My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 408 Can't beat it

Chapter 408 Can't beat it

A man agreed and left the room.

"Bang" the door was closed, and the atmosphere in the room became even more depressing.

Listening to Secretary Liu's words, Lin Yang thought to himself, "Sow? Is this a pig farm?"

"Ah... woo..."

Just as he was wondering, there was a shrill cry, accompanied by punches and kicks.

"Someone! The cry of a girl!" Lin Yang was startled, "Could it be that those sows are..."

Lin Yang didn't dare to think about it any further, he just felt a surge of anger burning in his heart, and he couldn't help but want to ask what happened.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, wanting to know more news.

"Tie it up," Secretary Liu said.


A man took out an iron chain in the corner of the room and tied up Lin Yang and the others.

Lin Yang estimated that the thick iron chain weighed at least fifty catties!

Not to mention the toughness of the iron chain, even if the world boxing champion comes, he will not be able to break free!

But this is not impossible for Lin Yang.

After doing everything well, Secretary Liu showed a cruel smile on his face.

"Mysterious man? Kung fu master?" Secretary Liu walked up to Lin Yang, condescendingly, and said jokingly, "I don't believe that you can still break free from this chain!"

"Secretary Liu, do you want to wake him up?" the man asked.

Secretary Liu nodded.

The man immediately took out a potion and walked towards Lin Yang.

"no need."

Seeing that Secretary Liu wanted to wake him up, Lin Yang opened his mouth and opened his eyes!

The man who had just stepped forward stopped immediately in fright.

His eyes were wide open, he looked like he had seen a ghost, and said: "You, you, when did you wake up!"

He looked at Secretary Liu in a panic, and said, "I, our medicine is fine! I always use this, I—"

Secretary Liu stretched out his hand, made a silencing motion, and said, "I know your medicine is fine. From my point of view, it's your medicine, and it doesn't work at all."


The man was startled, his eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets.

"This, how is this possible... Even a cow can't wake up from the medicine!"

"He He……"

The man looked at Lin Yang, speechless in surprise.

"Our majestic Mr. Mysterious Man is much more powerful than a cow."

Secretary Liu smiled sinisterly, and said, "It's okay, the medicine won't work, and the iron chain... should be able to bind you, right?"

Secretary Liu covered his mouth and smiled lightly, and said, "Mr. Mysterious Man, what do you think?"

Lin Yang raised his mouth slightly, and said, "What do you want to do? Just say it."

He thought to himself, "Since I am willing to let you tie me up, how can I not break free?"

Lin Yang didn't say this, but just looked at her with a relaxed expression.

Secretary Liu put his hands on his chest and said sarcastically, "What else can I do if I ask you to come?"

"Where is Lin Binbin! Hand him over!"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, pretending to be puzzled and said, "I don't know."

"Death is imminent, you still don't tell!" Secretary Liu was a little annoyed, and said: "You saved him! You took him away! The whole world knows!"

"Oh, really?" Lin Yang shrugged and said indifferently: "I took him away, but I won't tell you where he is."


Secretary Liu looked fiercely, and said: "Don't say it? It's fine, then just stay here for me!"

"Don't eat or drink, I'll see how long you can last!"

Lin Yang jokingly said: "You are here, I come whenever I want, and leave whenever I want."

"Tough mouth!" Secretary Liu said coldly: "Take the girl away and let him enjoy it here alone!"


The two men agreed and were about to start.

A gleam flashed in Lin Yang's eyes, his whole body was full of murderous intent, and he angrily said, "You dare!"

The two men's tiger bodies shook, as if they were facing the fierce tiger that had been raging all the time.

The man stopped in his tracks and looked at Lin Yang in fear, in a dilemma.

"You two trash! He's tied up, and you don't dare to do it yet?" Secretary Liu yelled angrily.

The two men looked at each other, looked at each other timidly, and then walked towards Bai Ning.


Lin Yang yelled angrily, a carp straightened up, his feet stepped heavily on the ground, and the iron chains on his body made a "cracking" sound.


The heavy muffled sound reverberated in the room, and everyone felt deafened and their eardrums vibrated.

Secretary Liu took three steps back "thump, thump, thump", almost staggering and losing his footing.

The two men also staggered at the same time, and they managed to stabilize their figures with great difficulty.

Lin Yang opened his eyes wide with anger, his eyes were full of murderous intent, like a murderous god!
For the first time, Secretary Liu showed a shocked expression on his face.

She looked at Lin Yang, her mouth was so wide that she could stuff an egg!
"This, how powerful is this, to shock people back..."

Secretary Liu felt a little more afraid.

She looked at the iron chain on Lin Yang's body again, and felt lost in her heart, feeling that even the iron chain couldn't stop Lin Yang.

"You, who are you..." Secretary Liu asked in shock.

Ordinary people, even if they are trained from the womb, it is impossible for them to have such strength when they are in their 20s.

This has already surpassed ordinary people.

Lin Yang snorted coldly and said, "You don't need to know this!"

"You just need to know that you are going to let us go now, and then make public what your Chen family has done!"

"You're so wild!" Secretary Liu gritted his teeth and said, "Even if you make it public, no one will believe you!"

"Do you know how many people are involved in the capital behind the Chen Group?"

"You don't know anything about the capital power behind the Chen family! Even if you are Sun Houzi, you have to lie down!"

Lin Yang sneered, "Really? If that's the case, then there's nothing to talk about?"

"Of course there is talk!"

Secretary Liu changed the topic, and an elegant smile appeared on his face again.

She walked up to Lin Yang gracefully, and said, "As long as you cooperate with us and sign a contract with our company, I guarantee your prosperity and wealth in the future."

"With your ability, you can also help the Chen family to take a step forward. In the future in the imperial capital, you can also turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain!"

Secretary Liu's tone was soft and seductive, and he exhaled like blue in Lin Yang's ear.

Sovereign power, endless wealth, countless women.

Such a temptation is fatal to ordinary people, and almost no one can refuse.

But for Lin Yang who has a system, these things are completely unattractive.

He believes that as long as there is a system, wanting power and wealth is nothing more than getting something out of a bag.

"Secretary Liu, did someone tell you that you have bad breath?" Lin Yang said jokingly.


Secretary Liu was furious!
Her willow eyebrows were erected, and she was furious.

But looking at Lin Yang in front of her, she felt a little helpless.

In the imperial capital, she had never felt so powerless.

Soft and hard foam, soft and hard came, but it was still useless.

The point is, you can't beat it!
(End of this chapter)

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