Chapter 420

Ya Ling's face was pale, and she said with tears in her voice: "Manager, give me another—"

"Do you want me to block you too?" The manager interrupted her again and said impatiently: "Hurry up and sign!"

Yaling held back her tears and signed the contract.

Holding the contract, the manager glanced at her contemptuously, and said, "I advise you to apologize to Lin Yang."

While speaking, the manager looked at her up and down, and said meaningfully: "Maybe he can still let you go for the sake of your skin."

After speaking, the manager left the office directly.

Ya Ling looked at the manager who was leaving, a malicious gleam flashed in her eyes.

"Mysterious man! I won't let you go! And Lin Ke'er, just wait for me!"

Ya Ling gritted her teeth and left the company with a vicious look on her face.

When she returned home, she immediately took out her computer and announced the termination of the appointment, followed by a series of texts.

Said it was because of Lin Yang and Lin Ke'er's influence that they wanted to forcibly block her.

It was just about Justin, but she didn't say a word.

She also understands that maybe she can deal with an Internet celebrity.

But when it comes to Justin, she can't even do cannon fodder.

She directly told black and white what happened at the recording site.

These two messages were like blockbuster bombs, which were dropped on the Internet.

But within 10 minutes, these two news were blown up on the Internet.

And Yaling's fans started to protect the Lord without thinking.

Under these two messages, fans are all commenting!

"Sisters stand up! Why should these stinky men dictate our destiny!"

"Yes, there is no company, but Yaling still has fans! As long as we unite! Yaling will definitely be able to create greater glory!"

"It's disgusting, a big man like the mysterious man actually bullies a little girl!"

"Is Lin Ke'er very good? Our Yaling is worse than him?"

Countless people commented on the article.

And Lin Yang's live broadcast room was even more lively.

It can be said that Lin Yang's live broadcast room directly became a battlefield for several fans in this incident!
Lin Yang, Lin Ke'er, and Ya Ling's fans were all arguing in the live broadcast room.

Bai Ning hurried to Jie Lun's recording studio in the car.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Lin Yang, Jie Lun, Lin Ke'er, and Justin sitting around chatting, talking and laughing, without any nervousness at all.

Bai Ning squeezed out a smile, took a deep breath, kept calm, and entered the room.

"Bai Ning, why are you here so fast." Lin Yang said, "Sit down, we are thinking, if the two of us live together in the same frame, what should we do?"

"You guys want to broadcast live in the same frame?" Bai Ning raised his eyebrows and said, "That's great! There's already a lot of bickering on the Internet now."

"If a few of you broadcast live together, maybe you can divert attention."

"However, regarding the news Yaling posted on the Internet, you'd better broadcast live to clarify. Now the live broadcast room is messed up."

"Ya Ling's remarks? What did she say?" Lin Yang asked suspiciously.

"She said that it was you and Ke'er who forcefully demanded Variety show to remove her, caused her to be terminated by the company, and even used means to block her."

Bai Ning said it concisely.

Lin Keer's eyes widened, and she said, "How can she turn black and white like this?"

"This woman is disgusting, God won't let her go to heaven." A trace of disgust flashed in Justin's eyes.

Jie Lun thought for a moment, and said, "Is there no one on the Internet who supports Mr. Mysterious Man?"

"Yes." Bai Ning spread his arms and said helplessly, "Now Ke'er, the mysterious person, and Yaling's fans are arguing non-stop in the live broadcast room."

"In my live broadcast room?" Lin Yang frowned slightly under his mask, and said, "Well, let's start a live broadcast and let's clarify."

"By the way, Ya Ling didn't mention Justin?"

"Yeah, why didn't you mention me?" Justin said suspiciously: "It should be said that I was the most important factor that made her leave the variety show, right?"

"How dare she provoke you?" Zhou Jielun said with a sneer, "This Ya Ling thinks that Internet celebrities and Miss Ke'er are easy to bully."

"Let's start the live broadcast. I made this matter up. I will explain it myself." Justin said.

"Okay, I'll start the live broadcast now." Lin Yang said.

As Lin Yang said, he started the live broadcast directly and decisively.

As soon as the live broadcast started, Lin Yangli saw countless bullet screens flashing across the live broadcast room.

"The mysterious man is rubbish! What kind of skill is bullying women?"

"He Ke'er is really good at pretending. He looks innocent. He followed Lin Yang before, but now he has another thigh?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, how ridiculous, adulterer YF."

"Do you have any brains when you talk? Ya Ling says what she says? It's ridiculous!"

Barrages of various comments and quarrels filled the entire live broadcast room.

As soon as Lin Yang started the live broadcast, the bullet screens gradually stopped.

"Ouch, the mysterious man finally showed up, is he trying to catch the heat?"

"Upstairs, you can talk? The mysterious person needs to catch up with this enthusiasm?"

"Mysterious man! We Ke'er kindly let you participate in mainstream variety shows, why are you causing trouble for her?"

Lin Yang ignored the barrage of quarrels and said calmly, "I think I'll clarify this matter, but you won't listen."

"Well, I'll ask Mr. Justin to clarify this matter. It's really not possible. The director and staff of Love Song King can testify."

After Lin Yang's words fell, a group of fans were still not calm, and those who should be bombarded were still bombarding.

But at this moment, Ya Ling, who was watching Lin Yang's live broadcast, panicked.

She stared blankly at the live broadcast room, and whispered in a panic: "How is this possible? Impossible..."

"Justin has such a good relationship with him? How can he clarify for him for this kind of thing?"

Facing Justin, Ya Ling felt a strong sense of powerlessness in her heart.

She also knew that an international singer like Justin was not just a singer!
He is also the president and investor of various international media and entertainment companies!

Such a person, stomping their feet casually, can make the yl circle tremble three times!

The next moment, she watched Justin appear in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, her face turned pale!
"Hello, friends, I'm Justin." Justin said with a serious face: "I'm very angry about Miss Yaling and the slander against my friend!"

"Mr. Mysterious Man is a musician I respect very much. He can even be my teacher!"

"As for Miss Yaling, you wantonly smear my friend today! I must clarify the truth for my friend!"

Justin's tone was serious, and he told the whole process.

All the fans in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded!
No matter how famous the mysterious man and Kerr are in China!
But compared to Justin, he was nothing compared to the big picture!

(End of this chapter)

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