Chapter 386 Banned
The manager nodded his head, and hurried to the back kitchen to supervise.

The boss stood at the door and said in a low voice: "Isn't there someone else coming? Why haven't they come yet? Who dares to ask the Chen family to wait?"

Just as he was muttering, the door of the restaurant was pushed open.

A handsome man in a suit with slanted bangs walked in.

Behind him, a man wearing a mask, wearing a black denim jacket.

Beside the masked man stood a woman in a dress and holding a Hermes clutch.

The boss murmured in his heart, "Why do these two men look so familiar?"

He hurried up to greet him, and said warmly: "Hello, everyone, the upstairs box is ready, and Secretary Liu has also gone up."


Zhou Jielun said calmly, and he and Lin Yang went straight into the elevator.

The boss watched them enter the elevator and muttered in a low voice, "Why is there no tip at all?"

But Lin Yang and his party did not press the up button in the elevator.

"Who is this Secretary Liu? Isn't Chen Shaobing here?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"How can someone like Chen Shaobing come in person? Secretary Liu is his secretary." Zhou Jielun said: "There will definitely be a chance to meet in the future."

"Okay, go up, you can talk to him later." Lin Yang said.


Several people went up to the second floor, walked through the long corridor, and pushed open the door of the box.

Lin Yang immediately saw a powerful and proud woman sitting on the main seat.

Behind her stood a row of security guards, each wearing earphones and sunglasses, with their hands clasped behind their backs.

Lin Yang's face under the mask raised a sneer, and secretly said: "It looks like a deal."

"Mr. Zhou, the person behind you is..."

Secretary Liu didn't say a word of politeness at all, pointed at Lin Yang and Bai Ning, and asked straight to the point.

"This is my friend." Zhou Jielun said straight to the point: "Whether I want to endorse or not depends on what my friend thinks."

Secretary Liu raised his eyebrows immediately, and said: "You two friends, you don't look like ordinary people. The little brother wearing the mask looks familiar to me?"

Lin Yang smiled, sat on the chair, and said, "I'm an anchor."

"Anchor?" Secretary Liu frowned, and said, "Are you a mysterious person?"

"Yes." Lin Yang poured his tea and took a sip.

"I have long heard that Mr. Mysterious Man has a high level of singing skills. Now I see that it should be true. To make Mr. Zhou so favored, it must not be a silver gun."

Secretary Liu raised his mouth slightly, looked at Zhou Jielun lightly, and said, "Mr. Zhou, why did you let the mysterious person decide your endorsement today?"

"Let me just say it, Mr. Mysterious Man's musical attainments are much higher than mine. He is my senior and teacher!" Zhou Jielun said straight to the point.

"In front of him, I'm just a student."

Secretary Liu frowned slightly, looked Lin Yang up and down, and said inwardly, "How can this mysterious man be so powerful to have Zhou Jielun as a student?"

"This mysterious person, what mysterious and profound background does he have?"

Secretary Liu rolled his eyes at Lin Yang and Zhou Jielun, and said with a slight smile, "But, Mr. Zhou, I still don't know what the mysterious person's musical accomplishments have to do with our endorsement."

"Because I need to ask you two conditions for my teacher." Zhou Jielun said directly.

"What condition? All ears." Secretary Liu said with interest.

"I heard that you invested in the live broadcast of Panda? And Lin Binbin under them has repeatedly disrespected my teacher, so I hope you can ban Lin Binbin!"

"As long as you can agree to my condition, endorsement fees and sponsorship fees are easy to negotiate."

What Zhou Jielun said was straightforward.

But Secretary Liu was full of doubts.

She glanced at Lin Yang again, and thought to herself, "What kind of ability does this mysterious person have to make Zhou Jielun work so hard?"

"The endorsement fee and sponsorship fee are not a small amount, but to deal with one Lin Binbin is only two phone calls."

"For an Internet celebrity, Zhou Jielun is so aggressive? What kind of background does this mysterious person have? It's definitely not just about singing well!"

Secretary Liu secretly guessed Lin Yang's background, but there was no doubt on her face.

"Mr. Zhou, Panda Live has nothing to do with us. Such a small company is not worthy of our investment."

"If you want to invest, you should also invest in a great musician like this Mr. Mysterious Man."

"Banning Lin Binbin is just a piece of cake for us."

Zhou Jielun tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and said, "This means, you agree?"

"Of course." Secretary Liu said as a matter of course: "For us, it's a bargain, why don't you agree?"

"Okay, let's sign the contract. You can pay the endorsement fee and sponsorship." Zhou Jielun said.

"5000 million. How about sponsorship and endorsement?" Secretary Liu asked straight to the point.

"No problem!" Zhou Jielun agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, I'll draw up the contract tomorrow." Secretary Liu said with a smile: "In order to express our sincerity, you will receive the news that Lin Binbin has been banned tonight."

"Then thank Secretary Liu." Zhou Jielun said.

"It's nothing more than a little effort." Secretary Liu smiled slightly, looked at Lin Yang, and said, "Mr. Mysterious Man, I'm also very interested in music. Would you mind making friends?"

Secretary Liu smiled and looked sincerely.

But from Lin Yang's point of view, Secretary Liu looked like a poisonous snake with beautiful patterns!
But even if it is a poisonous snake, Lin Yang is not afraid of anything.

Sooner or later, he would have to confront the Chen family, so Lin Yang naturally didn't mind knowing more about the Chen family now.

"Okay, of course." Lin Yang said generously.

"Then add a WeChat?" Secretary Liu said.

After Lin Yang nodded in agreement, the two left each other's contact information.

Afterwards, the group left after eating.

Getting in the car, Lin Yang took off his mask and said to Jie Lun: "Thank you so much today, because of me, your endorsement fees should have been reduced a lot, right?"

"It's just a little endorsement fee." Zhou Jielun said indifferently: "I usually don't want to accept it. If I want to earn this money, it's still very easy."

"Sure enough, the king of heaven is the king of heaven." Lin Yang joked.

"Mr. Lin, don't make fun of me. With your knowledge of music, you must be enshrined in the altar abroad. How many people are eager to give you money."

Hearing this, Lin Yang shook his head and said, "It's better to be in the country, the big country is my home!"

"Mr. Lin's words are right. Those idol stars have all run away. I really don't know how these people's character became stars."

Zhou Jielun's words were full of disgust towards idol stars. 
(End of this chapter)

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