Chapter 392 My Opponent
But how dare Lin Binbin lose his temper at this moment?
He suppressed his anger, nodded and bowed and said: "I'll move the car right away, but I know Mr. Chen, this thing is for Mr. Chen."

He lifted the gift box bag on the handle, and said with a smile on his face.

The security guard glanced at the gift box in Lin Binbin's hand. As a security guard of a large company, he naturally has good eyesight.

He saw the Omega in Lin Binbin's hand at a glance, and it was only tens of thousands of dollars.

The security guard raised his head and looked at him with disdain. He stretched out his hand and rolled up his sleeves, revealing the watch on his hand.

"Big brother, look what I'm bringing? Wan Guo, [-]!" The security guard looked disdainful, pointed at the door, and said, "Get out, Mr. Chen is wearing your watch?"

Lin Binbin was shocked, and the expression on his face suddenly became awkward.

And the anger in his heart surged upward.

When he was popular back then, no matter where he went, the security guards and waiters couldn't get him to look at him like that.

But today, at the gate of this large company where pedestrians come and go.

Everyone who came and went would look at him, with hot gazes, which made Lin Binbin wish he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in!

With an awkward smile on his face, he stood in front of the security guard, neither walking nor not leaving.

The security guard looked at him contemptuously, and scolded impatiently: "Why don't you get out? Do you have to do it?"

"Brother, you are accommodating, or else—"

"Get out! You are accommodating!" The security guard interrupted him and snapped.

He stared, and was about to make a move, when the voice of the security captain suddenly came from the earphone.

"Listen, the mysterious person will come later, and he is wearing a mask. This is Secretary Liu's distinguished guest! Just let him go, and you must have a good attitude!"

The security guard pressed the headset communicator, nodded and bowed and said, "Okay, okay, I understand."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lin Binbin again, with a fierce expression on his face, and said, "Get out! There are still some distinguished guests coming! If you don't get out, labor and management will beat you away!"

Lin Binbin squeezed out a smile, gritted his teeth unwillingly, and said, "Okay, I'll go, I'll go."

He walked towards the street with his head down, thinking to himself, "What the hell! How dare the security guard stop me?"

"If labor and management hadn't terminated the contract and the money in the account had been frozen, would labor and management have bought this kind of junk watch?"

"If not—"


He was walking with his head down, and a taxi was honking wildly in his ear.

As soon as he looked up, a taxi was rushing towards him!
For a moment, Lin Binbin only felt a "buzzing" sound in his head, his mind went blank, and he broke out in a cold sweat.


The taxi was in front of him, stepped on the brakes hurriedly, and stopped less than one meter away from him.

Lin Binbin was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat. Seeing the car stop, a surge of anger rushed into his brain.


He kicked the head of the taxi, cursed, and said, "Are you sick? Didn't you see anyone?"

"Do you know who I am? Labor and management Lin Binbin, you fucking hit me, can you afford it!"

Lin Binbin's face was flushed red, as if he had vented all the anger of the past two days.

The taxi driver also had a look of anger, got out of the car angrily, pointed at the camera, and said, "Do you want to look at the camera?"

"It's a fucking red light now! A red light! Don't you have eyes?"

The taxi driver was wearing slippers, shorts, and a shirt, with a short head, and he looked like a rough man.

Seeing such a person, Lin Binbin seemed to feel that there was something to vent his anger on.


He slapped the driver directly on the face, and cursed angrily, "Don't you know who I am? The star of labor and management, Lin Binbin!"

Lin Binbin frowned, his eyes were red, and he looked like he was going to eat people.

When the driver saw that Lin Binbin was dressed like a man, he seemed to be very rich, and he felt a little uncertain.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you." After finishing speaking, the driver was about to open the door for the guests.

Lin Binbin was still angry.

He yelled at the driver and said, "Why don't you like me? Are you looking down on me? Even a taxi driver looks down on me?"

"I'm going to Nima, let labor and management die!"

After that, he rushed forward and kicked the driver on the back.

With a sudden kick, the driver was unprepared and was about to fall to the ground.

Suddenly, the back door of the taxi was opened, and a figure flickered, directly supporting the driver.

"Are you okay?" said the masked man.

"It's okay, it's okay, thank you." The driver rubbed his waist and said, "This imperial capital has everyone, I'm used to it."

"You go first." Lin Yang said.

Lin Binbin stood at the front of the car, staring straight at Lin Yang, gnashing his teeth, his eyes were red.

He looks like he wants to eat people.

But when he thought that his ban might have something to do with Lin Yang, he felt fear again.

The driver took one look at Lin Binbin's fierce appearance, and hurriedly drove away, as if fleeing.

"Why are you here?" Lin Yang asked straight to the point.

Lin Yang thought, logically speaking, since Lin Binbin was blocked by the Chen family, he should not dare to come to the Chen family again.

But Lin Binbin suddenly appeared at Chen's house with a gift in his hand.

Coincidentally, it was today again, and Secretary Liu asked him to come.

Lin Yang had to wonder if there was something wrong with it.

"Can't I be here?" Lin Binbin said coldly, "What are you doing here?"

"Ouch, Mr. Mysterious Man, are you here?"

Seeing Lin Yang at the door, the security guard immediately nodded and bowed, and trotted all the way to Lin Yang.

"You know me?" Lin Yang asked.

"You are a distinguished guest of our company, why don't you know you?" The security guard said enthusiastically, "Please come in, please come in."

Lin Binbin was taken aback, seeing the security guard being so enthusiastic about Lin Yang, his heart felt ashamed.

"You, you, how do you get in touch with the Chen family?" Lin Binbin asked in disbelief.

For Lin Binbin, the Chen family is his only hope now.

But now, this hope has also been shattered in front of him, how can he bear it?
Seeing this, the security guard felt a "thump" in his heart, and said to himself, "Could it be that they know each other?"

He looked at Lin Yang cautiously, smiled all over his face, and asked tremblingly, "Mr. Mysterious Man, do you know him?"

"Of course I do." Lin Yang sneered, and said, "My opponent, Mr. Lin, right? How could he not know him?"

"Adversary?" The security guard was taken aback, and asked, "You you have a festival?"

Lin Yang shrugged and said, "Festival? He doesn't deserve it, but he's quite disgusting."

"If you invite him to come today, please tell Secretary Liu, I will not accompany you!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang took Bai Ning, turned around and prepared to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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