and do it. I have time to cooperate with this demo."

"That's okay, let's go there first. As for the rehearsal and cooperation, you can call us later." Lin Yang said.

"no problem."

Lin Yang and Bai Ning left the recording studio and went directly to the restaurant address Zhao Yong gave.

At this moment, Zhao Yong was sitting in a box in the restaurant with one of his secretaries and a young man dressed in fashion.

Zhao Yong looked at a lot of news about Lin Yang on the Internet, and frowned.

"Tell me, is this true or not? Are there really such powerful people in this world?" Zhao Yong asked suspiciously.

"Maybe there is." The secretary said: "Lin Yang, who was so popular last time, isn't also a strange person?"

Zhao Yong nodded and said, "The world is so big, there are so many wonders."

"What is it? It's fake at first glance." The young man lit a cigarette and said with disdain: "How can there be such a person in this world? Do you really think he is a superman?"

"What are you talking about!" Zhao Yong stared and scolded angrily, "When the mysterious man comes later, don't talk nonsense to me!"

"Dad, only people of your age believe in such things." The young man sneered and said, "That Lin Yang, in my opinion, is a charlatan who cheats food and drink."

"It's just that he's popular now. It's no problem for you to find him as a spokesperson, but if you believe in what he says, forget it."

"So many people believe what you said, why don't you believe it?" Zhao Yong glared at the young man and said, "If he comes later, you can be more honest!"

The young man sneered, and said: "He doesn't come to provoke me, and I don't bother to talk to him."

"Zhao Qin! With your temper, no one will take care of you when you do business in the future!" Zhao Yong scolded.

"Who the hell needs those old men to take care of?"

With a look of disdain on his face, Zhao Qin walked out of the box with the cigarette case.

"Where are you going!" Zhao Yong scolded.

"Go out and get some air."

Zhao Qin left the box and came to the corridor of the restaurant.

This restaurant can be said to be resplendent and resplendent, and the overall style is European.

On the wall, on the pillar, on the wall.There are bright colors and intricate ornate carvings everywhere.

There were four waitresses standing on both sides of the corridor, standing straight, as if being punished.

"Hello Mr. Zhao." The four waitresses bowed and said.

Zhao Qin glanced at the waitresses, and said in a low voice, "In such a big hotel, none of them are good-looking."

"Damn, are all the good-looking girls dead?"

He muttered softly and walked out of the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant is a wide square, facing the bustling streets of the imperial capital.

There are people coming and going on the street, and there is a lot of traffic.

He was leaning against his white sports car and smoking a cigarette, his eyes searching for good-looking women on the street.

"Tsk tsk tsk, those big white legs. Unfortunately, they just don't look good."

His eyes wandered here and there like a hunter looking for his prey.

Suddenly a man and woman appeared in his line of sight.

It's just that he ignored the man directly, and his eyes completely stayed on the woman.

Zhao Qin looked at the woman carefully from top to bottom.

She has exquisite facial features, a beautiful oval face, and a pair of big watery eyes behind black-rimmed glasses, twinkling like stars.

Looking down, it was a lady's suit.

This almost made Zhao Qin's eyes pop out of his sockets.

A wicked grin played across his face.

His eyes involuntarily continued to look down.

The black knee-length skirt outlined a curve that made people's blood boil.

Under the skirt, a section of long, slender and straight legs were exposed, with black pants on them.

Zhao Qin's eyes were almost straightened, and he thought to himself, "It's rare, today's luck is really good, to be able to meet such a superb product!"

The scene of him and this woman's ups and downs has already appeared in his mind.

He straightened his clothes and pulled up his sleeves, revealing his 60 watch.

He strode towards the woman with his head held high. As for the man beside the woman, he didn't even look at him.

He walked directly in front of the woman with a smile on his face, looking like a gentleman.

But his eyes stayed on her chest, completely revealing his true face.

"Miss, hello, I'm—"

"I'm not interested in meeting you."

Before he finished speaking, the woman rejected him coldly, and then walked towards the restaurant holding the hand of the man beside her.

The smile on Zhao Qin's face suddenly became stiff, and he thought to himself: "Doesn't this woman know my watch?"

On weekdays, as long as a woman sees his watch and car, she will jump on him, no matter whether she has a boyfriend or not.

Even if it doesn't work sometimes, at least you can make an appointment to have a box lunch.

But being rejected so directly today made Zhao Qin feel a little unbelievable.

He quickly stepped forward, caught up with the woman, and stretched out his hand to grab the woman's wrist.

He said: "Miss, don't be so indifferent, how about I take you for a drive?"

(End of this chapter)

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