Chapter 409
Lin Yang smiled lightly and said, "Are you angry?"

"If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die. Secretary Liu, your Chen family will not go anywhere clean. One day, you will have to pay the price."

"The price? It's up to you?" Secretary Liu snorted coldly, and said through gritted teeth: "Since you don't cooperate anyway, I have to wrong you!"

After the words fell, she turned around and was about to leave, saying: "Close the door! Let him enjoy here for a few days, I don't believe he can still be so stubborn!"


Both men let go.

They really didn't want to fight Lin Yang.

Secretary Liu and the man just turned around.

Suddenly, there was a "clinking", the sound of metal colliding.

Before they came back to their senses, Lin Yang continued, "Shut me up? I can't be locked up here, why don't we change to another place?"

Lin Yang's joking voice came.

Secretary Liu and the two men stopped in their tracks and stood at the door in a daze, not daring to look back for a long time.

Secretary Liu felt that his legs were weak and his back was covered with cold sweat.

"He, he actually broke free from the chain. How is this possible? Even a tiger can't break free..."

Secretary Liu was trembling in his heart, and he didn't dare to look back at all, and he didn't dare to move again.

Thinking of Lin Yang's terrifying strength and skill, Secretary Liu's heart sank to the bottom.

The two men also had cold sweat on their foreheads, and they didn't dare to turn their heads at all.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the fear on the other's face.

After Lin Yang unchained Bai Ning and Lin Miaomiao, he jokingly said, "Why aren't you talking?"

"Secretary Liu, don't you have a good tongue? You don't want to talk to me anymore?"

Secretary Liu opened his mouth, and a trembling voice came out of his throat faltering.

"Sir, this, I... Misunderstanding, it's all, it's all misunderstanding."

"You, what conditions do you have? Don't hesitate to ask, I will definitely satisfy you."

Secretary Liu's voice was full of fear.

Her legs were already weak, and she felt that if she stayed any longer, she would have to sit slumped on the ground.

"Conditions?" Lin Yang snorted coldly, and said, "Can you be the master of my conditions?"

"I, I'm Young Master Chen's secretary. He, he gave me all the rights." Secretary Liu said falteringly.

"Turn back." Lin Yang said lightly.

Secretary Liu was shocked when he heard this.

She was trembling all over, moved her feet with difficulty, and turned around slowly.

She looked at Lin Yang's cold gaze, squeezed out a stiff smile, and said, "Mr. Mysterious Man, you, what conditions do you have?"

"I want Chen Shaobing to apologize to me, and! Make public everything the Chen family has done to me!"

Lin Yang's tone was as cold as a knife, and his eyes were as cold as the cold wind of a winter night.

Secretary Liu's face turned pale with fright, his heart skipped a beat, and he said to himself: "The Chen family, the Chen family actually sinned against him! Who the hell is he!"

She glanced at the two men beside her, and knew that they were probably not even appetizers in front of Lin Yang.

She had no choice but to pull the corners of her mouth, showing a smile uglier than crying, and asked: "The Chen family, did you offend me?"

"I, our high-level people don't know, it must be the people below who offended you."

"Fart!" Lin Yang sneered, "It was Chen Shaobing who attacked me!"

Secretary Liu was taken aback, and couldn't help slandering: "Sure enough, he is a second-generation ancestor, why is he provoking people everywhere!"

When she complained about Chen Shaobing, she completely forgot that his younger brother was also such a person.

"Sir, you, who are you?" Secretary Liu still asked suspiciously.

As soon as she finished speaking, a blur suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and an afterimage flashed past.

As soon as she realized it, Lin Yang was already in front of her.


Secretary Liu exclaimed, and took three steps back in fright.

Her heart was beating fast, and she thought to herself: "He, why is he so fast!"

"You said, Chen Shaobing has already handed over all the rights to you?" Lin Yang asked coldly,

"Yes, yes..." Secretary Liu said.

"Then you know many secrets of the Chen family?" Lin Yang asked jokingly.

"I... yes, I know a lot."

Secretary Liu looked at the mysterious boy in front of him, and his heart was already filled with fear.

Everything Lin Yang did was beyond her understanding.

Who else can be so fast, break free from heavy chains and withstand a large dose of tranquilizers?
Such a person, even if he has no power or power, is definitely not something that ordinary people can provoke.

Hearing this, Lin Yang smiled coldly on the face under the mask, and said, "Send the Chen family's handle to Agni Media!"

"After delivery, I will leave immediately!"

Lin Yang's words were powerful and resounding, and they were direct orders.

Secretary Liu was shocked and fell into a dilemma for a while.

Beads of sweat hung on her forehead, and she, who was always proud, panicked like a child at this moment.

"Betraying the Chen family, if it is found out, I..." Secretary Liu said in a trembling voice with a troubled expression on his face, "I will die!"

"Your brother's sin against me, you don't know it?"

Under the mask, Lin Yang made a cold and playful voice.

Secretary Liu was shocked, and said to himself: "There is no choice... The Chen family, this time they provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked."

"For my brother and myself, this time, I will fight!"

She knew very well that she might not be found out if she betrayed the Chen family.

But if she provoked the mysterious man in front of her, maybe without anyone noticing, she should go to hell to report!

She took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in her heart, and tried to keep her voice calm.

"I see, I will send the information to your company immediately."

After Secretary Liu finished speaking, he immediately took out his mobile phone and sent the file to Agni Media.

The moment he pressed the send button, Secretary-General Liu let out a long breath.

She knew that from this moment on, she had no way of turning back and could only follow the mysterious man in front of her.

"I've already sent it, do you want to see it?" Secretary Liu asked.

Lin Yang didn't speak, took out his mobile phone and called He Lin.

When the phone was connected, He Lin spoke excitedly before Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"Boss! We have received something amazing. If this is exposed, it will be enough for the Chen Group to drink a pot!"

"The sender seems to be... the assistant president of the Chen Group!"

Lin Yang smiled and said, "Don't say anything about this, you can copy this document."

He Lin on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and said, "Boss, you didn't get this, did you?"

"You got the president's secretary of the Chen Group? It's too strong!"

"Don't ask any more questions." Lin Yang said, "I'll tell you when I return to the Demon City, so don't act rashly."

"Okay, don't worry! I will definitely keep it secret!" He Lin said excitedly.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang said coldly to Secretary Liu: "I have received the materials, and you can follow my instructions on what to do next."

(End of this chapter)

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