Chapter 423

Lin Yang and Bai Ning didn't know that Liao Xu had already set his sights on them.

Early the next morning, Lin Yang received a call from Liao Cong not long after he woke up.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, I didn't bother you." Liao Cong said respectfully, "Do you have time for dinner tonight?"

"I have time." Lin Yang said.

"Okay, okay, then I'll wait for you, let me book a hotel, so that you don't have to spend money." Liao Cong said.

"You are being polite." Lin Yang said politely.

"It's okay, I'll make it up, and I'll give you the address later." Liao Cong said.

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yang muttered, "Why is Liao Cong so impatient?"

Lin Yang didn't know where Liao Cong was on the phone, he was already thinking about this when he got up early in the morning.

And when he went online today, Lin Yang's popularity soared!

Lin Yang's articles were overwhelming.

As an investor in the media industry, Liao Cong knew very well that this represented Lin Yang's traffic!
This overwhelming traffic is money!
He looked again, and the number of hits on the Internet for Lin Yang, Zhou Jielun and others' joint live chorus also soared!

In just 24 hours, it actually directly exceeded [-] million!

And in the comments below, there is almost no one from Hei Linyang.

And if it's just these things, Lin Yang is far from worthy of Liao Cong's attention.

What shocked him the most was that in the chorus video, both Justin and Zhou Jielun showed respect to Lin Yang everywhere.

He was sitting in the office, playing with walnuts in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Who is this mysterious man? His identity and background are so mysterious."

He frowned, thought for a moment, and said in a low voice: "It's better not to investigate. If it is found out, there may be trouble."

And at this moment, the person who has the same idea as him is Secretary Liu!
Ever since what happened that day in the basement.

In Secretary Liu's mind, the scenes about Lin Yang that night were constantly recurring scene after scene.

She watched Lin Yang's video on the Internet, her brows were furrowed, her beautiful eyes were full of doubts, and she murmured in a low voice, "Who is this guy... How many people did Chen Shaobing provoke..."

"It seems that the Chen family is really in trouble this time, and Justin is so respectful. This mysterious person must have a complicated background!"

She was whispering in a low voice when the office door was suddenly opened.

"Who?" Secretary Liu frowned, his eyes fixed.

"Oh, old lady, it's me." Liu Chang walked in, sat on the sofa, and said, "Sister, why are you so angry this early in the morning?"

"Have you provoked that masked man recently?" Secretary Liu asked nervously.

Thinking of Lin Yang's terrifying skills and mysterious background, Secretary Liu broke into a cold sweat for his younger brother.

What's more, she also handed over all the details of the Chen family she had to Lin Yang!

If Liu Chang provokes Lin Yang, she really has nothing to do.

Liu Chang raised his eyebrows and said, "Sister, did you help me avenge? Did you take that kid to the basement?"

"Shut up!" Secretary Liu snapped, "You can't provoke that person again!"

"If something goes wrong, I can't help you."

Liu Chang was taken aback, and asked solemnly, "Sister, who is that guy? Why don't you..."

"Don't ask me, don't say I can't afford it, maybe even the Chen family can't afford it." Secretary Liu sighed helplessly, and said, "Brother, don't mess with him. If you meet him, you can If you fawn, you fawn."

"He, we can't afford to mess with him, and even I don't know his identity."

Liu Chang knew his sister very well. If there was any trouble in daily life, no matter how difficult it was, as long as he could handle it, his sister would definitely handle it.

At most it was just nagging him a few words.

It was also the first time Liu Chang saw his sister so nervous.

He naturally understood the seriousness of this matter.

"Sister, I know." Liu Chang said, "I didn't expect that kid to have such a strong background."

"Okay, what do you want from me?" Secretary Liu asked.

"I want some money, I'll go play at night." Liu Chang said: "Sister, don't worry, I will never provoke people, especially those who wear masks."


Secretary Liu readily agreed and gave the money to Liu Chang.

After Liu Chang left, she continued to sit at her desk, watching Lin Yang's video online.

"This guy... who the hell is..." Secretary Liu muttered in a low voice.

At this moment, Lin Yang didn't expect that his video on the Internet, besides making the audience and fans crazy.

It also caused many people to speculate about his background.

He was going downstairs with Bai Ning, preparing to go to Jielun Recording Studio for a live broadcast.

As soon as the two went downstairs, they saw a row of luxury cars parked in front of the hotel.

The front of every luxury car.There was a bodyguard in a black suit holding a rose.

The most conspicuous among them is a white Lamborghini parked in the center.

And in front of the Lamborghini, stood a handsome man,

Who is this man if not Liao Xu?

Whether it was roses, luxury cars, or bodyguards, he spent a lot of money, almost all his pocket money was spent!

Holding a bouquet of roses in his hands, with a narcissistic smile on his face, he thought to himself: "I don't believe it, I can't take you down like this today!"

And at the entrance of the hotel, a group of hotel staff and some passers-by surrounded them, looking at these cars enviously and discussing in low voices.

"She's so handsome. What kind of domineering president's little wife is she, who actually gets such good treatment." A hotel waiter showed a nympho expression.

"Rich and handsome, even if such a man is a scumbag, I would be willing to take the bait." Another waitress said.

"Made, rich people are capricious. A man occupies several women." A male waiter complained.

"You are rich if you are capable, what are you complaining about here?" the waitress sneered.

"That's right, a man like you only knows how to be sour." Another waitress followed suit.

But Bai Ning and Lin Yang stood behind the crowd and saw Liao Xu at the door.

A look of disgust appeared on Bai Ning's face, and he said in a low voice, "Why is this person so disgusting? He even chased him to the hotel."

"I'll take care of it later," Lin Yang said.

Bai Ning nodded, took a step back, and stood behind Lin Yang.

She knew that the other party would definitely not let it go after such a big fight.

If she rejected Liao Xu in front of so many people, he probably would jump the wall in a hurry, so it was Lin Yang's solution.

"Wow, he's here! Is he looking for me?" a waitress said in a nympho.

"Fuck you! Seeing how you look, how could you fall in love with me?" Another waitress said.

(End of this chapter)

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