Chapter 426
When the man and Liao Xu saw this young man, their eyes lit up, and they leaned forward obsequiously.

"Brother! I was beaten by this kid! You have to decide for me!"

Liao Xu ran up to the man with an aggrieved face.

"Young Master Liu, you are here. I have already hired security guards. Don't worry, I will take care of things." The man also leaned forward and said.

As for Young Master Liu who had just arrived, when he saw Lin Yang wearing a mask, he froze in place.

He thought to himself: "Damn, what are you afraid of? Why did you meet him again?"

The person who came was none other than Liu Chang!

The rich second-generation circle in the entire imperial capital is so big, whoever has a strong background is the leader.

And Liu Chang has been fooling around outside all year round, so he is naturally well-known in the second generation's ancestors.

Apart from Chen Shaobing of the Chen family, Liu Chang is the most famous among these second-generation ancestor circles.

It can be said that Liu Chang is an existence under one person and above ten thousand in the rich second generation circle of the imperial capital.

It's just that when he saw Lin Yang, he felt cold in his heart!

Chen Shaobing couldn't afford to offend someone, so how could he?
"Liu Chang? We met again." Lin Yang jokingly said, "What? This time, will you let your sister come directly?"

"Why are you talking to Young Master Liu!" the man scolded Lin Yang with one hand on his hips and the other pointing at Lin Yang.

"You really don't know what to do, kid. Do you know who Young Master Liu is? You don't want to kneel down to labor and management!" Liao Xu also pointed at Lin Yang and scolded angrily.

Liu Chang glanced at the two of them, ignored them at all, and walked straight towards Lin Yang.

Lin Yang raised his eyebrows under the mask, and immediately stood in front of Bai Ning.

He thought that Liu Chang was looking for trouble.

But what he didn't expect was that this Liu Chang actually bowed and said: "Brother Mysterious Man, I was blind before. I was wrong. Don't be as knowledgeable as me."

"These two boys provoked you, if you speak up, I'll help you deal with them."

Lin Yang was taken aback, he didn't expect Liu Chang to be so uncharacteristic.

But after thinking about it, he realized that Secretary Liu must have said something to him.

But the two people behind Liu Chang looked like they had seen a ghost.

The man stretched his neck, rubbed his eyes, and said falteringly: "Liu, Young Master Liu, here, have you bowed?"

"I, am I dreaming? I, I must be..."

"Slap!" Liao Xu slapped him directly.

"Ouch!" the man yelled, covering his face.

"Does it hurt?" Liao Xu asked.

The man covered his face and nodded aggrievedly.

Liao Xu's eyes were wide open, almost popping out of their sockets.

There was a "thud" in his heart, and he became cold for a while, and his face was pale.

He looked at Lin Yang again, and there was only fear in his eyes!

Liu Chang claimed at the beginning that no one in the entire empire could control him except the members of the Chen family.

Well now, when a masked figure appeared, Liu Chang bowed directly.

Regardless of Lin Yang's background, Liao Xu understood anyway, this is definitely someone he can't afford to provoke!

"You two, what are you looking at! Why don't you kneel down and admit your mistake?" Liu Chang yelled angrily at the two of them.

When Liao Xu and the man heard the words, they knelt down on the ground with a "plop" without saying a word.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, do you you still want a beating?" Liu Chang said flatteringly, "Just ask how you want to deal with it."

"God, Mr. Mysterious Man, I was wrong, I, I have eyes that don't see Mount Tai."

Liao Xu knew that it was Lin Yang's words that could make him leave safely.

Before Lin Yang could make a decision, he directly started clapping his hands and begging for mercy.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, I was wrong, I dare not provoke you again, let me go this time..."

The man on the side saw it, good guy, Liu Chang and Liao Xu were both put down, and he didn't carry it anymore.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, I was wrong. I really don't know who you are, let alone what happened just now."

"I was wrong, I was wrong, you will stay in our hotel in the future, everything will be free, and everything will give you the best service! I, I can give you the whole hotel!"

The man cried and yelled, and kept squeezing his eyes, but no tears came down.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Lin Yang felt it was ridiculous.

"No need, just settle the matter." Lin Yang said coldly, "I'm leaving now, is there any problem?"

"No problem, no problem!" Liu Chang nodded and said, "Go slowly."

Lin Yang glanced at these people, and took Bai Ning out of the hotel.

Liu Chang watched Lin Yang leave, and seeing that he was driving a car worth 10,000+, he thought to himself: "It's mysterious enough, low-key enough, who the hell is this?"

Watching Lin Yang leave, Liao Xu and the man let out a long breath of relief.

"Master Liu, he, who is he?" The man asked curiously.

"Is this something you can ask?" Liu Chang stared, and said, "Give him to me! Do you understand!"

"Understood, understood!" The man nodded his head.

He complained endlessly in his heart, and secretly said: "I knew there was such an awesome person in my hotel a long time ago, and I would have confessed it a long time ago."

"What kind of person is this? He's so awesome, why is he so low-key?"

Liao Xu on the side also wanted to know Lin Yang's identity, but he didn't dare to ask.

"You two, what kind of car did you see Mr. Mysterious Man driving just now?" Liu Chang asked coldly.

Liao Xu and the man looked at each other, nodded immediately and said, "Understood, I'll go get ready right away!"

"I see, I'm going to prepare too!" Liao Xu said.

"Just know it! This mysterious person, I checked, is an anchor, please send me the photo, and in the future, the young masters of our imperial capital will be my grandfather when they see this kid!"

Hearing this, Liao Xu and the man looked at Liu Chang in shock, and said in unison: "Is he the anchor?"

Liu Chang sneered, and said with a sneer: "I'm not hiding it from you, this is an anchor that the Chen family can't afford to mess with."

The two were shocked when they heard this!
The Chen family!Even in the imperial capital, this is an existence that dominates one side!

And the anchor that the Chen family can't afford to provoke, who could this be?

When the two of them thought about what happened just now, their hearts shuddered.

A person that the Chen family can't afford to provoke, if you want to deal with them, it's easy!
Neither Lin Yang nor Bai Ning expected that the episode just happened would make the rich second generation of the entire imperial capital know them.

The two came to Jie Lun's recording studio, and Justin was already waiting here.

"Mr. Mysterious Man, Ms. Bai, why did you come here?" Jie Lun said, "Sit down quickly, I have prepared all the songs for our chorus today."

"When will we start the live broadcast? Hurry up, I can't wait!" Justin said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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