Chapter 385 One Hundred Million Budget
Zhou Jielun didn't hesitate at all.

This made Lin Yang feel a little surprised.

After all, not everyone is willing to offend a behemoth like the Chen family!

What Lin Yang didn't know was that although Zhou Jielun was in the entertainment industry, he had already left the entertainment industry.

He is also a musician, an artist.

Lin Yang's musical attainments can be said to be something that Zhou Jielun worships.

From Zhou Jielun's point of view, for a great musician to help, this is completely natural.

"Jie Lun, thank you, don't worry, I will try not to have anything to do with you in this matter, as long as you let me meet with the Chen family."

"Okay, no problem, I'll contact them right away!" Zhou Jielun patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, a musician like you shouldn't wear a mask!"

Lin Yang smiled wryly, and said, "If you can not wear a mask, who would do that?"

Zhou Jielun patted Lin Yang on the shoulder and said, "No matter what, I have the obligation to let your music see the light again and stand on a bigger stage!"

"With your musical accomplishments, you actually go live and wear a mask. This, this is simply a waste of money!"

Zhou Jielun shook his head and shook his head, heartbroken, as if Lin Yang had been wronged so much.

But for a music fanatic like Zhou Jielun.

For a musician like Lin Yang to be buried is something that makes him heartbroken.

Seeing his appearance, Lin Yang said dumbfoundedly, "It's not that exaggerated, is it?"

"Yes! Of course there is such an exaggeration!" Zhou Jielun said excitedly: "If you can spread your music all over the world, I would rather not be this star!"

Lin Yang was taken aback, he didn't expect Zhou Jielun to be so obsessed with music.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll call the Chen Group now and make an appointment to meet."

When the phone was dialed, Zhou Jielun immediately pressed the speakerphone.

Secretary Chen Shaobing's sweet but haughty voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Zhou? Have you considered working with us?" the secretary asked.

"I have this idea, but the specific situation, I hope to discuss it in detail." Zhou Jielun said: "My tour is very important, and how to place the advertisement I sponsored also needs to be discussed."

Hearing this, the secretary on the other end of the phone immediately agreed, "No problem, can you do it tonight? I'll arrange a restaurant, and we'll see you then."

Zhou Jielun looked at Lin Yang, who nodded, and he agreed: "Okay, no problem, you can choose the location."

"Okay, let's talk tonight then."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Jielun asked Lin Yang: "Mr. Lin, this endorsement and sponsorship don't matter to me, it doesn't matter if I have it or not."

"The point is, talk tonight, what do you want the Chen family to do?"

Lin Yang frowned slightly, and said thoughtfully: "It's not easy to bring down the Chen family, according to my idea."

"At present, we still let the Chen family block Lin Binbin first, and then I will deal with Wang Qian."

"It's best to let them tell how they framed me! At that time, I will lift the ban, and I can take off the mask."

"As for when and how to mediate with the Chen family, let's talk about it when the time comes. The Chen family is such a huge capital that it can't be dealt with if it wants to."

Zhou Jielun also nodded, and said: "The Chen family, the companies they invest in involve various industries."

"In the entire big country, their tentacles can be said to be all over every corner, and it is simply too difficult to fight against them."

"But if they insist on dealing with me, I won't just catch them!" Lin Yang said firmly.

Lin Yang was determined in his heart, no matter how the Chen family tried to deal with him, he would never back down again!
Every time Lin Yang backed down, it became a reason for those people to press him harder and harder!
But this time, Lin Yang never planned to take a step back!
But at this moment, in the CEO's office of the Chen Group, after the secretary hung up the phone, he respectfully said to Chen Shaobing.

"President, Zhou Jielun has agreed to talk with us, how much do you think the endorsement fee should be?"

Chen Shaobing thought for a moment and asked, "What's his market price?"

"If you want to ask him to endorse, at least 8000 million." The secretary said: "And, it's 8000 million a year."

"8000 million a year?" Chen Shaobing sneered and said, "This kid is quite expensive."

"Then we will sponsor his tour, give him 5000 million, and give him 5000 million in endorsement fees."

"Anyway, I'll give him a budget of [-] million. If it's too much, I won't talk about it. I forgive him for not daring to offend our Chen family."

"Understood, then I'll go draw up the contract right away." The secretary asked, "Are you going to talk tonight?"

"Only Zhou Jielun, is he worthy?" Chen Shaobing said disdainfully: "You can just go and talk, I have something to do tonight."


The secretary agreed and left the room directly.

As night fell, a famous restaurant in the imperial capital had a "closed tonight" sign hanging on the door.

But at the entrance of this restaurant, there is a silver back Maybach parked.

Behind the Maybach, there are three Audis parked.

A woman in a professional suit with elaborate makeup gets off in a Maybach.

She held her head high, with a delicate oval face, and the custom-made suit on her body seemed to be expensive.

Her brows were filled with arrogance, her head was raised slightly, and she walked into the dining room haughtily.

On the Audi car, ten burly men in suits, sunglasses, and Bluetooth communicators on their ears also got off, and immediately followed behind the woman.

Seeing this, the owner of the restaurant immediately greeted him, smiling all over his face, and said enthusiastically.

"Secretary Liu, the box is ready, we will make sure that no one disturbs you tonight."

Secretary Liu nodded slightly, gave a look to a bodyguard behind him, and then went straight into the elevator.

The bodyguard took out a stack of red banknotes and handed it to the waiter, saying, "Tonight's meal must be up to standard!"

"Our Secretary Liu is very picky about food."

"Yes, yes." The boss nodded and said, "Don't worry, the food tonight must be more advanced than usual!"

The bodyguard glanced at him and went straight into the elevator.

After the group left, a manager came up and asked suspiciously.

"Boss, who are these people? You can really pretend." The manager whispered.

"Shut up!" the boss scolded in a low voice, and glanced at the elevator, afraid of being overheard.

"These are all members of the Chen Group. If you don't want to die, just keep an eye on tonight's meal!"

The manager was shocked and exclaimed, "The Chen family?"

"Hurry up and get ready to go!" The boss scolded in a low voice: "Take care of them, and we will benefit from it in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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