My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 413 Mental Damage Fee

Chapter 413 Mental Damage Fee

The director's eyes widened with anger, his eyes widened.

Lin Ke'er frowned and said, "I've already made arrangements."

"It's best to arrange it well!" The director said: "Without guests, today's crew's funds will be in vain!"

"Impossible?" Ya Ling jokingly said, "You Anhe Culture doesn't have any male artists."

"Your previous guest should be from my company. Has he canceled the cooperation with you now?"

The woman on the side sneered: "It's really shameless, pretending to be a white lotus, and opening your mouth is a lie."

When the director heard it, was it okay?

In the operation of the entire crew, there is money everywhere.

If a program is not fully filmed, it will be a day of blind eyes!
If the money is wasted, and if the investors are upset, he, the director, may also be replaced!

He put one hand on his hip, pointed at Lin Keer with the other, and cursed angrily, "Lin Keer, what do you mean?"

"You still want to lie? Can you hide this kind of thing? You must compensate me for the loss today! There is also mental damage!"

"I said that I have already found a guest, it is the mysterious man! He will be here soon!"

Lin Ke'er also raised her brows, looked at the director with aggrieved eyes, turned and left the public dressing room.

Xiaotao gave Ya Ling and the director a vicious look, and said, "Just wait and see! The mysterious man's first appearance on a variety show is sure to be popular! The ratings depend on us!"

Saying that, Xiaotao hurriedly followed.

The director was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously, "Does any of you know who this mysterious man is?"

"A little internet celebrity, he's been quite popular recently." The woman said eccentrically, "Even if he is popular again, how can Wenmo be as good as Justin?"

"Internet celebrity?" The director put his hands on his hips and said, "Okay, this Lin Ke'er has started mixing with Internet celebrities."

"If there is a problem with the ratings today, I have to talk to their boss!"

Yaling sneered and said, "Director, arrange a few people, I want to touch up the makeup."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away." The director immediately said with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Justin was flying to the capital, watching Jie Lun's video on the computer.

"Who is this person?" He pointed to the man next to Jie Lun in the video and asked.

The secretary next to him glanced at the video, and said, "I don't know, it must be an amateur singer?"

Justin said: "Strange, why did he sing with Jie Lun?"

"How could an amateur enter Jielun's recording studio?"

"Click in and see." The secretary said.

Justin turned on the video, and a melodious music sounded.

Jie Lun spoke first, still with a familiar voice, and almost perfect professional standards.

Justin couldn't help but nodded and praised: "Jie Lun is really Jie Lun, and his singing skills are naturally very good."

At this moment, a masked man beside Jie Lun spoke!

As soon as the voice came out, Justin raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised.

Immediately, the voice flowing in his ears was mellow and long, the stability of breath, and the handling of emotions shocked him even more!

"This kind of difficult voice transition, the extremely difficult head cavity, turns into chest cavity resonance, and it can be turned so smoothly!"

Justin thought this was already the limit.

But he didn't expect to come to the climax of the song, when Lin Yang and Jie Lun sang together.

This song "In the Name of the Father" belongs to Lin Yang's harmony part, which is magnificent, ethereal and tactful.

The harmony here originally belonged to girls' arias!
You know, girls don't have an Adam's apple, so it's less likely to get stuck in singing, and it's easier to get high notes.

Moreover, this harmony requires the use of bel canto!
The original female voice aria was sung by a senior bel canto musician.

But now, Lin Yang not only sang perfectly, the pitch, transposition, and details are even better than the original version by more than one level!
Justin's eyes were fixed on the masked man on the screen.

He didn't even notice that Jie Lun paled in comparison to this man!

He watched the video almost with tense nerves and staring eyes.

After the video ended, he let out a long breath of foul air and leaned back on the seat back.

"Too strong, this person is too strong!" Justin sighed: "He has completely reached the highest level in the world!"

"Even if the lead singers in those choirs are strong, they are no match for him!"

"Mr. Justin, is this so exaggerated?" The secretary didn't know much about music, so he asked suspiciously: "Then who can sing better, he or Jie Lun?"

"Of course it's him!" Justin said without hesitation: "I think Jie Lun might still be his student!"

"No, I finally came to a big country, I want to meet this senior!"

As Justin said, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a direct call.

Today's business jets not only have signals, but also have wireless networks.

The phone was connected, and Zhou Jielun's voice came from the other end.

"Justin? Why did you remember to call me?" Zhou Jielun asked suspiciously.

"Who is the person who sang with you in the recording studio?" Justin said excitedly: "I want to know him! I just happened to go to the Imperial Capital of the Great Kingdom to participate in a variety show!"

"Please introduce him to me, my God, my God! Your big country is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and this kind of person is not popular?"

Zhou Jielun on the other end of the phone immediately knew who he was talking about.

"Let me help you ask him. If he is willing, I can arrange for you to meet." Zhou Jielun said.

"That's great! Thank you so much, my friend." Justin said excitedly.

"It's nothing, it's easy to do." Zhou Jielun said: "That's it, I still have something to do."

"Okay, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Justin clicked on the video again.

The secretary at the side was dumbfounded, and said: "Mr. Justin, you are also a status in the international music scene..."

"What's the status? Are you saying that my fans make more money?" Justin interrupted the assistant and said, "Vulgar! Vulgar!"

"These gentlemen wearing masks are the real singers, the real musicians! Artists!"

"I want to find him! I want to worship him as my teacher!"

The more Justin spoke, the more excited he became, his face flushed red.

The secretary at the side was stunned.

A well-known international singer, he is also a well-known figure in the international music scene.

Good guy, now you want to learn from an unknown person?

If this gets out, the international media will probably go crazy.

At the moment, Lin Yang, who was on his way to the recording scene by car, was broadcasting live when he suddenly received a call from Jay Chou.

"Mr. Lin, are you free now?" Zhou Jielun asked.

"No time, what's the matter?" Lin Yang asked.

"I have a friend who wants to meet you, is that okay? He appreciates your singing skills very much." Zhou Jielun said.

(End of this chapter)

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