My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 404 Spring and Autumn Dream

Chapter 404 Spring and Autumn Dream
"How the hell do you know my sister?" Liu Chang said with a look of disdain, "Brother, look at you, wearing a broken mask, and hanging out with Chen Ping."

"Can my sister be with someone like you? What are you dreaming of?"

Lin Yang spread his arms, made a gesture of invitation, and said, "Why don't you call your sister?"

"But compared to your sister, you are really a waste, Second Generation Ancestor, I guess your sister also wants to beat you back into the mother's womb, right?"

"I'm an idiot! What the hell are you talking about!"

Liu Chang suddenly slapped the table with a "bang", and said, "You don't want to die, do you?"

"How about me and my sister, it's none of your business! I'll give you two seconds, get out of front of my boss! Leave your woman behind!"

"Otherwise, none of you will be able to leave tonight, and I have to take your skin off!"

Liu Chang's face was flushed with anger, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets!

Lin Yang got up slowly, and said, "If you don't let your sister come over, then I will take my friends away."

"The environment here is good, but the flies are too noisy."

Lin Yang glanced at him coldly, and was about to leave with everyone.

"Stop for labor!"

Furious, Liu Chang strode forward and punched Lin Yang in the face.


Lin Yang stretched out five fingers, grabbed his fist easily, and said, "You'd better get out of the way, or you will regret it!"

"What the hell-"

"Ah... let me go! Let go!"

Before he finished his cruel words, Lin Yang exerted force with his five fingers, and a piercing pain spread to Liu Chang's brain.

He cried out in pain at the top of his lungs, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and shouted, "Let go! It's broken! It's about to be broken!"

"If my hand is broken, my sister will not let you go!"

"Step aside!"

Lin Yang snorted coldly and shook it hard.

Liu Chang staggered suddenly and fell on the sofa.

Lin Yang glanced at him coldly, and walked towards the gate.

"Stop him!" Liu Chang yelled at the driver.

The driver strode forward and immediately stood in front of Lin Yang.

His eyes were cold, and he said arrogantly: "Boy, do you know who you are provoking?"

"Mr. Liu! Secretary Liu's only younger brother! The only family member!"

"You treated him like this today, have you thought about the consequences?"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "According to what you said... Secretary Liu and Mr. Liu don't have parents anymore?"

"Are you looking for death!" Liu Chang yelled angrily, blushing, "Kill him!"

The driver grinned grimly, and said, "Boy, you asked for it yourself! The king of heaven is here, and I can't keep you!"

After the words fell, the driver kicked Lin Yang with a whip!

This leg was so powerful that even an ordinary tree trunk would be broken!
The driver has enough confidence in his legs!
A cruel and ferocious smile appeared on Liu Chang's face!

As a driver, he can not only drive, but also kung fu!

And it's still practiced since childhood, the average person can't stand it at all!

Even the security of this Shanjin private club is no match for his driver!
"go to hell!"

The driver cursed angrily, and his kick was about to reach Lin Yang's temple.


Just before Lin Yang was about to be kicked, the driver felt a flash in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he felt as if he had kicked on an iron plate, and the bones of his calf made a creepy "click".


The driver hugged his calf and yelled terribly.

He staggered and fell directly to the ground, rolling around with his legs hugged.

Liu Chang on the side was stunned and looked at Lin Yang in surprise.

"how can that be……"

He looked at the driver lying on the ground with an expression of disbelief.

"What, do you still want to fight?" Lin Yang asked jokingly.

Liu Chang opened his mouth, but didn't dare to say another word.

Lin Yang snorted coldly, and led Bai Ning and others straight out of the box.

When the man at the door and the driver heard the screams, they were startled and looked at each other.

The two of them watched Lin Yang come out of the box again, and brought a group of women with him.

The two even watched Lin Yang and the others enter the elevator as if they had seen a ghost.

"Well, this kid actually dares to beat Mr. Liu's people?" The man said in a daze.

"Boss, what should we do now?" the driver asked.

"Hurry up and go in to see if Boss Liu is okay!"

As the man said, he rushed into the box in a hurry, looking panicked.

"Mr. Liu! Mr. Liu, are you all right? Are you all right!"

The man looked exaggerated, as if his house was on fire, and ran to Liu Chang's side in three steps at a time.

But the driver who was lying on the ground was stepped over by him without even looking at it.


Liu Chang slapped him across the face, and said, "Why are you still here? You were at the door just now?"

The other side of the man's face was swollen again.

He covered the other side of his face aggrievedly, and said, "I, I just came up too..."


Liu Chang directly slapped him again, and said, "What the hell are you doing here again?"



Liu Chang slapped him again and cursed angrily: "You ass! Didn't you see the labor driver lying on the ground? Take him to the hospital!"

"Yes Yes."

The man looked aggrieved, and hurriedly agreed, and then turned around to take the driver to the hospital.

"Stop!" Liu Chang yelled angrily, "Leave your driver behind! Do labor and management have to drive by themselves?"

The man's driver was taken aback for a moment, and glanced at the man as if asking for help.

He thought to himself, "Ma De, this second generation ancestor is so difficult to serve, how many slaps does it take for labor and management to drive a car?"

And the man obviously ignored his gaze directly, and said: "You stay! Whatever Mr. Liu asked you to do today, you have to do! Do you understand?"

The driver said helplessly, "Understood."

After the man finished speaking, he immediately took the driver to the hospital.

Only Liu Chang and the man's driver were left in the box.

The driver stood aside with his head down, not daring to take a breath.

"Why are you so afraid of labor and capital?" Liu Chang glanced at him and said with a sneer, "Don't be afraid, I'm still easy to talk to."

"Yes, yes." The driver asked tremblingly, "Mr. Liu, do you have any orders now?"

"Send labor and management back to the Chen Group!" Liu Chang gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't that kid say he knew my sister? So what if he does!"

"I want to see whether my sister is helping me or helping an outsider!"


The driver immediately agreed.

At this moment, Lin Yang, who had just left, was in a box in a coffee shop with Bai Ning and others.

As soon as she sat down, Chen Ping smiled wryly and said, "Lin Yang, thank you for today, I wanted you to come and play, but I didn't expect..."

"Why are you talking about this?" Lin Yang said indifferently, "Those people in the Chen family just need to clean up!"

"Lin Yang, why do I feel that you are different?" Lin Ke'er tilted her head and looked at Lin Yang with a puzzled expression.

(End of this chapter)

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