My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 400 Advise You to Get Out

Chapter 400 Advise You to Get Out
Lin Yang looked at Bai Ning curiously, and said, "It seems that you go there often."

Bai Ning rolled his eyes and said, "Where do I have the money to spend money in this kind of place? Back then Wang Qian took me there a few times."

Several people talked and laughed along the way, and came to the door of the clubhouse.

The parking boy who parked at the gate frowned when he saw Lin Yang's car.

The car that Lin Yang drove was a black Volkswagen Santana bought in the name of the company. It was just a different color from the one he had at home.

When the younger brother saw the car, he immediately frowned and straightened his face.

"Hey, hey, move your cars away!" The younger brother stepped forward cursingly, and said, "I don't even look at this place, is it where you parked?"

As soon as Lin Yang's car stopped, he saw the little boy approaching him with an angry face.

He immediately put on the mask, rolled down the car window, and asked doubtfully, "Is there any problem?"

"Move away quickly, don't get in the way here!" the younger brother said impatiently.

Lin Yang glanced at the entrance of the clubhouse, and the car was parked in no time.

Lin Yang pointed to the parking space and said, "Don't they all park here? Besides, there are still several empty spaces."

The younger brother sneered, pointed to a row of luxury cars, and said, "Don't you know these cars?"

"That's right, it's normal for someone like you who drives this kind of car not to know him."

"Anyway, you quickly move it away, there can only be millions of luxury cars parked here."

Lin Yang immediately understood that this was another low-minded person.

He was also polite, and directly sneered and said, "What if I go in and consume?"

The little brother didn't expect Lin Yang to refute him.

When most people saw him like this, they would have moved their cars a long time ago.

After all, this is a high-end club, even if you are from the imperial capital, not many people can afford it.

The people here are either rich or noble, and my younger brother deals with these people every day, so he naturally feels that he is a master.

And ordinary people, how dare to offend people from such high-level clubs?

"Aren't you out of your mind, boy?" The younger brother glared, and said viciously: "If you don't move the car, labor and management will smash you and the car together!"

Just as Lin Yang was about to speak, a car behind him anxiously honked its horn.

There was a loud and harsh horn sound.

The younger brother looked back, and saw a black Mercedes-Benz S-Class following Lin Yang.

The driver of the car got out of the car, stepped forward impatiently, and yelled at the younger brother: "What's the situation? Hurry up and let me get out of the way!"

The younger brother immediately changed into a flattering face, nodded and bowed and said: "I'll let him move the car right away, just wait a moment, wait a moment."

After the words were finished, he turned around and angrily said to Lin Yang, "Are you going? If you don't go, our business will be affected. You will be rewarded!"

Lin Yang also lost his temper, and said coldly: "I told you, I'm here to spend! My friend is celebrating his birthday inside!"

"You won't let me park now, where am I going to park?"

"Hurry up!" The Mercedes-Benz driver continued to urge from behind.

The security guard quickly put on a smiling face, turned his head and glared at Lin Yang, and pulled out the rubber stick.

He gritted his teeth, lifted the rubber stick vigorously, and hit the front of the car with a "bang".

Lin Yang's car suddenly had a huge hole on the hood.

"Can you go away! If you don't go away, labor and management will smash you together!" The younger brother scolded with a fierce look on his face.

Lin Yang also became angry immediately, and just as he was about to lose his temper, Bai Ning immediately tugged at his sleeve.

"Don't get angry with a parking guy, it won't happen, let's go to the parking lot in front and forget it." Bai Ning persuaded: "After all, it's Chen Ping's birthday, so don't make trouble."

"What's more, if you get out of the car and make a move now, and you are recognized by someone, you may not know what will happen online."

Bai Ning lowered his voice.Whispered persuasion in Lin Yang's ear.

Lin Yang cast a cold glance at the little boy, kicked the accelerator and left the clubhouse door.

The younger brother looked at the rear of the car where Lin Yang left, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Damn! Who dares to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail! Go in and spend? It's enough for you to have several cars in one night."

The parking boy looked arrogant, but when he saw the owner and driver of the Mercedes-Benz, the expression on his face instantly became lowered and pleasing to the eye.

And Lin Yang took Bai Ning and the two to the underground parking lot of the shopping mall next door.

"Why are there such annoying characters everywhere?" Lin Yang said helplessly.

"It's strange that this kind of person is gone." Bai Ning said as a matter of course: "These days, if you have money, you are grandpa! It doesn't matter how your money comes from."

Lin Miaomiao pouted, with an unhappy expression on her face, and said, "The security guard just now was too disgusting, no matter what, you can't smash the car!"

"Then tell me, if we go in now, will the security guard stop us?"

Lin Yang and Bai Ning looked at each other, Bai Ning frowned, and said, "Go and have a look first, and then contact Sister Chen Ping if it doesn't work."

"Okay. That's the only way to go." Lin Yang stretched, yawned, and brought Bai Ning and the two back to the Shanjin Club.

But at this moment, at the entrance of the clubhouse, the parking boy who had been cursing at Lin Yang just now was looking down at the Maybach driver.

"Sir, you hand over the car to me, and I'll help you park it." The younger brother said flatteringly: "Don't worry, your car will definitely not be hurt."

The driver said proudly: "Do you know what kind of car this is? It's a car worth more than 200 million yuan. If you break it down for me, you'll see it!"

"Yes, yes, I know, I know." The younger brother said flatteringly.

"Don't smudge, hurry up, Young Master Liu asked us to join the fun today, don't make people wait for a long time."

The rear window of the Maybach was rolled down, and a man in his thirties poked his head out and said indifferently.


The driver agreed and immediately opened the door for the man.

At this time, Lin Yang brought Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao to the entrance of the club again.

The little brother who was about to park the car immediately frowned when he saw Lin Yang.

"What are you doing here? Do you still want to be beaten? Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine!" The younger brother stared, eyebrows raised.

Lin Yang's face under the mask frowned slightly, and said, "I said, I want to go in and consume!"

"You?" The younger brother looked Lin Yang up and down, and jokingly said, "Just you? Wearing a mask makes you think you're rich?"

"I advise you to get out of here quickly, don't get in the way of others here!"

Lin Yang glanced at him, ignored him, and walked straight towards the club with the two girls.

When the younger brother saw it, he was furious!
The clubhouse is full of prominent figures, if an unidentified person wearing a mask enters, what if there is danger to that important figure?
"You boy, stop for me!" The younger brother shouted at the top of his voice, "Come on! Stop him!"

(End of this chapter)

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