Chapter 407

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't it? Could it be that Secretary Liu is thinking... Can't tell that such an elegant person as Secretary Liu actually comes to this kind of place to discuss business?"

"Mr. Mysterious Man really knows how to joke." Secretary Liu covered his mouth with a smile, and said, "This is a formal place, but the way the food is served here is very unique."

"Really?" Lin Yang raised his eyebrows.

At this time, the door of the box was suddenly opened, and a burst of fragrance came along with the sound of music.

I saw a row of women in red gauze dresses walking in blithely.

Their bodies are graceful, their expressions are charming, and their apricot eyes are full of glances, which seem to be breathtaking.

These women, any one placed outside, are all first-class beauties!

Lin Yang glanced at them, then immediately withdrew his gaze and focused on Secretary Liu.

His eyes were calm and calm, without any waves, as calm as an ancient well.

One by one, the women carried the dishes, danced, put the dishes on the table, and then left calmly.

Throughout the whole process, Lin Yang only glanced at it!
Seeing Lin Yang's composure, Secretary Liu thought to himself, "The fragrance here can make people excited, and the beauty of these women is even better."

"How could he hold on for just one look? No matter what other young masters, the proud son of heaven has come, and there is no one who does not linger, and even spends a lot of money to spend a good night with this woman."

"How could he be so calm..."

Secretary Liu was shocked.

It's a man's nature, no matter what kind of man comes here, he can't escape the most primitive reaction.

Lin Yang seemed so calm, but this was the first time seeing Secretary Liu!

"The food here is good, but I can't appreciate the dance just now." Lin Yang took a sip of tea and said lightly.

Secretary Liu came back to his senses and said, "Mr. Mysterious Man, don't you like it?"

"Why should I like it?" Lin Yang raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said meaningfully: "The fragrance here is not bad, I like it."

The moment the scent appeared just now, Lin Yang noticed the hormonal changes in his body.

But Lin Yang's body has long been different from ordinary people, and he can be described as superman.

Not to mention aromatherapy, even a direct injection will not be a problem.

When Secretary Liu heard this, the elegant smile on his face froze for a moment, then calmed down again.

"In this case, let's eat the food first. The food here is also good." Secretary Liu said with a smile.

She was smiling, but she was thinking viciously in her heart, "The food here has been pre-medicated long ago. Even if a cow can sleep to death, I don't believe you can stand it!"

"I've already taken the antidote, and later, I'll see how embarrassed you will be!"

Lin Yang smiled and said, "Okay, let's eat together."

While speaking, Lin Yang picked up a chopstick of food and put it into his mouth, saying: "It's okay, not bad, this dish is much more interesting than women."

Secretary Liu said with a smile: "Sir, if you like it, eat more."

As she spoke, she picked up a chopstick herself.

Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao on the side didn't have much defense, as long as Lin Yang was around, they would naturally feel at ease.

The two each held a chopstick, and just after taking a bite, they felt dizzy and had problems reacting.

Before they could speak, both of them "plopped" and lay down on the table.

Lin Yang had noticed it a long time ago, but he still looked surprised.



As soon as he uttered a word, Lin Yang also lay down on the table.

But of course he wasn't poisoned, he was just pretending.

"I already knew it was a Hongmen Banquet, but I want to see what you want to do." Lin Yang thought to himself.

When Secretary Liu saw the three of them fell down, the elegant smile on his face disappeared instantly, and changed into a grim face.

"Come here, take them away." Secretary Liu wiped his mouth and said.

The manager immediately brought a few big men in black and walked in.

The man was familiar with the road, so he took Lin Yang and others out in a big way.

The manager came to Secretary Liu and asked respectfully, "Secretary Liu, do you still need an antidote? Today's dose is a bit high."

"No need." Secretary Liu looked indifferent, and his tone was even colder, and said, "Where to take them, you should know?"

"Of course I know." The manager said: "The car and manpower have been arranged, don't worry."

Secretary Liu nodded slightly and left the box.

At the entrance of the restaurant, there are three black Audi Q8s.

Secretary Liu sat on the middle table, and on the back seat were the three of Lin Yang who were tied up.

Secretary Liu sat in the co-pilot, glanced at Lin Yang, and said, "If there is still medicine in the car, give him another dose."

"He is different from ordinary people, you have to watch closely."

"Yes." The driver agreed, holding the needle and turning around to give Lin Yang a shot.

Lin Yang was curled up in the middle of the back seat. Taking advantage of the darkness of the night and the dim light inside the car, he slightly opened his eyes.

He looked at the transparent potion in the driver's hand, and said to himself: "This woman is so ruthless! I want to see where you are taking me!"

After injecting the medicine, the driver didn't notice anything wrong, and led the convoy out of the restaurant.

After driving for thirty minutes along the way, I still haven't arrived at the place.

Lin Yang opened a slit in his eyes, and looked out at the road through the car window.

There are no high-rise buildings here, or even uninhabited, only a winding and narrow road.

"Suburb?" Lin Yang thought suspiciously, "Do you want to lock me up?"

He was wondering when the car stopped suddenly.

Lin Yang looked out the window, and found that there was nothing on both sides except fields and weeds, and it was desolate.

"Is this going to be buried alive?" Lin Yang thought to himself, "Impossible, it hasn't reached this point yet... What on earth is she trying to do?"

While wondering, Secretary Liu said, "Two people stay here, and the others take them down."


Lin Yang and the three were carried towards the field.

Along the way, Lin Yang never found any buildings here.

Just as he was wondering, they suddenly stopped in an open space.

A man stepped on the ground with two feet.


It's the sound of metal colliding.

"The basement?" Lin Yang was startled.

Sure enough, the man found a button on the loess field, and after pressing it, an iron door opened towards both sides.

A dim passage appeared in front of Lin Yang.

"Go down." Secretary Liu said.

A man turned on the flashlight and walked down first.

Passing through a corridor, Lin Yang and his party were locked in a small dark room.

There was a stench coming from the room, and Lin Yang hurriedly held his breath.

He looked around. There were reinforced concrete walls on all sides, and a dim and flickering light bulb hung from the ceiling.

As for Secretary Liu, he stood in front of Lin Yang and the others with a gloomy expression.

"Leave two people behind, and the others will wait outside and close the door for me." Secretary Liu said coldly, "Tell those sows to be quiet and stop barking."

(End of this chapter)

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