Chapter 401
As soon as he finished speaking, a group of security guards rushed out of the clubhouse.

The Maybach driver glanced at Lin Yang, and immediately stood in front of his boss.

"Boss, this kid is wearing a mask. It's very strange. Maybe he is a dangerous person. Let's go in quickly."

The man in his thirties turned a deaf ear and stared straight at Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao, wishing to put his eyes on them.

"Who is this kid? The two women beside him are all beautiful things in the world." The man seemed to be coming down soon.

The driver asked suspiciously: "But, isn't Young Master Liu still waiting up there?"

"What do you know, clean up this man later, take the two women up, and dedicate it to Young Master Liu!" The man scolded in a low voice: "Don't talk while watching a play."

The two men stood aside, watching with interest.

The driver glanced at the security guards who rushed out, and said, "Boss, these security guards are different from the security guards we have seen in other places before."

The man nodded and said: "The security measures in this clubhouse are very strict. The security guards here are not cheap!"

"I heard that many of them are veterans, and many of them are combat athletes who paid a lot of money."

"In that case, isn't this kid about to die?" The driver looked Lin Yang up and down, with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

"Naturally." The man sneered, and said, "Even if this kid hits ten, this kid will be finished today!"

After the words fell, he said to the security captain at the side: "You, come here."

Seeing this, the security captain immediately ran all the way to his side and said, "Sir, what can you do?"

The man pointed to Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao, and said, "I'll take care of this man, but you have to keep these two women."

After all, the man immediately took out a check from his pocket, wrote 80 yuan, and handed it to the security captain.

When the security captain saw this, his eyes lit up immediately.

Although he is the security guard of the high-end club, he is also a security guard!Only 30 income a year.

But the 80 is almost enough for his income for three years!
Seeing this, the security captain quickly agreed: "Don't worry, the boss, I will take care of it."

"Let's do it." The man said lightly.

Almost everyone present could hear the words of the man and the security captain.

Hearing this, Lin Yang's cold eyes shot straight at him like a sharp sword.

Lin Yang's gaze was cold and sharp, like the light of a knife!
Seeing this gaze, the man's heart suddenly "thumped", and an unreasonable fear occupied his heart.

This feeling disappeared with the shift of Lin Yang's eyes, only for a moment.

But this man was already in a cold sweat!

"This kid, is he some kind of big shot?" The man frowned slightly, and secretly said: "Impossible, among those big shots in the imperial capital, which one would wear a mask?"

And the security captain worked harder after receiving the money.

Pointing at Lin Yang, he said, "Give me a hand! Don't hurt these two girls."


The people from the security team agreed, and then they rushed forward in groups of three!

Lin Yang looked at the security guards in front of him, with a disdainful smile on his face under the mask.

"Death to me!"

A security guard raised his fist and threw it at Lin Yang's face!

This punch is powerful and heavy, and the speed is not bad.

Seeing this, the security captain showed a ferocious smile, and said to the man, "Look well, this kid will never get better."

The man frowned slightly and said, "Really?"

"Of course, our security guards are-"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yang raised his hand easily and grabbed the opponent's fist with a slap.

Before the security guard could react, he saw Lin Yang exerting force with his five fingers!


There was a creepy bone cracking sound.


The security guard let out a miserable scream, and his facial features became distorted.

"Let me go!"

Another three security guards rushed up!

Each of them raised their fists and threw Lin Yang on the head.

Another person kicked towards Lin Yang's waist!

Another person stretched out two fingers and poked at Lin Yang's eyes!

These three people are all fatal moves!

Seeing this, Lin Yang was furious!
"These minions are so ruthless! Are you really not afraid of killing people!"

The lower back is where the kidneys are!

If someone hits hard, acute kidney failure may occur, and even if he survives, there may be sequelae!

And the man who rushed in front of Lin Yang had two fingers like knives. If he was poked, he would definitely lose his eyes, and might even hurt his brain!
The one who attacked Lin Yang's head went straight to Lin Yang's temple.

Severe blow to the temple, probably killed instantly!

Lin Yang didn't even offend anyone, and these people wanted his life!How can this not make him angry!
Facing this scene, the security captain on the side still showed a cruel smile, it seemed that this kind of thing was just familiar to him!
"Let's see if you're dead or not!" the security captain said through gritted teeth.

"Can your security guard do it?" the man asked with some concern.

He looked Lin Yang up and down, hoping to see even a little panic.

But not only did he not see any panic, he even saw the calmness and coldness on Lin Yang's body!
"Don't worry, boss, no matter how good this kid is at fighting, he's no match for our security guards!" The security captain said confidently.

It's just that as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yang's figure suddenly flickered and turned into an afterimage!
He was startled, his eyes widened.


The man gasped, and his heart suddenly rose to his throat!

At the moment when the two were surprised.A shrill scream came.



A security guard flew out backwards, flew upside down for about ten meters, and finally hit the ground hard.

The security captain and the man were astonished, as if they had seen a ghost.

Before they could react, Lin Yang grabbed the two fingers of the security guard who poked his eyes.



As soon as Lin Yang exerted force, the two fingers of the security guard were instantly scrapped!
The security guard yelled miserably, sweating profusely, and the expression on his face became distorted and hideous!

The security captain was shocked and immediately yelled!
Lin Yang glanced at him!
For a moment, the security captain only felt that he was being stared at by an emotionless beast, his whole body was terrified, and subconsciously took two steps back to escape.

At this moment, the security guard who wanted to kick Lin Yang's back stopped.Stop now!

He staggered, fell to the ground with a "plop", and looked at Lin Yang in horror.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye!
After Lin Yang dealt with the two of them in an instant, the bursts of icy aura emanating from his body made everyone around him feel somewhat oppressed and fearful.

(End of this chapter)

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