Chapter 395 Three hundred and fifty million
The security guard quickly said: "Understood, I will take care of it."

"Very good." Secretary Liu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, lowered his voice, and said, "Leave a copy of the monitoring that Mr. Musician showed his talents just now."

The security guard froze for a moment, and said, "Understood."

The corner of Secretary Liu's mouth rose slightly, and he went straight into the company.

When he came to the tea room, Lin Yang sat on the sofa with a stern look, his eyes were cold, and he didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Bai Ning sighed inwardly, and said, "It seems that what happened in Jing'an Village still affects Lin Yang."

She stretched out her hand, held Lin Yang's palm, and said in a low voice, "It's all over, and they will be cleaned up sooner or later."

Lin Yang glanced at her, and his eyes softened a lot.

He nodded, and before he could speak, the door of the tea room was opened.

"Miss Bai, Mr. Mysterious Man, I've been waiting for a long time." Secretary Liu sat in front of the two of them and immediately started making tea.

"Does Secretary Liu actually make tea himself?" Bai Ning asked in surprise.

"Other people, don't ask me to make tea, it is impossible to enter this tea room."

Secretary Liu's method of making tea is smooth and flowing, and he said with a smile: "As for Miss Bai and Mr. Mysterious Man, I appreciate it very much."

"This tea, of course I have to brew it myself, so that I can show enough sincerity."

Bai Ning raised his eyebrows, pushed the eyes on his face, his eyes suddenly became sharp, he raised his head and chest, and his tone became sharp.

"Is there something in Secretary Liu's words? Is there something we need to do? Otherwise, why do we need to be sincere?"

"Miss Bai has sharp eyes, she can tell at a glance." Secretary Liu poured tea for Lin Yang and Bai Ning, and said, "Let me tell you clearly."

"Mr. Mysterious Man, I watched your live broadcast today, and it really surprised me."

"Dangtang Lin Yan actually wants to cooperate with Mr., and his attitude is very low, which is enough to prove Mr.'s ability."

Hearing this kind of compliment, Lin Yang felt impatient.

He asked bluntly, "Then what does Secretary Liu want me to do?"

"The Chen family has a big business, so they probably don't need my help?"

Secretary Liu smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. Mysterious Man really speaks quickly."

"Today, I hope to reach a cooperation with Mr. Mysterious Man."

"We have the world's top music team, packaging team, and first-class capital."

"Our variety show for young musicians is about to start. I hope that Mr. Mysterious Man can come and be a judge."

Lin Yang frowned under the mask, and said, "What contract do you need to sign?"

"I don't think sir will refuse a two-month cooperation contract?" Secretary Liu said with a smile.

"The remuneration for two months is [-] million in total, what do you want, sir?"

[-] million!

Even though Lin Yang was not short of money, he couldn't help being surprised when he heard this figure.

[-] million, this is not only a figure that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve in a lifetime, even the middle class with a good life cannot achieve it!

As soon as the Chen family makes a move, they can get [-] million in two months!
"Secretary Liu, you are so generous." Lin Yang said, "[-] million, how many people's dreams are this?"

"Mr. Mysterious Man, tens of millions is enough for ordinary celebrities." Secretary Liu said, "But, with your ability and influence, sir."

"[-] million, definitely not much! If you want more, sir, I can apply."

Lin Yang nodded and glanced at Bai Ning.

The latter understood it, and immediately continued: "I need to look at the contract and the specific plan of the variety show."

"No problem!" Secretary Liu agreed without hesitation, obviously well prepared.

She immediately took out a contract and a business plan from a side cabinet and placed them in front of Lin Yang.

"This is a contract and a business plan. Mr. and Ms. Bai can give me an answer after going back and thinking about it."

Secretary Liu still had a confident smile on his face.

[-] million, no matter where it is placed, it will not be a small amount!

And for an Internet celebrity like Lin Yang, it is definitely a huge sum of money!

But Bai Ning and Lin Yang showed no signs of excitement.

After Bai Ning accepted the project proposal and the contract, he slowly got up and said, "We will go back and think about it. Thank you Secretary Liu for your hospitality."

"Then let's go first." Lin Yang got up and said.

"Go slowly." Secretary Liu said, "I believe we will have a pleasant cooperation."

"I hope." Lin Yang left two words and left directly.

"I'll wait for your news."

After watching Lin Yang and Bai Ning leave, Secretary Liu returned to the office.

She sat on the office chair, took out a lady's cigarette, and recalled the conversation with Lin Yang just now in her mind.

"Three hundred and fifty million, just a few words to put it lightly, a firm mind, extraordinary skills, world-class singing skills..."

"Mysterious person? It's really mysterious enough. If such a person can be signed... it will definitely be a good product!"

Secretary Liu thought so in his heart, and a sly smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

She pressed the communication button on the table and said, "Let the security guard who was on duty just now come to my office."


Not long after the words fell, the security guard from just now came to the office.

He stood in front of the desk cautiously and respectfully, and said, "Secretary Liu, what can you do for me?"

"Where's Lin Binbin?" Secretary Liu asked.

"Dead." The security guard said.

"Who did it?" Secretary Liu continued to ask.

"He." The security guard took out a USB flash drive and put it on the desk.

"What just happened?" Secretary Liu continued to ask.

"The mysterious person seriously injured Lin Binbin, and the injured person died in the ambulance," said the security guard.

"Take it." Secretary Liu took out a bank card from the drawer and threw it at the security guard.

The security guard's eyes lit up immediately, he took the bank card, nodded and said, "Thank you, thank you Secretary Liu, thank you..."

"3000 million is enough for you to live happily ever after." Secretary Liu said expressionlessly, "Remember, do something for the Chen family..."

"Do more things, don't talk too much, and you will lose your life if you talk too much." The security guard continued.

"Go down." Secretary Liu waved lightly.


Holding the bank card, the security guard hurriedly left the office.

"Mysterious man... you can only be signed by me." Secretary Liu murmured in a low voice, "I really want to know what you look like behind the mask?"

Lin Yang didn't know that his venting his anger just now had left Secretary Liu with such a big handle.

He was taking a taxi with Bai Ning to the hotel where they were staying.

At a fork in the road, a big traffic jam suddenly appeared.

The driver kept honking the horn, yelling cursingly towards the window, saying: "Green light, green light, why don't you leave? Waiting for the show?"

"Hey, hey, brother, something happened ahead! Big news!" The owner of the car next door said to the driver.

(End of this chapter)

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