Chapter 391
He is thin and thin, looking like a thin monkey, with a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks, squirrel eyes, and a goatee on his chin.

With this appearance, if you put on a black long gown and go down the overpass, you will be able to do fortune-telling immediately.

The middle-aged man was shaking his fan and said to the camera seriously.

"Everyone, this mysterious person must be a puppet of some big capital, it's just hype!"

"I checked his background, Agni Media, it's a certain blogger's company!"

"A certain blog is in a big country, how powerful it is, I don't think I need to say more about this, right?"

"As for the mysterious man's mask, it's obviously for grandstanding. As for his singing, it's also pre-recorded!"

"I asked a professional singer for advice, and he said that if he wants to sing a cappella like this, he is already the best in the world!"

"Let me ask, a young man in his 20s with top singing skills? Does this mean he started singing in the womb?"

This man talked eloquently and rambling, which seemed quite reasonable at first glance.

After all, even a young man, no matter what, it is impossible to have such strength.

In addition, Agni Media is now seen by the outside world as a company under a certain blog, so it is naturally suspected of being a hype.

As for the live broadcast, Lin Yan's affirmation of Lin Yang was naturally said to be hype.

Lin Yang watched the video, and said indifferently: "Such news is always there, so don't worry about it?"

"How can you not care?" Bai Ning retorted: "We have brought down Lin Binbin, and now we are in contact with the Chen family."

"Once the Chen family discovers our identities, what do you think we will face?"

Hearing this, Lin Yang nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Indeed, it's not easy to bring down the Chen family, and now is the time to start making preparations."

"Let's contact Lin Yan to make an album. We'll release the album when Jie Lun is on tour!" Bai Ning looked at Jie Lun and asked, "What do you think?"

"Of course no problem!" After Jie Lun finished speaking, he frowned and said, "However, my concert is only one month away, is there time?"

"I believe in Lin Yang's strength, no problem!" Bai Ning said.

"Well, Bai Ning, you just go and get ready." Lin Yang said, looking at the mask, and said, "I also want to take off the mask quickly."

"Then I'll contact Lin Yan about releasing the album." Bai Ning said.

After Bai Ning left, Lin Yang also left.

At this moment, Lin Binbin was sitting on the sofa in the hotel, watching the replay of Lin Yang's live broadcast.

His eyes were red, murderous in his eyes, and he stared straight at Lin Yang, as if he wanted to peel Lin Yang into a cramp!
"Damn it! Damn it!" Lin Binbin gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, "How could it be the top in the world? Are the ears of this group of people blocked?"

He cursed angrily when the phone rang suddenly.

When he checked the caller ID, it was Wang Qian calling.

He took a deep breath impatiently, suppressed the anger and impatience in his heart, and then answered the phone.

"Hello? Mr. Wang—"

"Shut up! Labor and management are too lazy to talk nonsense with you!" Wang Qian said angrily: "I sent you the termination contract, and you can send the contract back after you sign it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Qian hung up the phone without saying a word.

"Fuck you! What are you!" Lin Binbin cursed.

He put his hands on his hips, his chest heaved violently, and the anger in his chest seemed to be gushing out at any moment.

He paced back and forth in the hotel for a long time, and said in a low voice: "No, it seems that I still have to go to the Chen family!"

"I have to bring some greeting gifts. No matter what, as long as I climb up to Chen's house, I will be more than half successful!"

Just do it, Lin Binbin took his bank card and went out.

Lin Binbin was deeply touched by the energy of the Chen family.

At the beginning, Lin Yang was on fire, but the top management of the Chen family didn't show up, so they directly banned Lin Yang!

Lin Binbin firmly believes that as long as he can climb the high branches of the Chen family, he will definitely be able to stand up!
Just as he thought, if he climbed to Chen's house, he would indeed be able to stand up again.

But what he didn't know was that it was the Chen family who blocked him this time!
And this time he went to the Chen family, he was destined to bring shame upon himself!

At this moment, Lin Yang and Bai Ning were chatting in the lobby of the hotel.

Bai Ning's cell phone rang suddenly, and when he picked up the phone, Secretary Liu's elegant, soft but haughty voice came from the other end.

"Miss Bai, did you disturb you and Mr. Mysterious Man?" Secretary Liu asked.

"No." Bai Ning's tone became cold, and he said, "What's the matter?"

"Lin Binbin has been banned by the industry, do you know about this?" Secretary Liu asked.

"Of course I know, thank you Secretary Liu." Bai Ning said politely.

"No, it's just a phone call or two." Secretary Liu said proudly.

The implication is that the Chen family is so powerful that they can block any popular Internet celebrity with just a few phone calls!
Bai Ning didn't care about this at all, and said indifferently: "Secretary Liu called, it's not just to talk about this matter, right?"

"Of course not." Secretary Liu smiled and said, "I want to treat you and Mr. Mysterious Man to a meal, what do you think?"

"Eat?" Bai Ning glanced at the time, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

She asked: "Eat at this time? Isn't it appropriate?"

"If you don't eat, you can come to my company."

"Miss Bai, I watched Mr. Lin's live broadcast today. We are very optimistic about Mr. Lin's influence and potential."

"So, today I hope to deepen the communication between us. What do you think? With the endorsement of the Chen family, Mr. Mysterious Man's future is naturally limitless."

Bai Ning glanced at Lin Yang, thought for a moment, and said, "I discussed it with him, just wait a moment."

"Okay, waiting for your news."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Ning told Lin Yang about the matter, and then asked, "Do you think you want to see her?"

Lin Yang leaned on the sofa, tapped the table with his fingers lightly, and said, "Since you will contact the Chen family sooner or later, then go meet and see what medicine they sell in their gourds!"

"As far as the Chen family's virtue is concerned, even if we don't go, will they stop?"

Bai Ning nodded approvingly, and said, "Alright then, I'll call her back."

After Bai Ning called Secretary Liu, he and Lin Yang went to Chen's house

At this moment, Lin Binbin was also carrying a valuable watch gift box to the Chen Group.

As soon as his car stopped at the door, the security guard stopped him expressionlessly and said, "Sorry, sir, non-company executives are not allowed to park at the door."

The expression on Lin Binbin's face suddenly became embarrassing, and he cursed in his heart: "What the hell, does a security guard dare to show my face?"

(End of this chapter)

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