Chapter 376 One hit ten
While speaking, Zhao Qin pressed the key of his sports car.

There was a flash of light from the white Mercedes-AMG.

At this moment, Zhao Qin's face was full of confidence, his expression seemed to say, "Why don't you hurry up and throw yourself into my arms?"

It was just a cold voice, which completely shattered his dream.


The woman turned her head and shook off her hand,

The smile on Zhao Qin's face froze.

He had never seen a woman who could be so disrespectful to him.

In other words, it doesn't give money face.

"Miss, do you know what kind of car this is?"

"The AMG of the Mercedes-Benz GLE! Do you know how much it is? Do you know the seven figures?"

"The watch in my hand is 60! Even if you work part-time all your life, you may not be able to afford my car and watch!"

"And then?" The woman sneered, turned her head with disdain, and walked into the restaurant with the man beside her.

"Stop!" Zhao Qin suddenly lost face.

He snapped, "Do you know who I am?"

The woman and the man beside her looked at each other and stopped together, both of them became impatient.

"You are one of the tens of thousands of rich second generations in the entire imperial capital, aren't you?"

The man said coldly, his tone full of disdain.

He glanced at Zhao Qin with cold eyes, and then said: "It's still the one who has no education, right?"

Zhao Qin only started to notice this man at this time, and frowned immediately.

"What kind of look do you have? Very six plus seven? Or role-playing? With a broken mask, do you think labor and capital are afraid of you?"

Zhao Qin spat fiercely to the side, and said with a displeased face.

When the words fell to the ground, he suddenly felt that this man seemed familiar.

"No, this man's mask... I seem to have seen it somewhere?"

He shook his head, didn't pay much attention to this, and then said: "I advise you. It's best to keep your girlfriend, or you will be at your own risk later!"

"This is the imperial capital, not a place where cats and dogs can come here!"

What Zhao Qin didn't expect was that he felt a familiar person in front of him.

It was Lin Yang and Bai Ning that his father was going to entertain today!

The man took a deep breath, suppressed the rising anger in his heart, and said in a cold tone: "I also advise you, leave now!"

"Or, let your father come to talk to me directly. After all, you are a rich second generation. Without your father, you are nothing!"

Lin Yang's words completely hurt Zhao Qin's heart!

From childhood to adulthood, he has always been Zhao Yong's son, but no one really looked at him directly and acknowledged his own existence!
He has also made a lot of efforts, but it is completely useless, and others can only see his father's aura, so they cannot see him.

And he also hates others to say that he is nothing but his father!
He glared at Lin Yang viciously, and said, "Okay, you're amazing, aren't you?"

"Lao-management will let you see, without my father, labor-management will treat you like a joke!"

While speaking, Zhao Qin yelled at a waiter at the front desk in the restaurant: "Didn't you guys see what happened? Why don't you come out quickly?"

Seeing this, the waiter ran out in a hurry.

He sized up Lin Yang and Bai Ning from the corner of his eye, and thought to himself, "Who are these two? Why don't they have any vision at all, and why did they provoke such a prince?"

The waiter nodded and ran to Zhao Qin, and asked obsequiously, "Mr. Zhao, what do you want?"

"Call your security team out, labor and management must take care of this kid!" Zhao Qin pointed at Lin Yang and said viciously.

The waiter pondered for a moment, and said, "Master Zhao, is this... inappropriate at the entrance of the restaurant?"


Zhao Qin slapped him across the face, and snapped, "Then you say it's appropriate for labor and management to open you up? My father is the shareholder of this store!"

The waiter who got slapped was startled with fright, abbreviated his head, covered his face, and said, "I, I'll call the security right away."

Seeing the security guard's obedient and obedient appearance, Zhao Qin smiled smugly.

He looked at Lin Yang and said provocatively, "Now if you kneel down and apologize to me and leave your girlfriend behind, maybe you can still leave."

"Otherwise, I won't have this chance later. This young master never pays for medical expenses when he beats someone up."

"Then if your people are injured, will you pay for the medical expenses?" Lin Yang asked jokingly.

"Nonsense!" Zhao Qin scolded, "However, do you think my people will get hurt?"

"The security guards here are all professionally trained, or they are retired bodyguards!"

"Just you?" Zhao Qin looked at Lin Yang contemptuously, and said, "One of my men can beat you ten!"

The corners of Lin Yang's mouth rose slightly, and he said, "Really? Then try it, maybe it's just me, and ten of you?"

After the words fell, the waiter couldn't help but sneered, and muttered in a low voice: "Dream? One hits ten professional bodyguards?"

"This kid probably doesn't have a good head, no wonder he provoked this prince."

The guests who entered and exited the restaurant also noticed the dispute between Lin Yang and Zhao Qin.

Many people were sitting on chairs in the square, pointing at Lin Yang and talking about it.

"Is this masked person mentally ill? One can hit ten?"

"I think he must be seriously ill, otherwise, how could he provoke the prince of Jianli Company?"

"Let's watch the show, the prince of Jianli Company is notoriously arrogant and domineering. I think this kid will suffer today."

There are endless discussions around.

But everything was aimed at Lin Yang. After all, no one dared to target Zhao Qin.

Obviously, Zhao Qin already had quite a reputation in the imperial capital.

Hearing the discussions around him, the expression on his face became more and more complacent, and he said, "Boy, did you hear the discussions from the people around you?"

"How about you kneel down and kowtow to me now, and I can let you go."

Bai Ning frowned, leaned closer to Lin Yang's ear, and said in a low voice, "I heard from people around him that he seems to be Zhao Yong's son, why don't you forget it?"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, and said with a wry smile, "I never thought that I would offend my son for the first time I cooperated with him as an endorsement."

"Who made his son so incompetent? If Zhao Yong doesn't want to cooperate, let's forget about it. There are a lot of people who want to cooperate with us now."

Lin Yang nodded when he heard the words, and said, "After all, my son, I think it's better not to do anything."

"What are you mumbling about?" Zhao Qin scolded Lin Yang, "Are you thinking about how to escape later?"

"Don't be stupid, labor and management are here! You can't run even if you want to!"

The voice fell, and there was a sound of orderly and powerful running in the restaurant.

Everyone looked at the restaurant in unison. 
(End of this chapter)

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