Chapter 411 Gossip
After Lin Yang changed the topic, the fans didn't chase after him.

"Just say what you don't know, and I'll see what you don't know."

"The upstairs is right!"

"Yes! Anchor, why don't you know? Tell me! We will let you challenge yourself!"

Lin Yang said helplessly: "There are too many things I don't know, how can I show you what I don't know?"

"Fuck, you still don't know how?"

"Superman who can fly tall buildings, and who can't?"

"Of course." Lin Yang said, "Do you want to listen to a song? Shall I sing a song?"



"Although you sing well, you are already tired!"

"I agree, I have watched the singing videos on the Internet N times."

Lin Yang looked at the scrolling comment area, and thought to himself: "This year's netizens are really hard to lead."

At this moment, Lin Yang's phone rang suddenly.

After picking up the phone, Lin Ke'er's sweet voice came from the other end.

"Lin Yang, are you free? Come out and meet?" Lin Keer asked.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously, "Didn't you announce recently?"

"Um... I'm recording a show, and I need a chorus guest. I want to ask you for help." Lin Ke'er said with a smile.

"It's just singing, you shouldn't refuse, right?"

Lin Yang thought for a moment, and said, "Okay, give me the address, and I'll go there."

"Okay, thank you, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang immediately received Lin Ke'er's location.

He said to the camera: "Everyone, how about showing you the goddess?"

"Fuck? Is there a goddess? Who is it?"

"Anchor, don't be a secret, I have a lot of goddesses."

"But the national goddess Lin Ke'er?"

"Upstairs, how dare you call my wife by her first name?"

"Your wife? Stop talking, draw your sword!"

"You're right, it's Lin Ke'er!" Lin Yang said, "She's recording a show, I'll take you to see the scene and the backstage."

"What the hell? Lin Ke'er seems to be recording a love song duet recently! Anchor, what's your relationship with Ke'er!"

"Yeah! I heard that Keer is recording a love song duet, and she's still a judge."

"My god! Anchor, take off your mask and let me see who you really are! Why do you know all the big names?"

"It's impossible to take off the mask." Lin Yang said mysteriously, "The time hasn't come yet."

"Mystery, what the hell are you doing!"

"Anchor, what you said is too outlandish."

Many people in the comment area are complaining.

Lin Yang ignored it and drove to Lin Keer's recording site.

The program recorded today is a variety show called "The King of Love Songs".

Just as netizens said, it is a variety show of love songs duets.

And Lin Keer served as the judge of the female singer.

Backstage at the recording site, Lin Keer was doing makeup in a separate dressing room.

While putting on makeup, her makeup artist asked excitedly: "Ker, will the mysterious man really come later?"

"Of course." Lin Ke'er said proudly, "He has an unusual relationship with me."


The makeup artist immediately made a silent movement, and said: "Ker, you can't say this outside, if you are overheard, it must be another gossip."

Lin Ke'er pouted, and said, "There are paparazzi everywhere, I hate them to death."

"Lin Keer, are you in the dressing room?"

A woman's cold and arrogant voice came from the door.

"Yes." Lin Ke'er asked, "Who are you?"


The other party didn't answer, just pushed the door open and entered.

Lin Ke'er turned her head and looked at the woman in front of her.

She was wearing a long white dress, with beautiful black hair, exquisite makeup on her face, and a tall figure without a trace of fat on her body.

At the waist of her long skirt, her waistcoat line was also exposed.

"I've used your dressing room, so go out."

The woman's expression was cold, her eyes were sharp, her arms were folded, and she had a haughty look on her face.

"Why?" said the makeup artist, "This is an independent dressing room for Keer given by the organizer. Who are you? You chase people away when you come up?"

"Ya Ling." The woman sneered and said, "Don't be dying for a past star, let's go quickly, and don't make it too embarrassing later."

"You are Yaling?" Lin Ke'er said in surprise.

"Otherwise?" Yaling twisted her waist, sat on a chair beside her, and said, "The organizer has said that this room belongs to me. If you are sensible, leave immediately."

"Don't go!" The makeup artist said: "Ker, let's not go, let the organizer come, and I will argue with him!"

"Yo, theory?" Ya Ling glanced at her with a disdainful smile.

"Oh, Ms. Yaling, the assistants and makeup artist are not here, how can you walk to the dressing room by yourself?"

A sharp voice came in from the door.

A man with dyed red hair, wearing a plaid shirt, tight jeans, and pointed leather shoes ran in with twists and turns.

His tone was exaggerated, his expression was even more exaggerated, his eyes were close to Ya Ling, and he didn't even look at Lin Ke'er.

"Here, the organizer is here, don't you want to ask him to argue?"

Ya Ling sneered, and looked at Lin Ke'er provocatively.

"Director, you—"

"What are you!" The director put his hands on his hips, stared at each other, and said with the attitude of a vixen cursing, "You two, get out quickly! Make room for us, Teacher Ya Ling."

"I agreed on the treatment before I came here, but now I suddenly change my mind, isn't it appropriate?"

The makeup artist was upset and wanted to argue.

"Xiao Tao, it's okay." Lin Ke'er said, "It's like we went to the public dressing room."


"Okay, let's go."

After speaking, Lin Ke'er left the dressing table and walked towards the door.

The makeup artist glared angrily, and left angrily.

"What kind of quality, no wonder it's not popular anymore." The director rolled his eyes, raised his orchid fingers, and sat beside Yaling.

"Teacher Yaling, please wait a moment, your team will come here in a special car." The director said with a dog-licking face: "You said, Justin, he...will really come?"

Ya Ling picked him up and said, "Yes."

"Then... when will he arrive? I'll have someone pick him up." The director said excitedly: "Justin is an international celebrity, if he can show his face once, it will increase the ratings."

Yaling looked at the expensive watch and said, "It's estimated that there is still an hour."

"Then I'll arrange someone to pick it up right away." The director shot this song, pointing at the orchid, and said, "Mr. Yaling, if you need anything later, just ask."

Yaling nodded, without saying a word.

The director ran out happily, ready to pick up Justin.

And at this moment, in the public dressing room, a group of starlets and those who were arranged by the director's team to be the atmosphere group.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Ke'er...

(End of this chapter)

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