Chapter 405
Lin Yang asked suspiciously, "Me? What's different?"

"You seem to be more... more hostile, and you're less likely to be bullied." Lin Keke joked with a smile.

Lin Yang gave a wry smile, and said, "Maybe, some people, if you take a step back, they will press on every step of the way, so it's better to do it directly."

"Lin Yang, you're really enlightened." Lin Keke crossed his arms and said, "Some people are just cheap, not only cheap, but also disgusting!"

"It doesn't make sense for you to reason with this kind of person, let alone think that he will reflect on it. A beating is the best solution!"

Lin Yang nodded in agreement, and said, "You're right."

Lin Yang thought of Chen Shaobing, Lin Binbin, and the rich second generations back then.

"If I wasn't stronger than them, I would have died several times by their hands?" Lin Yang thought to himself.

"Lin Yang, you beat Secretary Liu's younger brother just now, what are you going to do?" Chen Ping frowned slightly, and said, "If you offend the Chen family again, you may be banned again!"

"Not this time!" Lin Yang said confidently.

"Why are you so sure? Secretary Liu treats her younger brother very much," Chen Ping said.

"Look at it, Secretary Liu? She doesn't dare to provoke me now." Lin Yang said, patting his chest.

Now that Lin Binbin is in Lin Yang's hands, even if Secretary Liu wants to do something, he needs to be cautious!
What's more, now that Lin Yang's commercial value is too high, and he even cooperates with Tianwang, how dare Secretary Liu make a move so easily?
"Are you sure?" Chen Ping still asked doubtfully.

"Sure! Don't worry." Lin Yang said: "Today is your birthday, let's have fun first and don't mention these things!"

Lin Yang and others ordered a cake in the coffee shop for Chen Ping's birthday.

And at this moment, in Secretary Liu's office of the Chen Group.

Liu Changzheng sat on the sofa with an aggrieved face.

He looks aggrieved, like a little daughter-in-law who has been pissed off, where is there a little bit of arrogance outside?

"Sister, you must help me! You must help me this time!" Liu Chang complained with a full face of grievance: "That kid sent my driver to the hospital!"

"If I didn't hide quickly, maybe my hands would be crushed by him."

"What did you say?" Secretary Liu frowned slightly, walked up to Liu Chang, grabbed his hand with distressed expression, and said, "Is your hand okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Liu Chang gritted his teeth and said, "It's just that the kid who hit people is too hateful!"

Secretary Liu sighed softly, and he naturally knew what kind of guy his brother was.

But their siblings have lost their parents since they were young, and they have always depended on each other for life.

For her only family member, Secretary Liu didn't want to wrong him at all.

"Tell me, who is it?" Secretary Liu said, "Didn't you tell him that you are my younger brother?"

"Sister! This kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp! He is not afraid of you at all!"

Liu Chang stared wide-eyed, and said angrily: "That kid even said harsh words, saying that even if you speak up, it's useless!"

Upon hearing the words, Secretary Liu asked suspiciously, "He really said that?"

"In the entire imperial capital, there are not many people who can oppose me like this...except for the Chen family, right? Is he from the Chen family?"

After the words fell, Liu Chang also frowned, and said, "This...he wears a mask, I don't know if it is."

"What did you say?" Secretary Liu's voice rose an octave.

"Is he still bringing a woman with him?"

"How do you know?" Liu Chang looked at Secretary Liu suspiciously, wondering why she was so excited.

"Sister, he can't really be from the Chen family, can he?"

Secretary Liu took a deep breath and sat on the sofa opposite.His tone became serious, and he said, "Don't provoke this man in the future, we'll talk about this matter later."

"Sister, he, is he really the Chen family?" Liu Chang was startled, and said, "Then, should I apologize to him?"

Secretary Liu shook his head and said, "He's not from the Chen family, but...he's also very mysterious."

"Don't provoke him yet, I'll take care of it."

"It's not the Chen family? Then what are you afraid of him doing?" Liu Chang said with a displeased face: "Sister, I'm not a rich second generation. If you think it's troublesome, just leave me alone?"

"What are you talking about!" Secretary Liu looked at his younger brother helplessly, and said, "Listen to my sister, I will definitely avenge you! But not now!"


"No, but! If you offend him, the Chen family may be in trouble." Secretary Liu frowned, thinking to himself: "We need to find out what's going on with Lin Binbin now."

"If the secret attack of the Chen Group is exposed, maybe I don't need to be the secretary."

Liu Chang saw his sister's face was full of sorrow, and her brows were twisted into the word "Chuan".

He was also surprised, and asked curiously: "Sister, who is this? How could he pose a threat to the Chen family?"

"Don't ask, go back first." Secretary Liu said, "I still have things to deal with."

"Then, all right." Liu Chang said: "Sister, then I'll go first."

Secretary Liu nodded and watched his brother leave the office.

She leaned on the sofa and let out a long breath of foul air.

Although her younger brother is a second-generation ancestor, fortunately, he can still listen to her.

If not, who might be offended!

Secretary Liu rubbed his temples, took out his cell phone, and made a call.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Lin Yang's voice came from the other end.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, didn't I bother you?" Secretary Liu said softly.

Lin Yang on the other end of the phone sneered and said, "Secretary Liu, I didn't expect you to have a younger brother."

"Are you trying to avenge your brother?"

Secretary Liu raised his eyebrows, and said secretly: "Don't show any affection? Just tell the truth?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Look at what you said, I'm apologizing to you on behalf of my brother."

"Otherwise, how about I set up a table tonight and invite you to have a meal with Manager Bai?"

Lin Yang on the other end of the phone pondered for a long time, but did not speak.

Secretary Liu immediately said: "By the way, there is also the matter of variety shows, Mr. Mysterious Man, you should think about it too, right?"

"Okay, I'll go, you will send me the location later." Lin Yang said.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come."

After hanging up the phone, Secretary Liu's eyes burst into light!
"Mysterious man? I want to see how mysterious you are tonight!"

Secretary Liu stood up and said, "Come here."

"Secretary Liu."

Two people who looked like bodyguards walked in respectfully.

"Tonight, go to the dinner with me secretly. After the end, follow the mysterious man. I want to know where he put Lin Binbin!" Secretary Liu said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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