Chapter 414

Lin Yang said without hesitation: "Of course, as long as my real identity is not revealed."

"Great, then I'll talk to him now." Zhou Jielun said, "By the way, his name is Justin, and he is an internationally famous singer."

"I see." Lin Yang said lightly, "Let's meet when we have time."

"Okay, then I won't bother you, goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang also came to the door of the recording site.

As soon as he got out of the car, Lin Yang saw Lin Ke'er standing at the door with his head down and tears all over his face.

Seeing this, the fans in Lin Yang's studio couldn't sit still.

"What's the situation? Someone dares to bully my goddess!"

"It's disgusting! Fuck, who made my goddess cry?"

"Anchor, did you do a good thing! Hurry up and apologize!"

"Fuck, who should I help when my goddess and my male god have a fight?"

"Above, wake up, you can't do anything."

The fans fell out, and Lin Yang quickly said, "I'll broadcast it to you when the recording starts. Goodbye."

After speaking, he immediately downloaded the live broadcast.

The fans in the live broadcast room went "Fuck."

"Damn it, why don't you turn off the live broadcast for me just like that?"

"What happened to Goddess Ke'er? You won't be bullied, right?"

"Is there anyone in the entertainment industry who dares to bully my goddess? See if I kill him without lifting a knife!"

Seeing Lin Keer crying, Lin Yang hurriedly stepped forward to inquire about the situation, and said, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Seeing Lin Yang coming, Lin Ke'er wiped away her tears, squeezed out a distressed smile, and said, "It's nothing, I just thought of something bad."

"It's all right, those snobs!" The makeup artist said indignantly, "Look at us, we are not as popular as before, and everyone will step on us!"

"If it wasn't for what happened to Lin Yang before, Ke'er would also be a popular goddess, okay? How could she be so angry!"

"Oh, stop talking, it has nothing to do with Lin Yang." Lin Ke'er said.

"What, it's obvious, Lin Yang got negative news, that's why you were dragged into it." The makeup artist said hastily.

"Stop talking!" Lin Ke'er emphasized her tone.

"Well, if you don't say it, don't say it." The makeup artist curled her lips and said, "You are just too easy to bully."

Hearing this, Lin Yang felt a little uncomfortable.

At the beginning, because he was framed by the Chen family, Lin Binbin and others, for a period of time, negative news was flying all over the sky.

And during that time, the relationship between Lin Ke'er and Lin Yang was well known by the public, and even many unscrupulous media even said that the two were a couple.

Also because of those things, Lin Keer's popularity and reputation plummeted.

"Ker, I'm sorry, I..."

"It's okay, you helped me record the program today, but you helped me a lot." Lin Ke'er smiled again.

It's just that the smile on the corner of the mouth feels a bit bitter no matter how you look at it.

"This is what I should do." Lin Yang said: "Let's go, let's go in, no matter what others say, I will definitely help you suppress the situation today!"

"With your words, I feel relieved. In singing, I don't think anyone can beat you." Lin Ke'er said with a smile.

The make-up artist at the side heard the words and said quickly: "Go in now? Then that woman Yaling sees you and doesn't make things difficult for you?"

"Besides, didn't Yaling invite the international superstar Justin? I guess he is being treated like a fairy by the crew now."

"Go in now, what if you are made things difficult again?"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said, "Justin? An international famous singer?"

"Yeah, you know him too?" The makeup artist pouted and said, "Let's go in later."

"When Justin comes later, that group of people will definitely go to the sky with their tails. If they see Ke'er, they will definitely be weird again."

Lin Yang smiled indifferently, and said, "It's okay, let's go in, Justin will come as soon as he comes."

Lin Yang secretly said: "Justin probably just came to Daguo today, so it's a coincidence that he came to find me."

"Ah?" The makeup artist was taken aback, and said, "Forget it, we only have three mouths, and we can't spray them."

"It's okay, don't spray, they will shut up." Lin Yang said, and strode towards the studio.

"Oh, let's go, if he said there is no problem, then it will be fine." Lin Ke'er dragged the makeup artist to follow.

As soon as Lin Yang and the others entered the studio, they saw a group of people gathered together, chatting about something.

"Sister Yaling, do you think I can sign with your company? I have been an actor for many years." A man nodded and bowed.

"It's just you? Get out of here!" A woman sarcastically said, "It's me, I'm very dedicated."

"Sister Yaling, I don't need to sign a contract, just give me one or two notices." Another man said.

"Okay, okay, one by one."

The woman behind Yaling said: "Stop arguing, let sister Yaling clean up."

When everyone heard this, they became quieter.

"Hey, Lin Ke'er? Did you come in after crying?" The woman saw Lin Ke'er, and said eccentrically, "The masked man next to you...couldn't have just come here after distributing leaflets on the street?"

Lin Yang said coldly: "Miss, it's the first time we meet, don't you think it's impolite to say that?"

"Politeness?" The woman said eccentrically, "Is it polite to be an Internet celebrity?"

"I think you don't deserve to come to our variety show."

"That's right, Lin Ke'er, you are a first-line star after all, and you still hang out with Internet celebrities?" A woman echoed.

"That's right, Lin Ke'er, why don't you invite someone who is important? You actually invited an Internet celebrity?" A man sneered.

"Ke'er, you're really interesting, to have an internet celebrity come along?" Yaling said eccentrically, "Why don't I arrange a guest for you?"

"Otherwise, the audience won't recognize this internet celebrity when he comes on stage, which will affect the ratings."

"No need!" Lin Ke'er resolutely rebuffed, "The influence of the mysterious person is not low, so you don't know."

The makeup artist echoed: "You people are ignorant!"

She said so, but she was thinking in her heart, "Actually, I haven't heard of it. After all, the live broadcast is not a mainstream media, so how famous can it be?"

"Yo, is that so?" The woman behind Yaling sneered, "The director will bring Justin here later, I guess you are just a foil, but also influential."

"Is the Justin you're talking about... very powerful?" Lin Yang shrugged, and sat aside in a swaggering manner.

Today, he is bound to get back Lin Ke'er's face and status in the circle!

After all, Lin Keer was implicated because of him.

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, Justin, you don't even know?" The woman glanced at Lin Yang, and said proudly, "He is an international superstar! You little internet celebrity..."

"Little Internet celebrity, is there a problem?" Lin Yang interrupted her and asked directly.

(End of this chapter)

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