My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 421 The Difference in Singing Skills

Chapter 421 The Difference in Singing Skills
In the live broadcast room, Lin Yang's fans began to mock Yaling's fans.

"You idiots, are you still defending your sister Yaling?"

"Your elder sister Yaling doesn't mention Justin at all. It seems that she is afraid and can't be offended! It's funny."

"It's really funny, what else do you have to say now?"

Some of Ya Ling's fans basically knew the truth in their hearts.

And there are still some stupid fans who are still clamoring wildly in the live broadcast room!

But the combined fans of Lin Yang and Lin Ke'er are astonishingly large!

Coupled with the number of Justin's fans, it's even more outrageous!
All of a sudden, Ya Ling's remaining diehard fans were sprayed all over the Internet!Don't dare to stand up again.

As far as Lin Yang and others were concerned, they didn't care about the fans who were left clamoring.

But what Lin Yang didn't expect was that.

Justin's appearance actually made the whole thing go in an unexpected direction.

At the moment, in a self-media company.

The boss looked at all kinds of entertainment news on the Internet, his eyes lit up.

"This mysterious person is amazing, he can actually be online with the mysterious person, my God."

"This must be a big person, don't offend! Hurry up and write me manuscripts, post articles, all kinds of praises for the mysterious person!"

The boss immediately gave the order.

He looked at countless reports on the Internet and thought to himself, "This mysterious person will definitely be the next entertainment trend, and writing his articles must be hits!"

And there are more than one self-media companies with such an idea.

Even many big media companies have begun to rush to report this matter!

For a while, the relationship between Lin Yang and Lin Ke'er became the focus of everyone's speculation.

As for whether Justin is the apprentice of the mysterious man, and what the identity of the mysterious man is, the article is also spreading wildly.

All of a sudden, the word "mysterious man" completely became popular all over the Internet!

At this moment, in an investment company, a middle-aged man with a big belly, wearing a Tang suit, playing with two walnuts in his hand, is sitting in an antique office and watching reports.

He frowned slightly, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, and he smoked "batterbatter".

"Tsk, this mysterious man really has something. How could Justin flatter him so much?"

"Who is this kid? It seems that I can't offend..."

This man is the investor of Love Song King Variety Show, named Liao Cong.

He was already in his fifties, his figure had long been fat, with a big belly, a round face, and his hairless head, the whole person looked like a sphere.

However, in the imperial capital, very few people dare to make fun of his image!
Because he is the chairman of "Changhe Investment Company" and the real controlling shareholder.

Although Changhe's investment is not as good as that of the Chen family's, its business is international and covers almost all walks of life.

But being able to survive in the imperial capital and develop for such a long time naturally has his ability.

"Mr. Liao, the young master said that he wants to get some money from you."

The secretary came in from the door and said respectfully.

Liao Cong raised his head, glanced at the secretary, and said impatiently: "This brat, didn't labor and management just give him 100 million?"

"This... the young master said that he has already spent all his money." The secretary said helplessly: "He is in the reception room now, do we need to let him in or..."

"Let him get the hell out of here." Liao Cong said angrily.

He is over half a century old, and his son is named Liao Xu, who is already 25 and has graduated from university. It is time to start a family and start a business, and take over his class.

But since his son came back from studying abroad, his habits made him unacceptable.

"Daddy, what do you want me to do? Just ask the secretary to give me the money, so that the team battle I just fought hangs up again."

Liao Xu came in from the door and sat in front of him carelessly.

This Liao Xu is about 1.7 meters five tall, looks like an idol star, and has fair skin.

Putting it together with his father, it is completely impossible to see that the two are father and son.

"Brat, didn't labor and management just give you 100 million a few days ago? Where's the money?" Liao Cong said bitterly, "Look at the other nobles, all of them—"

"Oh, will you give me the money or not? The other nobles, who are better than me? The Chen family, Chen Shaobing, isn't it like me too?"

Liao Xu said it with confidence, and didn't think there was any problem at all.

Liao Cong gritted his teeth angrily, and the fat on his face trembled.

"You brat, are you so determined that you don't want to take over from me? Labor and management have such a big family business, so it's just ruined in your hands!"

Liao Xu looked impatient, and said: "Can I stop talking about you, the third child?"

"It's fine, fine, it's fine if you don't pay me, it's a waste of my time."

After speaking, Liao Xu opened the door and went out.

"I'm so pissed off, how can there be such a son?" Liao Cong scolded his mother angrily.

After Liao Xu left, he also looked unhappy.

He got into his Lamborghini, started it, and got a call.

"Brother Xu, are you coming out to play?"

"No, no money." Liao Xu said unhappily.

"Hahaha, brother Xu, what are you talking about with me, you will have no money? Just kidding."

The person on the other end of the phone obviously didn't believe it.

"My father won't give me money, so I won't go tonight." Liao Xu said: "Go out for two laps, do you want to go?"

"Okay, where can Brother Xu not go after he spoke?" The person on the other side of the phone said, "Let's go straight to the car at night."

After hanging up the phone, Liao Xu kicked the accelerator, and the Lamborghini rushed out like a beast.

At eight o'clock at night, the city is lit up with neon lights.

Lin Yang still and Lin Ke'er and others just finished
After Justin appeared today, the number of Lin Yang's fans increased dramatically!
This was something Lin Yang never expected.

And this time, the live broadcast of Lin Yang, Jie Lun and others also caused a sensation on the whole network!

Lin Ke'er, Zhou Jielun, and Justin are all recognized as capable singers!

Moreover, Zhou Jielun and Justin are also well-known singers in the world.

But what many new fans didn't expect was that Lin Yang's singing skills directly overshadowed the limelight of these three!
Moreover, Jie Lun and Justin always showed so much respect to Lin Yang during the live broadcast.

This immediately made Lin Yang popular. When many people marveled at Lin Yang's singing skills, they were even guessing who the face under the mask was and what kind of background it was.

After the live broadcast, Lin Yang didn't bother to deal with these things online.

"It's really hard for you today." Lin Yang said to everyone: "I didn't expect that there are so many people in my live broadcast room, I still have to thank you."

"Mr. Mysterious Man, it's my honor to be able to sing with you." Justin smiled wryly, and said, "However, it does make me a little disappointed."

"I didn't expect that my singing skills are so far behind yours."

After half a day of chorus, Justin admired Lin Yang's singing skills even more.

(End of this chapter)

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