Chapter 418 The Brain Circuit Is Different

Justin opened the door and looked at the director with a cold expression.

"Mr. Director, I want to talk to you about one thing." Justin said proudly.

The director was startled, and secretly said: "It's not that Lin Ke'er is going to take revenge on me, is it?"

He asked nervously: "Mr. Justin, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"I hope to turn this recording into a webcast." Justin said bluntly.

"What?!" The director was startled, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Me, me, if it is changed to a webcast, we will have to re-discuss the plan with the original cooperative website and the investor, the cost will be different, and we will have to re-promote it!"

"Mr. Justin, I really can't do anything about this, I—"

"You go to contact the investors and the website, and I will negotiate with them." Justin interrupted the director.

"This..." Seeing Justin's determined appearance, the director said helplessly, "Okay, I'll get in touch."

"Don't be so troublesome." Lin Yang said: "After the recording is over, we can start the live broadcast again."

"No!" Justin insisted: "A musician like you must have the biggest platform and the biggest promotion!"

"Mr. Mysterious Man, since you said we are friends, I have an obligation to help you, and you are also responsible for promoting such a song to the world!"

"When I return to the United States, I will definitely do my best to promote your music!"

What Justin said was powerful and undeniable.

Lin Yang could only agree with a wry smile.

He thought to himself: "Why are the brain circuits of these artists and musicians different from those of ordinary people?"

After the director successfully dialed the phone, he immediately handed over the phone to Justin.

He didn't want to face the scolding of investors.

Justin answered the phone, and a deep voice came from the other end, saying, "What's the matter? Hasn't the show started recording?"

"Hi sir, I'm Justin." Justin directly reported his family name.

The person on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned for a moment, then made a surprised voice and said, "Justin? That international superstar?"

"That's right, it's me." Justin said, "I'm here to join your show."

After hearing the words, the investor on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and then said: "I checked, are you Yaling's guest?"

"No! She disrespected my friend and me, and I have unilaterally broken the contract." Justin said: "I have the right to do so."

When the investor heard this, he was furious!

He cursed angrily in his heart, "What the hell, you actually offended my God of Wealth?"

"He's the guarantee of the show's ratings! How could he be offended just like that!"

Investors are naturally aware of Justin's weight.

Internationally, Justin also owns an entertainment company, and is even the president of many companies in other industries.

Having gained both fame and fortune, he will naturally invest in many companies.

Facing Justin, even investors dare not offend him.

"Mr. Justin, I will definitely block this Yaling completely! If you have any other demands, just say so!"

The investor said eagerly: "As long as you can stay in this show!"

"Can you decide what you say?" Justin asked directly.

"Of course! I'm an investor, so what do I think about this show? It's not easy?" The investor said affirmatively.

"Okay, then I'm going to turn this show into a live broadcast! Now, right now, right now!" Justin said.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The investor coughed for a while, and asked in surprise, "What did you say? Yes, you want to change it to a live broadcast now?"

"This, this also has to review the program, even if the website and I both agree, it has to pass the review."

At this moment, the investor's face turned green, as if he had eaten a fly.

He knew that if there was Justin in this show, even if it was changed to a live broadcast, he could still make a lot of money!
Moreover, according to the reward function of each live broadcast platform, maybe this time the live broadcast will be more profitable than the recorded program!

But now it is suddenly changed to a live broadcast, which is completely impossible!
Justin was also troubled when he heard this, and said, "Is there nothing we can do?"

The investor said helplessly: "We can only suspend the recording of the program, rearrange the plan, and then promote the live broadcast."

"For us, this requires a huge investment and time cost."

"Mr. Justin, since you like to broadcast live, I can pause the recording and help you broadcast live."

"However, I also have a condition, otherwise my program may not go on."

"What condition?" Justin asked.

"I need you to stay on this show and do a live broadcast for us!" the investor said bluntly.

Justin heard the words, glanced at Lin Yang, and asked: "Sir, if you change to the live broadcast mode, will you stay here forever?"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, rubbed his chin, and thought to himself, "If it's changed to a live broadcast, to a live broadcast platform of Agni, maybe the entire company's revenue will increase."

"Moreover, it can quickly enter the mainstream media! Open up new channels, and maybe cooperate with Justin and Jie Lun to enter the international market!"

"At that time, if we join forces with Secretary Liu, we may have a chance to completely overthrow the Chen family..."

Lin Yang thought to himself, and said, "Wait a minute, I'll make a phone call."

Lin Yang immediately called Bai Ning.

After a while, the phone was connected.

He said things quickly.

Bai Ning on the other end of the phone said excitedly: "It's totally feasible! Just do it according to your idea!"

"If someone like Justin really joins us, the popularity of our platform may directly surpass that of Panda Live!"

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Although Lin Binbin is gone now, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Wang Qian's panda live broadcast is still the industry leader in the live broadcast industry!

But this time, once Lin Yang takes advantage of the power of this program group, he may directly replace Wang Qian!

"okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang said to Justin, "I can stay, but I also have a request."

"When broadcasting live, I must use my platform to broadcast live, and I hope to obtain the exclusive right to broadcast."

"Do you have your own live streaming company?" Justin asked in surprise.

In his opinion, it is incredible for a music master to do a live broadcast.

Now you actually start your own live broadcast company?

"Well, this is also... a last resort." Lin Yang said with a wry smile, "How about it? Can we talk about it?"

"no problem!"

Justin agreed, and said to the investor, "Sir, I can do a show on your variety show for free."

"But I also have a request. The live broadcast platform this time must be the company of Mr. Mysterious Man."

(End of this chapter)

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