My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 399 Chen Ping's Birthday

Chapter 399 Chen Ping's Birthday
Lin Yang on the other end of the phone thought for a moment, and said, "I'm still thinking about it, so I can skip the meal."

"Then why don't you think about it first?" Secretary Liu continued, "By the way, I heard that you saved Lin Binbin? I don't know what happened to him?"

"If something happens to Lin Binbin, I'm afraid the husband can't get rid of it, right? Do you need my help?"

"No, if it's okay, I'll hang up first, there's something else to do."

After hanging up the phone, Secretary Liu's eyes lit up, and he said secretly: "Sure enough, I saved the person. I didn't expect the mysterious person to be good at medicine!"

"No... Lin Binbin must cut the grass and root out! Otherwise, something will happen sooner or later!"

Secretary Liu frowned and fell into deep thought.

But at this moment, Lin Yang hung up the phone, sat on the sofa, glanced at Bai Ning, and said, "I knew that Secretary Liu couldn't sit still."

"What did she say?" Bai Ning asked.

"She said she wanted to have dinner with us, but I refused." Lin Yang thought for a moment, and said, "Do you think we should go to the youth music variety show?"

Bai Ning pondered for a moment, then said: "The conditions proposed by Secretary Liu in the contract and project plan are almost nothing but nothing to us."

"The remuneration of [-] million, plus the help of various later resources, is very attractive to us at present."

"Then shall we go?" Lin Yang asked.

"Let's take a look again. After all, it's the Chen family's variety show." Bai Ning said, "If we really sign a contract with them, we will have a hard time in the future."

"That's right." Lin Yang said: "Delay them for a while and see what they want to do."

The two were chatting when Lin Yang's phone rang again suddenly.

Picking up the phone, there was a long-lost soft voice from the other end.

"Lin Yang, are you in the capital? It's my birthday tonight. How about it? Do you want to come and play?"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows. It was Chen Ping, the founder of Anhe Culture, who called him.

If it wasn't for Chen Ping, Lin Yang and Lin Keer wouldn't have known each other.

"Your birthday? Why didn't you say it earlier, I didn't prepare anything." Lin Yang said.

"Why are you being polite to me? It's nine o'clock tonight. Shanjin Private Club, I'll wait for you."

Before Lin Yang could speak, Chen Ping went on to say, "Let me tell you, it's just me, Keer, and Keke. Whether you give us face or not depends on whether you come or not."

Chen Ping didn't give Lin Yang a chance to shirk, and hung up the phone immediately.

Lin Yang gave a helpless wry smile, and told Bai Ning about the matter.

Bai Ning stretched vigorously, exhaled a long breath, and said, "I haven't relaxed for a long time, at least I have a chance to go out and play, so let's go."

"That's right, there is no one else anyway, so I just took off the mask and relax."

As night falls, at 08:30 in the evening, the entire imperial capital is brightly lit, just like daytime.

The Shanjin private club mentioned by Chen Ping is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the imperial capital.

Here, there are various bars, cafes, and entertainment venues, and there are various high-rise buildings and commercial buildings around it.

At night here, there are countless luxury cars coming and going, and the roar of the cars is like the roar of desire from the bottom of people's hearts.

In Shanjin's private club, there was a constant stream of people coming and going tonight.

A black Maybach extended version stopped at the door.

Seeing this, the welcoming waiter immediately came up to welcome them, and opened the door respectfully.

The driver of the Maybach got out of the car, handed the key to the waiter, and said: "Park the car, this car, if you sell your life, you won't be able to afford it!"

After all, the driver immediately opened the door for his boss.

The man who got out of the car had his head back, was outstanding in appearance, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes.

He is about [-] tall and wears an Italian haute couture suit.

The tailor-made suit made his originally straight figure look even taller.

The Patek Philippe on his wrist and a suit are enough for many people to work hard for a lifetime!

And these are exactly the confidence of this man!

His eyes were proud, his head was held high, and he didn't look at anyone. He asked indifferently: "Have you found out? Is that woman Chen Ping celebrating her birthday here today?"

"It's absolutely true!" The driver replied, "It must be here, and Lin Keke and Lin Ke'er are here together."

A playful smile appeared on the man's handsome face, and he said, "Lin Ke'er and Lin Keke? These two women are also good."

"Open a room, I want a dragon and three phoenixes tonight!"

The driver was stunned for a moment, and said falteringly: "Chen Ping, isn't she with the Chen family..."

"Let you do things! Make you talk too much?"

The man gave him a cold look with fierce eyes.

The driver was so frightened that he hurriedly lowered his head, took a step back, and said respectfully, "I'll open the room right away."

The man snorted coldly, and secretly said: "Chen Ping? An outcast from the Chen family, my sister is Chen Shaobing's secretary! Who doesn't know that without my sister, Chen Shaobing is useless!"

"I want to play with Chen Ping. Wouldn't the Chen family agree? Maybe they will strongly agree to let me marry her?"

This man is Secretary Liu's younger brother, named Liu Chang.

In the imperial capital, as a trusted minion of the Chen family, he was naturally famous.

In various clubs, nightclubs, and high-level entertainment venues, there are almost no people who don't know him.

After a while, his assistant came back and said respectfully: "Boss, I have already talked to the owner of the club and opened a senior suite."

Liu Chang's eyes were still arrogant, he adjusted his watch without looking at his assistant, and asked, "Which room is Chen Ping in?"

"The top box on the third floor." The assistant replied.

"Top private rooms? There are only three in the whole club. It seems that Chen Ping's Anhe Culture has made a lot of money." Liu Chang said jokingly, "Come on, follow me upstairs to meet him."

Lin Yang wanted to drive the car with Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao on the way to Shanjin's private club.

Lin Miaomiao sat in the co-pilot, dragging his head with his hands, staring at him with two big eyes.

Why are you looking at me like that?I have flowers on my face? "Lin Yang asked.

"Brother Lin Yang, won't you get used to it if you don't wear a mask anymore?" Lin Miaomiao asked curiously.

"What are you talking about, I have to wear it." Lin Yang scolded with a smile: "You girl, do you like to see me wearing a mask?"

"Not to mention, brother Lin Yang looks handsome in a mask." Lin Miaomiao said with a smile, "Is there a lot of people in the clubhouse? What if someone sees you?"

Lin Yang pointed to the locker of the car, and said, "There is still a mask in the car, and now I take it with me no matter where I go."

Bai Ning sat in the back row and stretched his waist, and said: "Generally speaking, there are quite a lot of people in that kind of high-end club, but most of them are in the private rooms, so they won't go out indiscriminately."

(End of this chapter)

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