Chapter 398 No Comments
The director looked at Lin Yang in a daze as if he had seen a ghost, mumbled "impossible" and hurried into the ambulance.

Yang Qun frowned, looked at Lin Yang carefully, and thought to himself, "Who is this kid? He can save people like this, so he is a genius doctor?"

Yang Qun was puzzled, but didn't say much.

At this time, the staff carried Lin Binbin out on a stretcher.

The director squatted beside the stretcher with a surprised face, and looked at Lin Binbin foolishly, as if he had seen a ghost.

"How are people?"

Yang Qun strode forward and asked the director.

"Impossible, this is impossible..." The director murmured: "At the location of the fracture, the bone has begun to heal, and the unknown poison has also been released..."

The director's voice fell, and the audience was shocked!
The passers-by opened their mouths wide, and their jaws almost fell to the ground in surprise.

Yang Qun frowned, and looked at Lin Yang with a strange look.

He thought to himself: "What is the origin of this kid..."

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Lin Yang felt nothing in his heart.

He looked at Yang Qun and said, "Man, I've already saved him, so he should be all right?"

Yang Qun lowered his head, thought for a moment, and said, "You can go."

"I want to take Lin Binbin with me." Lin Yang said lightly.

"No!" The director suddenly shouted: "I must take this patient back! I want to observe him for a while!"

"He's fine." Lin Yang said lightly.

"But..." The director looked at Lin Binbin, then at Lin Yang, and said, "It's fine for you to take it away, but you have to promise me one condition."

Lin Yang frowned slightly under the mask, and asked, "What conditions?"

"You want to tell me how you cured him?" said the director.

"No comment." Lin Yang said bluntly.


"I can go with him." Lin Binbin slowly opened his eyes and whispered.

"Okay, since this gentleman himself agrees, then you take him away." Yang Qun said to Lin Yang, "But you have to fill out a form for me, and I will keep a record."

"Okay." Lin Yang agreed.

The director wanted to say something, but Yang Qun stared at him and obediently shut his mouth.

After filling in the records, Lin Yang took Lin Binbin and Bai Ning and left.

Yang Qun looked at the headlights of Lin Yang's car, and frowned tightly.

Back at the hotel where he was staying, Lin Binbin was lying on the bed in an angry manner.

Bai Ning glanced at him, and said worriedly to Lin Yang, "Why did you bring him back? You are not afraid that he will find you..."

"It's okay." Lin Yang shook his head and said, "Since the Chen family has attacked him, he should join us."

"Joining hands?" Bai Ning frowned, and said, "This kind of person has no bottom line, why do you..."

"I have a solution." Lin Yang smiled and said, "You go out first, and I'll talk to him."

Bai Ning glanced at Lin Binbin, nodded, and left the room.

In the room, Lin Yang was wearing a mask, standing by the bed and looking at him.

"Lin Binbin, I will give you a choice. First, do things for me. I will make you better now. Second, I will send you to the hospital and let the Chen family deal with you."

Lin Binbin slowly opened his eyes, stared at Lin Yang sharply, and said, "Take off the mask."

"Whether I wear a mask or not has nothing to do with you!" Lin Yang lowered his voice and said coldly.

"Lin Yang, do you think I haven't recognized you by now?" Lin Binbin twitched the corners of his mouth and showed a sneer.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows under the mask, changed the subject, and said, "I gave you two choices, you choose one yourself."

"Haha, haha..." Lin Binbin laughed dryly twice, and then coughed.

"Ahem, Lin Yang, shall I cooperate with you?" Lin Binbin said in a playful tone, "How do I know, will you attack me?"

"I figured it out. You, Lin Yang, are capable beyond the sky. A mortal like me won't be your opponent."

"But the Chen family... is not something you can deal with! Even if I join forces with you, so what?"

Lin Binbin looked at Lin Yang jokingly, with despair and anger in his eyes.

Lin Yang is still unconvinced, still jealous!
As for the Chen family, those who wanted his life naturally hated him to the bone!
Lin Yangduan sat aside, staring at him with burning eyes, and said, "Since you have no intention of cooperating, then I'll send you to the hospital."

"If the Chen family can attack you on the road, they can naturally attack you in the hospital."

Lin Binbin closed his eyes, was silent for a long time, and then said: "Okay, I will cooperate with you!"

Lin Yang nodded and said, "Then you can recuperate here, I can make sure that you will be fine."

"Are you really good at medicine?" Lin Binbin asked in surprise.

Lin Yang didn't speak, and went out the door directly.

When he came to the living room, Bai Ning looked at Lin Yang worriedly, and asked, "How is it? Did he find you?"

"He saw it." Lin Yang said lightly, "But it's okay, I'll make sure he won't tell."

"Why are you so sure? People like Lin Binbin might do something." Bai Ning said.

Lin Yang sat on the sofa, took off his mask, and said confidently: "He is a timid and cowardly person."

"He doesn't dare to be our enemy anymore. He knows very well that even if we are not the opponents of the Chen family, it will be easy for us to deal with him."

Bai Ning frowned slightly, and said, "Since this is the case, what are you going to do next?"

"Let's see the reaction of the Chen family." Lin Yang said flatly: "The Chen family must know that we rescued Lin Binbin. Now it depends on what they want to do."

And just as Lin Yang said, at the moment Secretary Liu is in the office, watching the news reports on the Internet, frowning.

"Secretary Liu, yesterday, the mysterious man rescued Lin Binbin, which attracted widespread attention."

"For now, the mysterious man must be the most influential anchor in the country, and he can even be said to be a public figure."

The assistant on the side was reporting from the side with the document.

Secretary Liu rubbed his temples, took a deep breath, and said, "You go down first, I will handle this matter myself."


After the assistant left, Secretary Liu frowned and said in a low voice: "It seems that I have to make another appointment with this mysterious man."

She whispered and made a phone call.

The phone was connected, and Lin Yang's voice came from the other end.

"Secretary Liu? What can I do for you?"

Lin Yang asked on the other end of the phone pretending to be puzzled.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, did I disturb you?" asked the secretary.

"No, what's the matter?" Lin Yang then asked.

"I want to ask you to come out and talk, how about it?" Secretary Liu said in a soft and charming tone: "About participating in our variety show."

(End of this chapter)

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