Chapter 393 Aggressive
The security guard saw this, is that okay?
Just now the captain asked him to welcome the guests, but now he is fine and left directly.

If the captain knew that he didn't drive Lin Binbin away, but let Lin Yang leave, wouldn't it be the end of the game?

"Mr. Mystery Man, sir."

The security guard hurriedly stepped forward to stop Lin Yang, and said, "Wait a moment, this person was not invited by us, he came here by himself!"

"Wait a minute, I'll let him go right now! Immediately!"

Lin Yang glanced at Lin Binbin, and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you."

The security guard nodded and bowed to Lin Yang, but when he turned to look at Lin Binbin, he immediately became vicious!

"Just now I told you to go, if you don't go, you asked for it!"

The security guard cursed angrily, and raised his hand to slap him down.

Lin Binbin was startled, and in desperation, he yelled, "I was also invited!"

"What?" The security guard immediately stopped in the air, and said with a sneer, "Are you fooling around? Our captain said that there is only the mysterious person!"

"Does your captain know more than Mr. Chen?" Lin Binbin bit the bullet and said, "You told Mr. Chen to come down to see me, so you know?"

Lin Binbin thought to himself, "No matter what, let's talk about it first!"

"No matter what, I want to turn over!"

When Lin Binbin thought of his current card balance, he couldn't accept it.

When he was a popular Internet celebrity, his income was over one million a month!

But now the account is frozen, and the money that can be used on the card is only about a hundred thousand!
Although for ordinary people, this is not a small sum of money.

But for him who is used to being extravagant, how can this one hundred thousand be enough?

What's more, what should I do after the 10,000+ is spent?
Seeing Lin Binbin's upright look, the security guard thought to himself: "Could it be that he was really invited by Mr. Chen? Impossible, why would Mr. Chen invite such a thing?"

The security guard wavered in his heart, he gave Lin Binbin a vicious look, and said, "You wait, labor and management will find out after asking! There is no need to ask Mr. Chen to come down!"

Lin Binbin's heart skipped a beat, and he was about to say something more when the security guard interrupted him.

"Don't tell me, why do you want Mr. Chen to come down to pick you up in person? Who do you think you are?"

Lin Binbin choked on this sentence and swallowed the rest of the words.

His eyeballs rolled around, and he thought to himself: "It's over, what should I do, if the truth is revealed, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape."

Seeing Bai Ning's indifferent expression, he was filled with anger again.

Gritting his teeth and heart, he secretly said: "It doesn't matter, just take a step and see!"

The security guard immediately pressed the communicator and asked the captain: "Captain, I have a guy named Lin Binbin who said he was a guest invited by Mr. Chen, is it true?"

The captain on the other end of the communicator frowned, and said doubtfully: "Lin Binbin? I haven't heard of it, I don't know."

"Well, I'll ask, you tell him to wait."

After the captain cut off contact, he immediately went to Secretary Liu's office.

"Secretary Liu, there is a man named Lin Binbin downstairs who says he is a guest invited by Mr. Chen. Do you want him to come in?" the security captain asked.

"Lin Binbin?" Secretary Liu frowned, and secretly said: "Looking at the information these days, Lin Binbin should be the opponent of the mysterious man, right?"

"It's probably blocked, and you want to come to the Chen family for help? It's ridiculous."

After thinking for a moment, she asked, "Is the mysterious man here?"

"Wait a minute, I'll ask." The captain said, and immediately pressed the communicator to ask.

Seeing this, Secretary Liu frowned, and there was more anger in his cold eyes.

"It's already here." The security guard lowered his head and said cautiously.

"Try to deal with the matter as completely as possible." Secretary Liu said coldly.

"Yes." The captain promised obediently.

"Go down." Secretary Liu stood up slowly, put on a suit jacket proudly, and said, "Let Lin Binbin wait, I'll go down."


The security captain immediately told the security guard the news.

When the security guard on the first floor heard the words, his heart tightened, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that Mr. Chen really found this guy? Then I'm done for?"

The security guard didn't know what to do.

But Lin Binbin didn't know what to do, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Mr. Lin, wait a moment, our Secretary Liu said he will come down later." The security guard smiled and said respectfully.

Lin Binbin breathed a sigh of relief, overjoyed in his heart, and secretly said: "Could it be that Mr. Chen is willing to see me? I knew it, I must have commercial value!"

The stone in his heart fell to the ground, and his eyes returned to the previous arrogance and domineering.

"I told you, Mr. Chen asked me!" Lin Binbin snorted coldly, and said, "Is Mr. Chen wearing the watch I bought now?"

"Yes, yes, you adults don't remember the faults of villains." The security guard said with a smile on his face, trembling.

Lin Binbin stretched out his hand, patted the security guard's face lightly, and said, "Remember, some people are not something you can afford, understand?"

"Understood, understood." The security guard smiled.

Seeing this, Bai Ning couldn't help frowning, leaned into Lin Yang's ear, and whispered.

"What kind of trick is this playing? How did you find us and Lin Binbin?"

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and said, "Could it be that he blocked Lin Binbin on the front foot, and then wanted to sign us all?"

"Not necessarily. It depends on the situation. If you want to have a nest with them, what are you going to do?" Bai Ning asked.

"Don't even think about it!" Lin Yang said firmly.

"What are you two whispering?" Lin Binbin jokingly said, "Bai Ning, back then you followed Lin Yang to eat and drink."

"Lin Yang just died a few days ago, did you change another man? You changed men quickly enough."

"Otherwise, you follow me and try? I promise you—"


Before Lin Binbin finished speaking, a slap was slapped on his face.

Before he could react, there was a sharp pain on his face!
A huge force, like a spinning top, beat him around in place for two or three times before stopping.

Lin Binbin staggered two steps, covered his face, glared at Lin Yang, and said, "You, how dare you hit someone here?"

"Do you know what this place is? Later, when President Chen comes later, don't think about it for any of you!"

Lin Yanghu snorted coldly in front of Bai Ning, and said, "Really? Lin Binbin, those nasty things you did will make you suffer the consequences sooner or later!"

"As for Mr. Chen? If he wants to sign you, then I'll just leave! If you dare to insult the people around me again, it won't be as simple as a slap in the face!"

Lin Yang's words were sonorous and forceful, and he was full of anger.

A pair of piercing, star-like eyes projected on Lin Binbin behind the mask, like two sharp knives, aggressive!

(End of this chapter)

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