My leisurely life live in the countryside

Chapter 424 Stronger Than You

Chapter 424 Stronger Than You

A male waiter looked at the confident Liao Xu with his head upright, leading a group of bodyguards, walking towards the hotel aggressively, and said in a low voice.

"What the hell, it's worth two to five to eighty thousand."

As soon as he finished speaking, several waitresses immediately cast sharp glances at him.

"Diaosi, are you qualified to say that?"

"Don't you look at your own virtue?"

"Simply, people like you are the lowest level of trash!"

"Be a waiter for the rest of your life."

The male waiter was upset and wanted to refute.

But when he saw the waitresses in this area, they looked like they were going to eat people.

He also had no choice but to shrink his head, stepped aside, and slandered in his heart, "Such a man probably has played with countless women a long time ago, and I don't know who will be played with today."


When Liao Xu came to the door of the hotel, a bodyguard said with a haughty look.

A group of waiters subconsciously stepped aside.

Throughout the whole process, Liao Xu didn't even look at the waiters around him, his eyes stayed on Bai Ning.

He looked Bai Ning up and down, and he was about to cry.

Today, Bai Ning is wearing business attire, with a white shirt and a black suit on his upper body, a black S on his lower body, a skirt and a pair of high heels.

Coupled with the pair of black-rimmed glasses on her face, Liao Xu's mind has already made up for the madness of tonight and Bai Ning.

But Bai Ning looked at the fiery gaze, feeling more and more disgusted in his heart, and hid behind Lin Yang.

At this moment, Liao Xu set his sights on Lin Yang.

He looked Lin Yang up and down, frowned, and said to himself, "Who is this kid? Could it be this woman's boyfriend?"

"What the hell, he still plays cosplay and wears a mask. How can such a man deserve to have such a beautiful woman?"

There was some disdain in his eyes.

Walking in front of Lin Yang, he held his head high and said contemptuously to Lin Yang, "Excuse me, I want to confess my love to my girlfriend."

When Bai Ning heard this, he was about to spit out.

Lin Yang couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Your girlfriend? I don't know her. You can look for her elsewhere."

"She is right behind you." Liao Xu said proudly: "An ugly person like you who has to wear a mask is not worthy of being with this young lady."

Lin Yang felt disgusted and ridiculous when he heard the words, and said, "Sir, please step aside, my friend and I are going out."

"You don't understand what I'm saying!" Liao Xu frowned slightly, showing a displeased expression.

The bodyguards in front and behind him immediately took a step forward.

Liao Xu sneered, and said arrogantly: "You don't need to do anything, it's not worth doing to deal with such a person."

After that, he took out a bank card from his pocket, and said, "There just happens to be my remaining 100 million pocket money in it."

"You take it and fuck off, understand?"

A group of spectators at the door opened their mouths in surprise when they saw this scene.

"My God, there is such a thing? I thought everything on the Internet was a lie."

"100 million, how long is this enough for me?"

"This man is really lucky. I think he'd better collect the money earlier, otherwise he'll be in trouble later."

"I see, this man has fallen for this beautiful woman."

"What kind of luck is this beautiful woman, to be able to do such a good thing."

The women were extremely envious of Bai Ning.

And a group of male waiters looked at Lin Yang with playful expressions.

"This man is also lucky enough to get 100 million just like that."

"Such a poor guy, still wants to have such a beautiful woman? He won't be able to keep it in the future."

The discussion of a group of people was clearly heard by Liao Xu.

He jokingly said: "You heard, such a woman, even a poor dick like you can't keep it."

Lin Yang shrugged and said, "How do you know I'm poor?"

"Just you?" Liao Xu looked Lin Yang up and down, and said, "You are only a few hundred yuan, not poor? Driving a car worth 10,000+, do you think you are rich?"

Liao Xu's words were full of contempt.

And Lin Yang sneered, and said, "I'm sorry, even if I'm poor, I have more backbone than you!"

"I don't want this 100 million, please let it go!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang took Bai Ning and pushed Liao Xu away.

The contemptuous expression on Liao Xu's face suddenly turned into anger!
In front of a group of waiters, his 100 million was rejected!

And this woman didn't say anything to him at all!

If it gets out, where will he put his face?
He boasted in front of the two attendants yesterday that he must be taking Bai Ning out tonight.

"Stop!" Liao Xu snapped, "If you dare to take another step outside! Don't blame labor and management for being rude!"

When a group of bodyguards heard this, they immediately rushed forward and surrounded Lin Yang.

Lin Yang sneered, and said, "Looking at your posture, do you want to be tough?"

Liao Xu looked at Lin Yang with a cold face, and said, "If you don't eat a toast, you will be punished!"

"If you don't get out and leave your woman behind, labor and management will let you enter the ICU!"

Lin Yang glanced at Bai Ning and asked, "Do you want to go with him?"

Seeing this, Liao Xu showed a confident expression on his face, and said, "Beauty, no one will condemn you to live a good life with me."

"As long as you leave this dick, I will give you glory and wealth right away, and I won't embarrass another dick again."

When the words fell to the ground, the onlookers held their breaths and discussed in low voices whether Bai Ning would leave.

"Do you think this woman will change her mind?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Which of these two men is better, you can't tell the difference?"

"If you ask me, this woman must have changed her mind. Even a man like me has changed her mind."

Everyone speculated, but no one thought that Bai Ning would choose Lin Yang.

But Bai Ning's words surprised everyone.

"The dick you're talking about is yourself, right?" Bai Ning said to Liao Xu, "You're even worse than a dick for doing such a thing."

In a word, it was as if a heavy fist had hit Liao Xu's heart hard.

He looked at Bai Ning in shock, and didn't say anything for a long time!
He never thought that Bai Ning would give him such an answer.

What's more, he has already got so many women with such a tactic, and he has never missed it!
A group of waiters at the door also opened their mouths and stared, looking like they've seen a ghost.

They didn't expect that Bai Ning would reject such a rich second generation!
"Did you hear that? My friend doesn't want to go with you." Lin Yang glanced at the bodyguards coldly, and said, "Can you dogs leave now?"

As soon as the words fell, Liao Xu was furious!
When has he ever been so ashamed?

What's more, he vowed to boast that if he didn't get him back, he wouldn't be laughed at?
"Fuck me! Hit me! Give me a hard hit on the man! Take the woman away!"

(End of this chapter)

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