Chapter 402 is all waste
At this moment, the entire audience was silent, eerily quiet.

After the anger in Lin Yang's heart was ignited, his eyes became colder and colder, like a god of death!
His eyes swept over the security guards in the audience, and he said two words coldly, "Do you want to fight again?"

The security captain, who was full of confidence just now, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and didn't even dare to look at Lin Yang!
The surrounding security guards also took two steps back, not daring to look into Lin Yang's eyes, for fear of being stared at by Lin Yang.

"What? Why don't you do anything now?" Lin Yang sneered jokingly, "Is this how you bully the weak and fear the strong?"

The loud and loud questioning hit the eardrums of everyone, but no one dared to answer Lin Yang's question.

His gaze swept the crowd around, and finally landed on the man.

The latter was shocked all of a sudden, his muscles tensed, and tension and fear occupied his whole body.

"You, what do you think, what do you want!" the man asked hesitantly, with a flustered expression.

"Do I have any grudges against you?"

Lin Yang's eyes stared straight at him, like two sharp knives, wishing to pierce people's hearts!

The man dodged his eyes, squeezed out a stiff smile, and said falteringly: "No, no, little brother, I, I—"

"Who is your brother?" Lin Yang interrupted him with a cold tone, and said, "You want to kill me? Do you want to attack my two friends?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, really misunderstanding." The man hastily explained: "I, I just want, want..."

"What do you want to do?" Lin Yang looked at the security captain with a sneer, and said, "You want him to kill me?"

"I, I didn't!" The man explained hastily.

He looked back at the security captain, and slapped the captain hard on the face.

"I'm going to Nima!" The man yelled angrily: "The boss asked you to do it? How the hell do you do things?"

"The money I gave you is for my brother to consume! What the hell are you!"

The man beat and cursed at the security guard.

The security guard felt aggrieved, but he didn't dare to say a word.

"Little brother, it's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding." The man nodded and bowed his head and said, "I've covered all the expenses for tonight, what do you think?"

Lin Yang looked at the man jokingly, and said, "No need, I just want to go in, is there a problem?"

"No problem, no problem!" The man nodded and said, "Of course it's no problem. Your consumption tonight will be charged to my account! Don't worry, if you come here in the future, just give my name!"

Lin Yang sneered, glanced at a few people, and walked into the club with Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao swaggering.

Seeing Lin Yang's figure disappear in the elevator, the man let out a long breath.


The man breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body relaxed a lot.

He looked at the security captain, and suddenly a surge of anger rushed up in his heart.

"I'm going to Nima!" He kicked the security guard and said, "Didn't you say that you guys are good at fighting?"

"Why don't everyone dare to do anything now? Labor and management see you as a paper tiger! You are a waste!"

"Give back the money to labor!"

The man's face was red, his ears were red, his eyes were red, and he cursed and beat him.

The security captain lowered his head, handed over the 80 check, lowered his head, and thought to himself: "Fuck, they're all sons of a bitch!"

"Isn't it just 80, and you still want to pay for your life? But who is that kid just now, so capable of fighting?"

The man withdrew the money, still full of anger.

After all, he is also the CEO of a company. When has he ever been looked down upon by a little kid pointing his nose at him?

"Boss, let's...don't forget it now?" The driver approached and asked in a low voice.

"Forget it?" The man sneered and said, "Maybe labor and capital just forget it?"

"Come up with me, have a drink with Liu Chang later, and let him solve it for me! I don't believe that the Chen family can't solve a little red guy!"


The driver nodded in agreement, and followed the man to the elevator.

Seeing that everyone was leaving, the security captain glanced at the several security guards lying on the ground, and said viciously.

"It's all trash, get out of the labor and management! You have been fired!"

After speaking, the security captain left angrily.

But at this moment, in the box where Chen Ping and the others were, it was surprisingly quiet.

Chen Ping was sitting on the main sofa, with sister Lin Keer sitting beside her.

Liu Chang took his driver and sat opposite Chen Ping, with a playful smile on his face.

"Chen Ping, aren't you happy that I'm here?" Liu Chang spread his arms and said, "I brought you a gift, I hope you—"

"Liu Chang, I didn't invite you, did I?" Chen Ping stared at him with sharp eyes.

Liu Chang didn't care about Chen Ping's interruption.

He smiled faintly, and said: "Chen Ping, you are so beautiful, even if you are angry, you are still so beautiful."

"Your red phoenix eyes are really more attractive when you are angry."

Liu Chang behaved unscrupulously, without any respect at all.

Chen Ping's anger increased greatly, her tone became cold, and she said: "This is my birthday party, please leave!"

Liu Chang raised his eyebrows, leaned on the sofa, and said, "Chen Ping, you are also from the Chen family."

"I'm also a member of the Chen family, don't you welcome your own people?"

"If this matter comes to Chen's house, tell me... what will they think of you?"

Chen Ping's heart was burning with anger, her expression was cold, but she didn't dare to refute directly.

Although she is clearly a member of the Chen family.

But in fact, the Chen family didn't regard her as one of their own!

If it wasn't for the fear of getting a bad reputation, the Chen family would have lost her company long ago.

"Liu Chang, I am from the Chen family, but you are not!" Chen Ping said coldly, "Forget it, I'm tired too, my birthday is not over."

After all, she got up and was about to rush out the door.

Seeing this, Liu Chang immediately got up, took her hand, and rubbed it vigorously.

"Chen Ping, your hands are so soft, why don't we have a birthday tonight?"

"Don't worry, with me here, after tonight, your company will definitely—"


Before Liu Chang finished speaking, Chen Ping slapped him across the face.

"You... are simply unreasonable!" Chen Ping raised her eyebrows, her cheeks flushed with anger, and said, "Get out! Get out!"

"How dare you hit me?" Liu Chang covered his face and stared, "Do you know who my sister is? How dare you offend me?"

He raised his hand, wanting to hit Chen Ping.

At this moment, the door of the box was suddenly opened.

"Mr. Liu, I'm—"

The person who came was the man just now.

He opened the door to see the situation, and the smile froze on his face instantly.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you come in without knocking?"

The slap Liu Chang raised landed on the man's face.

"Crack!" sound.

The man's face swelled instantly.

"Mr. Liu, you don't remember me?" the man said aggrievedly.

(End of this chapter)

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