My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 412 You Are Overwhelmed

Chapter 412 You Are Overwhelmed
"I really didn't expect that Lin Ke'er would come to the public dressing room."

"Who says it's not? After all, it's too late."

"I met her at the backstage of a performance before, and she didn't even look at me, she was like something."

"That is, when she was famous, the national goddess, who knows her now?"

"If you say she was following the wrong heat, she was with Lin Yang, and now she is fine, one is dead, and the other has passed away."

Lin Keer was sitting in front of a dressing table in the dressing room.

Various voices and gazes filled her ears.

Even after receiving the spotlight for many years and the scrutiny of countless eyes.

But it was also the first time for Lin Keer to face such ridicule from her peers.

She was so popular back then, no matter where she went, everyone was smiling at her, and she felt that she had a lot of friends.

There are also many backs who have just entered the industry, and they are also respectful and polite to her.

At that time, she felt that, apart from paparazzi taking sneak shots, the entertainment industry was not as realistic as the outside rumors said.

But today, Lin Keer finally felt the reality that others said!
What's more, she still has a certain influence now, and she is also a top singer in the domestic market.

But even so, the people around still want to belittle her to nothing!
Lin Ke'er closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and tried her best to recover her mood.

But her make-up artist was shaking her hands in anger when she heard the comments of the people around her.

"Ker, these people are too much! We didn't offend them, these people actually said that about you!"

"You can't bear it. These are newcomers and juniors. If you lose your temper, they dare not do anything to you."

The make-up artist was anxious and angry, but Lin Ke'er didn't speak, and she couldn't directly scold these people.

"Forget it." Lin Ke'er said helplessly: "The entertainment industry is like this. I should have known about it the day I came in."


"It's okay, it's okay." Lin Ke'er comforted: "In the entertainment industry, everyone will have this day."

"Ouch, Goddess Kerr, queen, why are you in the public dressing room?"

There was a piercing and exaggerated sound, followed by the sound of sharp high-heeled shoes landing.

Everyone looked back and saw a woman with heavy makeup, wearing a black dress and long skirt, dressed grandly, and her makeup was even more exquisite, walked in.

She clapped her hands, stomped her feet, and said with a mocking expression: "Noble Miss Ke'er, you are a noble queen, how can you put on makeup in a place like this?"

"Oh!" She stretched out a finger, stared at her eyes, suddenly realized, and said: "I see, you are too angry!"

"The one who is in your dressing room now is Sister Yaling, you are so pitiful."

The makeup artist couldn't hold back the anger in her heart anymore, and said, "Poor bastard! Who are you! A [-]th-line singer, did you come here to act presumptuously?"

The makeup artist is Lin Tao, and she has been following Lin Keer since her debut. The two are best friends, which is rare in the entertainment industry.

Seeing Lin Keer being ridiculed like this, as a best friend, she naturally couldn't stand it.

"Oh, I'm so scared." The woman still had a mocking expression, and said, "Should the [-]th-line star be unable to speak?"

"So what about yourself? You thought you were the queen of the song? You're going to die a long time ago!"

"You're hotter than you when you're old!" Xiaotao retorted.

"Really?" The woman sneered, put her hand on her hip, and said, "Sister Yaling said that she wants me to sign with her company."

"What do you think you are? I'm going to be more popular than you soon."

Xiaotao sneered, "Then you can talk about it when you become popular!"

"Xiao Tao, stop talking, let's put on makeup first." Lin Ke'er said.

"You learn from your master, she has resigned herself to her fate, what are you calling for?" the woman sneered.

"Miss, you can't scold my friend." Lin Ke'er frowned slightly, and emphasized her tone.

"Yo, still friends." The woman said with a look of disdain: "To tell you the truth, just the two of you, it's already sunset!"

"Sister Yaling has changed to a new company. The company contacted Justin for her today! Do you know who Justin is?"

"As long as I cooperate with Justin once, sister Yaling can officially enter the international market! And I can follow the international market!"

As soon as the voice fell, the other little stars and extras around them were blown up.

"Fuck? Justin? What kind of god is this, can come to us?"

"Isn't the company behind Yaling awesome? It's too strong! It's actually working with Justin."

"My mother, I didn't expect that. Yaling went downhill a while ago, and I thought she was going to be cool too."

People around were talking about it, and Lin Ke'er's face became colder and colder.

"That's really congratulations to you guys, but me and my friends are not interested in these."

"I think you're just jealous!" the woman said angrily.

"What's the matter, why are you so noisy?"

A haughty voice came, and Yaling walked out with a cold face.

"Sister Yaling, they are jealous of you!" The woman immediately stepped forward, with a flattering look, and said, "People like them are not worthy of carrying your shoes."

"Don't tell the truth." Ya Ling sneered, and said, "Lin Keer, go to the door and help me bring the courier in."

"Why! You don't know how to take it yourself? You don't know how to call so many staff?" Xiaotao said angrily.

"Oh, oh, what's the matter? Why are you arguing like this? I hate it!"

The director cocked his orchid fingers and ran in with his butt twisted.

As soon as he saw Yaling, his face was filled with a smile, and he said, "Teacher Yaling, why did you come out? What's the matter?"

"I have a courier, and I need someone to pick it up." Yaling sat on the side, and said eccentrically.

"Oh, leave this trivial matter to me, and I'll send someone to get it right away." The director said immediately.

"No, I want her to get it for me." Ya Ling pointed to Lin Ke'er and said.

The smile on the director's face froze for a moment, and he said, "This... Keer, you go and help get it, and help each other."

"Help you! Didn't you see that this woman deliberately made things difficult?" Xiaotao said, "Whoever wants to take it! Don't let Ke'er go!"

"Ke'er, don't you care about your makeup artist?" The director said with a displeased face: "How can you be so unqualified?"

"Who the hell—"

"As far as I know, Lin Ke'er, you haven't found a chorus partner yet, right?" Ya Ling said eccentrically, "Today's recording is the chorus of the two of us and two male guests."

"There is no male guest, Lin Keer, how do you film and record? You should go home."

The director was taken aback, raised his voice an octave, and said, "What! You don't have any guests yet? Isn't your company already arranged it!"

(End of this chapter)

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