Chapter 425 Avenging You
Liao Xu's roar was earth-shattering, his voice was hoarse and his face was red.

These bodyguards also knew that their master was really angry, and all of them barked their teeth and claws, shouting wah wah wah wah wah wah wow.

A group of bodyguards in black suits made a move, and the scene was like a battle in the Matrix, so spectacular.

The waiters at the door all showed expressions of watching the show.

A waitress folded her hands on her chest, and said in a strange way: "If you have money, you don't want to be beaten. Now, the money is gone, and the people are gone."


As soon as she finished speaking, a black shadow suddenly flew towards her, and then smashed hard at her feet.

She was so frightened that she looked towards the ground.

A bodyguard in a black suit was lying on the side, foaming at the mouth and rolling his eyes.

The waitress was dumbfounded.

She raised her neck stiffly and looked towards Lin Yang.

The group of black-clothed men who were so aggressive just now are now scattered all over the side, not a single one moved.

It's such a short time of less than 2 minutes!

The waitress was dumbfounded, and felt scared for a while, secretly said: "It's over, it's over, I just said bad things about him, he, will he trouble me?"

A group of waiters around were also dumbfounded.

None of these people didn't speak ill of Lin Yang just now, and now they are very scared.

Even these bodyguards are not Lin Yang's all-in-one enemy, let alone these waiters?
A waiter leaned against the corner, slowly moved to the door, and then ran away in a flash.

Seeing this, the other waiters also ran away one after another.

For a moment, the entire lobby was half empty, only Liao Xu and his bodyguard lying on the ground were left.

The corners of Lin Yang's mouth under the mask rose slightly, and he looked at Liao Xu playfully.

"Sir, do you have anything else to say?"

Liao Xu was trembling all over and his legs were weak. He wanted to run, but he couldn't.

He looked at Lin Yang tremblingly, and said, "You, don't be arrogant to me, you, me, do you know who my elder brother is!"

"If you can't beat me, start picking someone up again?" Lin Yang said impatiently, "Just call someone over, and deal with it once, so that you won't bother me again that day."

Liao Xu was overjoyed!

He pointed at Lin Yang and said, "This, you said it! You wait for me, I, I will let my elder brother come over right away!"

While speaking, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After a while, the phone was connected.

Liao Xu immediately made a bitter face, and said in a crying voice: "Brother Liu, I was beaten! Someone robbed my woman and beat me!"

"What? Someone dared to hit you?" The person on the other end of the phone looked a little surprised and asked, "Where are you now?"

"Crystal Palace Hotel." Liao Xu said aggrievedly: "Brother, hurry up, or I'm afraid I'll tell you to stay here!"

"How many people are on the other side?" the man on the other end of the phone asked.

"Just, just one, this kid is very good at beating, he beat everyone I brought to the ground!" Liao Xu said.

"Still a stubborn one?" The man on the other end of the phone sneered and said, "Okay, I'll let the manager handle it first, just wait, I'll be right there!"

"I want to see how hard this kid's kung fu can be!"

"Okay, brother, I'll wait for you here!"

After hanging up the phone, Liao Xu felt that he could do it again. After someone supported him, he looked at Lin Yang with confidence.

"Boy, you'd better not run away!" Liao Xu threatened viciously, "I'm telling you, my elder brother is a famous little devil in the imperial capital!"

"When someone else comes later, I'm afraid you won't even have time to kneel down!"

"If you can let your woman stay with me for one night now, and then kneel down to labor and management, I can frankly beg for mercy from my elder brother."

When Lin Yang heard this, the anger in his heart gradually rose.

It's just that Liao Xu has confidence in his heart. Seeing that Lin Yang didn't speak, he thought he was afraid.

"Are you afraid? Labor and management tell you, if my elder brother takes a fancy to your woman, tonight will be the three of us—"


Before he finished speaking, Lin Yang's figure flickered, and with an afterimage, he rushed in front of him, and slapped him across the face.

This slap was crisp and bright, and the sound echoed in the empty lobby.

Liao Xu spun three times on the spot like a top, and half of his face seemed to be swollen, like a steamed bun was stuffed.

His head was buzzing, and he stood there staggering for a while without recovering.

"Oh, Master Liao, what's wrong with you, you must not have any accidents in my hotel!"

A middle-aged man ran in hastily with an anxious expression on his face.

He rushed to Liao Xu's side eagerly, and asked obsequiously, "Young Master Liao, what's wrong with you? Your face... What's the new look?"


Liao Xu slapped him on the face, and said viciously: "This is labor and capital!"

"Ah?" The man asked in surprise: "Who! Whose hands are so cruel! Beat Master Liao like this! Are you dying!"

The man yelled loudly.

Liao Xu became impatient, and slapped his backhand again, and said, "Are you fucking stupid?"

"Is there anyone else besides this kid!"

Liao Xu pointed to Lin Yang and said, "Hurry up and find someone to come in and deal with him!"

The man looked Lin Yang up and down, and said, "Do you know who Young Master Liao is?"

"Young Master Liu will be here soon! I think you're desperate for your life, yet you dare to strike so hard!"

Lin Yang jokingly asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm the owner of this hotel!" The man said arrogantly, "Just wait for me! The security team will be here soon!"

After the voice fell, the man immediately went to the front desk and called the security department.

After a while, a group of security guards rushed out.

These security guards are a group of middle-aged men, and they seem to be well-trained. They should be retired bodyguards. There are about a dozen people in total.

As soon as the security guards arrived, the hotel owner approached Liao Xu as if asking for credit and said, "Young Master Liao, just watch, I will avenge you!"

Liao Xu glanced at the security guards, and said secretly: "I guess they are not opponents, but anyway, they are not my people, so just hit them."

"Let's do it!" Liao Xu said coldly.

"Didn't you hear? Do it!" The man put his hands on his hips and said, "Kill this kid!"

Hearing this, a group of security guards immediately pulled out the rubber sticks around their waists.

Lin Yang snorted coldly, and protected Bai Ning behind him.

At this moment, a roar of a sports car sounded.

Everyone looked towards the door, a McLaren stopped at the door, and a young man walked in angrily.

"Who the hell is beating labor and capital brothers?" The man shouted angrily, and his voice echoed throughout the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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