Chapter 396 Big News

The taxi driver poked his head out and asked suspiciously, "What's the big deal? What's wrong?"

"There was a car accident ahead, and it was an ambulance!" The owner said excitedly, "I heard that the one who died inside was a big internet celebrity, a big star."

"Big internet celebrity, big star?" The taxi driver asked curiously, "Who is it?"

"Well, I don't know much about Lin or something," the owner said.

"Lin? Lin Yang?" The taxi driver asked suspiciously, "Didn't he die a long time ago?"

Lin Yang and Bai Ning, who were sitting in the back seat of the car, looked at each other, both of them were shocked!
"Lin Binbin!" The two said in unison.

"Hey, who is this Lin Binbin?" The driver turned his head and asked curiously.

Lin Yang and Bai Ning didn't answer, they got out of the car and walked towards the scene of the car accident ahead.

At this moment, the scene of the car accident has been cordoned off, and there are many staff and medical staff standing around.

"Sorry, the road is temporarily closed here, and we will arrange personnel to clear the road."

A worker in uniform said, standing outside the cordon.

Lin Yang and Bai Ning stood in front of the crowd, watching a stretcher being carried out.

And who is the person lying on it if not Lin Binbin?
"This is Lin Binbin!" Bai Ning exclaimed, "Why..."

"We can save him!" Lin Yang's heart moved, and he said, "If we don't save him, we will become... murderers!"

Hearing this, Bai Ning was also in a cold sweat.

She naturally understood the meaning of Lin Yang's words.

As a public figure, Lin Binbin had an accident in an ambulance.

Then what happened to him, there will inevitably be discussions on the Internet.

If Lin Yang was involved, maybe the mysterious person would be banned too!

"But, what can we do now?" Bai Ning leaned close to Lin Yang's ear and asked anxiously in a low voice.

"Don't move here, I'll go take a look."

Lin Yang walked towards the cordon without waiting for Bai Ning to stop him.

"Stop!" The staff yelled, "Don't get close to idlers!"

"Director, Lin Binbin's vital signs continue to weaken, and his reaction seems to be poisoned!"

A nurse who just arrived said anxiously.

Lin Yang frowned slightly under the mask, and said to himself, "It shouldn't be, I punched him, how could he be poisoned?"

Lin Yang felt that something was wrong, and at this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"The dungeon game is launched, save Lin Binbin from the medical staff, and you can get a bottle of vitality potion."

"Vitality potion can solve all human health problems."

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, and secretly said: "The system has already prompted, it seems that Lin Binbin must be rescued, there must be something tricky in it!"

He looked at the staff and said, "Let me in, I can save people."

"You?" The staff frowned, looked at Lin Yang, and said, "Who are you? A doctor?"

"Yes." Lin Yang said firmly.

As long as Lin Binbin can be saved, he can naturally use the vitality potion to save people.

"Where's your medical qualification certificate?" the staff member asked.

"Come on, hurry up! Take the injured to the hospital for emergency rescue!" The director was squatting beside Lin Binbin's stretcher, shouting anxiously.

Seeing this, Lin Yang couldn't care too much.

He strode forward, pushed away the staff, and broke into the cordon directly.

"What are you doing, kid! Get out!" the staff member angrily shouted.

Seeing this, the other staff also stepped forward one after another, standing in front of Lin Yang.

"I suspect that you are trying to harm someone, and now I will take you back!"

The staff scolded angrily, pulled out the rubber stick from his waist, and threw it at Lin Yang's shoulder.

And Lin Yang didn't turn his head back, he still walked straight towards Lin Binbin.


A stick hit Lin Yang's shoulder, and there was a muffled sound.


The rubber stick trembled for a while, and the staff member's wrist was numb. The huge reaction force made his rubber stick pop out of his palm with a "bang", and fell aside.


The staff took several steps back, clutched their wrists, and looked at Lin Yang as if they were looking at a monster.

The other staff around looked at Lin Yang in astonishment, and stopped in their tracks, not daring to step forward.

"You, who are you?"

The director was about to take Lin Binbin to the hospital, but when he saw that a masked man was so fierce, he was startled.

Naturally, such a big commotion would not be without passers-by watching the fun.

"Fuck, isn't this the mysterious man? What is he doing?"

"Lin Binbin seems to be his opponent, is he going to attack?"

"Quick, take a picture! This must be big news!"

A group of passers-by took out their mobile phones one after another and took pictures with excitement.

Lin Yang didn't care too much, he rushed to Lin Binbin, picked him up and walked out.

The director's face turned pale with fright, and he didn't dare to go forward at all.

The staff saw that Lin Yang was about to take people away, and thought, "This kid took people away in full view, wouldn't labor and management lose their jobs?"

"Where are you taking people? I tell you, you'd better—"

"I can save him!" Lin Yang interrupted the staff and said, "I'll take him to the ambulance, don't come in."

After all, the vitality potion given by the system was too shocking, and Lin Yang was not sure how Lin Binbin would react after taking the potion.

"Are you trying to save someone?" The staff member asked with a puzzled look on his face, "How do you save someone?"

The director said fearfully and angrily at the side: "The patient is poisoned now, and the car accident just now left him with multiple fractures!"

"You are holding him now, and you have caused secondary damage!"

"What's more, the medical equipment in the ambulance is not enough. If you don't go to the hospital, you can only wait for him to die!"

The director made a strong promise, but Lin Yang just glanced at him and walked straight towards the ambulance.

Seeing that Lin Yang ignored him at all, the director went on to say, "If something happens—"

"I'm responsible for the accident!" Lin Yang put down a sentence, got into the ambulance directly, and locked the door from the inside.

The passers-by who were watching the excitement all showed surprised expressions and talked a lot.

"The mysterious man wants to save someone? I never heard that he has medical skills."

"It's true, how can it save people? Even the doctors say it's impossible."

"Do you want to deliberately delay the rescue time?"

"Probably not. If something goes wrong, the mysterious person will be responsible. He wouldn't dare to do it in public, right?"

The masses were talking about it.

The staff are also in a mess.

"Captain, what should we do now? Are you really letting this kid do whatever he wants?"

The captain frowned in his uniform, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, and said: "Call for backup, this kid also said that he is responsible for the accident, and it has nothing to do with us."

"But, something happened, if the higher-ups pursue it..."

"Fuck it, we can't beat him!" 
(End of this chapter)

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