My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 419 Free Live Streaming

Chapter 419 Free Live Streaming
The investor on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "Mysterious man? The one who is very popular recently?"

Justin glanced at Lin Yang and said, "Talk to Mr. Mysterious Man, he is my friend."

"As long as you can agree to his request, I can broadcast live here for free."

The investor on the other end of the phone was startled, and said to himself, "What is the background of this mysterious man? The background seems to be very mysterious... Justin actually valued him so much."

"Okay, I'll talk to him." The investor said.

Lin Yang answered the phone and said, "Mr. Investor, I am a mysterious person."

"I hope that after the revision to live broadcast this time, Agni Media will become the exclusive live broadcast company."

The investor on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, and asked, "How about the reward share?"

"This...I'll ask my agent to talk to you later."

"Okay, let's make an appointment to meet?" the investor said.

"Okay, when are you free?" Lin Yang asked.

"How about tomorrow night at 07:30?" asked the investor.

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang handed the phone to Justin.

"Thank you." Lin Yang said to him.

"Sir, you are too out of touch." Justin said: "Jie Lun and I are very good friends, and we are still friends."

"Then how about I treat you to dinner tonight?" Lin Yang said.

Since they have helped, it is natural to invite them to dinner.

"Okay, no problem." Justin said, "Shang Jielun?"

"Okay, I'll go get in touch with him."

After Lin Yang contacted Jie Lun, they agreed to have dinner together in the evening.

Lin Yang set the location at a seven-star hotel.

It's not for cupping, it's just because Lin Yang's popularity is too scary now.

What's more, together with Jie Lun and Justin, if they went to an ordinary hotel, it would probably cause quite a commotion.

Lin Yang, Justin, Lin Keer and others went to Jie Lun's recording studio, waiting for dinner in the evening.

At this moment, Bai Ning in the hotel was sitting at the desk, watching the situation in Lin Yang's live broadcast room.

In Lin Yang's live broadcast room, even though the live broadcast is not live, there are still millions of people online!
And these fans are clamoring for Lin Yang to start the live broadcast.

"Didn't you say you're going to broadcast live and record the scene? Why is there no movement?"

"The recording site is definitely not allowed to be broadcast live. I guess it's a pigeon."

"Ham, this mysterious man is too unreliable."

"Let him broadcast live! I want to watch my goddess!"

"Damn it, have you seen the news on the Internet? The mysterious man and an international superstar kicked out the first-line female star from this variety show!"

"Damn it! I read it too, it's already trending on a certain blog!"

"Who is that Yaling? Why don't I know?"

"Upstairs, you're ignorant! That Ya Ling, now has the momentum to surpass Lin Ke'er! And she's really delicate!"

"Upstairs, you should say it's really exquisite!"

"Stars don't understand these things."

Bai Ning felt a little bored watching these fans wrangling, and was about to exit the live broadcast room.

Suddenly a tourist sent a sentence, saying: "Mysterious scumbag! Bullying us Yaling! Garbage!"

"Trash! A scumbag! What kind of man is he who bullies women!"

"Trash, does anyone like this kind of Internet celebrity?"

"It's ridiculous, there are millions of people online, are they all zombies?"

"Mysterious man! Listen to me! We want you to kneel down and invite Yaling back to the variety show! Otherwise, we will definitely expose you!"

"Fuck you! See how mysterious you are, it seems that you don't know how powerful netizens are!"

"Trash man, wait! We will dig out your family tree!"

One after another tourists suddenly poured into the live broadcast room, and they were all complaining about Lin Yang.

Bai Ning knew at a glance whose fans these were.

"What happened at the recording site just now?" Bai Ning frowned.

Now Lin Yang's identity must not be revealed.

Once exposed, the Chen family will definitely not let Lin Yang go!
Although now Lin Yang has some handles about the Chen family.

But these handles were all given by Secretary Liu.

With the help of the Chen family's means, these black materials can be easily suppressed!
At that time, if the Chen family makes another move against Lin Yang.

Not to mention whether Agni Company can keep it.

Even a certain blog company may be implicated!
Bai Ning looked at the live broadcast room, and Lin Yang's fans also stood up to speak for Lin Yang.

The entire live broadcast room was in chaos.

She immediately called Lin Yang anxiously.

As soon as the call was connected, Bai Ning asked impatiently, "What did you do at the recording site just now?"

"You kicked Yaling out of the variety show? Now it's all over the Internet!"

"Yaling's fans threatened to kill you. If these netizens go crazy, maybe they will find out their real identities!"

Lin Yang on the other end of the phone said in surprise: "So soon, this Ya Ling can't sit still?"

"Come to Jielun Recording Studio, let's discuss what to do."


After hanging up the phone, Bai Ning immediately set off to the Jielun recording studio.

But at this moment, Ya Ling, who was in the company's office, had a sneer on her face.

She looked at the situation in Lin Yang's live broadcast room, and said to herself, "How dare a little Internet celebrity come to provoke me?"

"It's ridiculous, wait, my fans will tear you to pieces!"

"Knock Knock Knock-"

There was a knock on the door, and a man with the appearance of a manager walked in with a straight face.

She sat down directly in front of Yaling and said, "Yaling, did you offend Justin?"

"Do you know who he is? You actually offended him, don't you want to mess around?"

"The investor of Love Song King Variety Show threatened to block you! He has already called me."

When the general manager spoke, his face remained expressionless.

Looking at Ya Ling's eyes is like looking at a doll!
Ya Ling, who was a little complacent just now, suddenly froze the smile on her face.

"Manager, I, I didn't mean to offend Mr. Justin!"

"I, I have already let the fans attack the mysterious man, he, he will definitely apologize to me, when the time comes—"

"That's enough!" The manager sneered and said, "I brought the termination contract. I don't care what you do after termination."

"Manager, you—"

"Ya Ling, the mysterious person that Justin even supports, think about it, is this something you can afford?"

The manager interrupted her again.

He slapped the contract on the table directly, with a sneer on his face.

Ya Ling looked at the contract written in black and white, her face turned pale.

It was not easy for her to sign the contract with this company, and the income was still [-]% for her and [-]% for the company.

As a result, within a month or two of signing the contract, the contract was unilaterally terminated!

Without the support of the company, her announcements would be greatly reduced.

This is fatal for an artist!

If you don't have the chance to show your face, it won't be long before you will be forgotten!

(End of this chapter)

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