My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 390 The World Is Too Crazy

Chapter 390 The World Is Too Crazy

Lin Yang and Zhou Jielun sang "In the Name of the Father" together.

This song has been popular for many years, with a dark style of music, a retro and deep piano, plus a low-pitched rap and a loud female voice.

As soon as this song appeared that year, it became popular all over the country.

This time, Lin Yang and Zhou Jielun sang without accompaniment. The part sung by Lin Yang was the chorus, which was originally a female part.

As soon as Lin Yang opened his mouth, the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned.

A fan of a senior musician commented in the comment area.

"When Lin Yang sang this song, his voice was deep but loud, like a devil's cry, hoarse and full of despair."

"Although Zhou Jielun on the side performed steadily, his emotional strength and tension were already sufficient in the original song, but when compared with the mysterious person, he was completely crushed..."

A fan of Zhou Jielun, although he can hear the gap, but when he thinks that his idol is being compared to others, he feels uncomfortable.

Unconvinced, he sent a comment: "Upstairs, who do you think you are?"

"How is the singing, do you need to comment? An Internet celebrity also wants to compare with Brother Jie Lun?"

"I'm Lin Yan, the music director of Yinhuang Music Company! Do you have any questions?" Lin Yan directly sent a comment.

"Fuck, Yinhuang Music? The music director of the No. [-] Music Factory in the Great Country, God!"

"Lin Yan! The first-line music director in China, this status seems to be at the level of a heavenly king, right?"

"Damn it! Great Master! Proper Great Master! I didn't expect that I would meet a Great Master today!"

"Sure enough, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Jielun's live broadcast room!"

A group of fans went crazy together!

Even Jie Lun said with a look of surprise: "Brother Lin Yan, you are here?"

"It was so easy to watch you broadcast live once. I wanted to see how you slapped Internet celebrities, but I didn't expect you to be slapped."

Lin Yan joked in the comment area.

Facing the joke, Zhou Jielun didn't care, instead he said it as a matter of course.

"Is it strange to lose to Mr. Mysterious Man? In the whole world, there should be very few people who can surpass Mr. Mysterious Man, right?"

The voice fell to the ground, and there was a burst of "fuck" in the entire live broadcast room


"This is a bit cruel! Is it true?"

"I, Nima, am I so slippery?"

"So strong? There are very few in the world?"

"Is this the real person not showing his face?"

Countless people in the comment area began to comment one after another, and everyone felt that after the live broadcast, each event was more surprising than the last event.

And Lin Yang just smiled lightly, and said: "It's not that exaggerated, Jie Lun is also a heavenly king, and his singing skills are similar to mine."

"No! Although Jie Lun and I are friends, I can't take sides when it comes to music. I know a lot of musicians in the world and have heard more. I feel that Jie Lun is right."

"Brother Mysterious Man, your singing skills are indeed rare in this world!"

People in the comment area looked at Lin Yan's comments, and they were not only surprised, but also unbelievable!

A Jielun fan who was watching the live broadcast murmured in surprise: "Isn't this a rainbow fart? Why do I think this is a bit unreal?"

Not to mention fans, Lin Yang's series of compliments made Lin Yang a little confused.

Although Lin Yang knew that the singing skills given to him by the system must be very strong, but now such an authoritative musician is said to be the top in the world, he is still a little surprised.

"Well, I don't dare to say that it is the best in the world. I can only say that my singing may be better." Lin Yang said modestly.

"No, no, you're too modest, mystic brother, or else I'll find a production team, and you come to me directly, and I'll make a tailor-made album for you, right?"

Lin Yan sent another message out.

Lin Yang saw it, and refused without thinking, saying, "No, I won't sign a contract with any other company."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, I didn't want to sign a contract." Lin Yan said with a wry smile, "What's more, for a song god like you, who can sign a contract?"

"I mean, I will make an album and promotion for you for free, and my team and I just want to cooperate with you!"

Lin Yan, who was in front of the screen, was sitting in the recording studio. When he thought of Lin Yang's top singing level, he was very excited!
As a music director, he has seen countless stars and singers!
But now, there are very few singers who can excite him and make him feel bright!
But the appearance of Lin Yang made it difficult to calm down the excitement in his heart!
As a well-known domestic music producer, Lin Yan naturally loves music very much.

And Lin Yang's voice made him even more crazy!
Seeing Lin Yang hesitated in the live broadcast room, he immediately sent another message, saying, "Mr. Mysterious Man, as long as you agree to cooperate with me, I can pay for it!"

The fans in the live broadcast room were immediately dumbfounded.

"What the hell? The national first-line producer team is actually licking their faces and paying for cooperation?"

"My God? Am I dreaming? If you are a popular traffic singer, if you want to cooperate with Lin Yan, you have to spend money to find a relationship and treat it as an honor. Now Lin Yan actually spends money to cooperate with Internet celebrities?"

"My God, this world is so crazy, Lin Yan is spending money to cooperate with internet celebrities?"

"The point is... people don't seem to be interested..."

The fans showed surprised expressions one by one.

Lin Yang's face under the mask also frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "Well, I'll discuss it with my manager."

"I haven't thought about releasing an album yet."

Lin Yan was a little disappointed when he heard this, and sent a comment: "Well, I respect Mr. Mysterious Man's thoughts."

"That's all for today's live broadcast. I still have something to do." Lin Yang said, "Fans, I'm downloading the broadcast."

After the voice fell, Lin Yang immediately downloaded it.

As soon as the live broadcast ended, Zhou Jielun said: "Mr. Lin, Lin Yan's production team is top-notch, I think you can consider making an album."

"Ask Bai Ning, to be honest, I don't really want to be a singer all the time." Lin Yang took off his mask and said.

"Lin Yang, Lin Yan wants you to make an album?"

Bai Ning's voice came from the door.

Lin Yang turned his head, and she walked in hastily.

"You know everything?" Lin Yang said.

"I don't care if I don't know." Bai Ning rubbed his temples and said, "Maybe you really should make an album, hold a fan meeting, or have a concert."

"Why?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"Look at this."

Bai Ning dug out a video and handed the phone to Lin Yang.

In the video, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, wearing a melon cap, and holding a fan, is crazily complaining about Lin Yang in front of the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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