Chapter 427 One Hundred
Lin Yang looked at the two suspiciously, and said, "Why are you in such a hurry to broadcast live?"

"I'm a little excited to sing with you." Justin said a little embarrassedly.

"After finishing the chorus yesterday, I really discovered the shortcomings in my singing, and I hope I can find more problems today." Jie Lun also said.

Lin Yang didn't expect that singing with him could actually improve the singing skills of the two of them.

If this matter gets out, it is estimated that there will be another uproar.

"Okay, let's start the live broadcast." Lin Yang said and opened the live broadcast room.

As soon as he opened the live broadcast room, Lin Yang was startled.

The number of people online in the entire live broadcast room has exceeded 300 million!
It means that even if Lin Yang downloads the broadcast, there will still be millions of people online in his live broadcast room!

And when he was not online yesterday, the gift value he received had already exceeded 50!

One night, without doing anything, already 50!
As soon as the live broadcast started, the fans in the entire live broadcast room were all excited.

"Damn it! Justin is still there!"

"Jielun! My Jielun! There is still a live broadcast!"

"Mysterious people are really strong, right? The strongest anchor in history!"

"Ten rockets, go up first to respect!"

"Ten is enough? I want a hundred!"

As soon as the live broadcast started, the Rockets swiped the screen directly!

At this moment, all the anchors under the Panda Live Broadcasting Company are complaining.

A panda live broadcast female anchor looked at dozens of people in the live broadcast room, her face turned green.

Although she was not a particularly famous anchor before, there were thousands of people anyway.

Although he is not a phenomenon-level anchor like Lin Yang, he still earns a lot of money every day.

But these two days, Lin Yang, Justin, and Zhou Jielun co-anchor.

Good guy, more than half of her fans in the live broadcast room are gone!

And the female anchor in the other live broadcast room was excitedly saying: "Everyone, I have practiced my singing for a few days, and I will perform for you. What do you want to see?"

"Singing? I'm here to listen to the song? Why don't I go to see the mysterious man when I come to listen to the song?"

"I agree with the one above. Now that you female anchors are watching the live broadcast, what do you want to see?"

"Add one! As a female anchor, don't you have any awareness of this?"

These comments came out one after another, and none of her former fans who liked to listen to her singing were gone.

She looked directly at the live broadcast room blindfolded, and said, "You guys, what do you want to watch?"

"Nonsense! I don't have any awareness at all, forget it, I'll go and see Jielun!"

"Yes yes yes, maybe there will be Lin Ke'er in the afternoon, she is my goddess!"

Seeing this, the female anchor was dumbfounded!
She looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room again, there were more than 100 just now, and in a blink of an eye, there were more than 20 zombie fans left!
"What the hell, this, this is not giving us a way to survive?" The female anchor said angrily: "Why do you want to watch the mysterious man's live broadcast?"

And this kind of situation happened frequently in the whole panda live broadcast.

At this moment, Wang Qian, who was in the president's office, was looking at the revenue data in the background, with a gloomy and terrifying expression on his face.

"Come on!" Wang Qian roared towards the door.

"Mr. Wang, what's the matter? What happened?"

A secretary came in and asked with a puzzled look.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qian gritted his teeth, looking like he was going to eat people, and said, "Look at the background data! Labor and management are losing money!"

"Bring those anchors and their managers! Labor and management must ask, what's going on!"

Hearing this, the secretary showed an embarrassing expression on his face, and said, "Mr. Wang, she, they are also looking for you."

"What?" Wang Qian frowned and said, "What do they want me for?"

"President Wang!"

"Mr. Wang, please tell me, we can't wait for this company!"

"Mr. Wang, what do you mean? No channel works now?"

"Mr. Wang, give me an explanation! If this continues, I'll have to drink the northwest wind!"

The female anchor's voice came in waves, but Wang Qian was totally confused.

Before he could react, a large group of female anchors poured into the studio.

A group of Yingying and Yanyan, but all of them have brows upside down, teeth and claws.

"Mr. Wang, no one is watching our live broadcast now, they are all watching the mysterious person!"

"We weak girls, are we going to sign with the Mysterious Man Company?"

"Mr. Wang, don't you have a lot of channels? What about the channels? What about the fans? No one watches the live broadcast. What are we doing here? Are you in charge of the food?"

Faced with doubts from a group of female anchors, Wang Qian only felt his brain buzzing.

He never imagined that Lin Yang's live broadcast would attract all their fans away!
"You guys, don't worry, I will subsidize you for two days off." Wang Qian looked at a kind of anchor and said.

When these anchors heard that they were rich, they gave up and left one by one muttering.

Wang Qian let out a long breath, and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect this kid to grow up so fast."

While speaking, he clicked to enter Lin Yang's live broadcast room.

As soon as he entered, his eyes widened and he exclaimed, "Justin? Jie Lun?"

"Hey, how did this mysterious man curry favor with these two?"

The corner of the secretary's mouth twitched, and he said, "Boss, they have broadcast live together more than once, and there are videos of them on the Internet."

Wang Qian looked at the secretary and said, "You mean, the mysterious person has already hooked up with these two?"

"This should be reversed," said the secretary.

"What do you mean?" Wang Qian asked suspiciously.

"That's right, it should be said that Jie Lun and Justin hooked up with the mysterious man." The secretary said, "Because according to the two people, they want to worship the mysterious man as their teacher."


Wang Qian stood up in shock and said, "What are you talking about? Are you kidding me? This mysterious person is an anchor!"

"But, but...that's what Jie Lun and Justin said." The secretary said helplessly.

With a "plop", Wang Qian sat weakly on the chair and said, "You go out first."

The secretary agreed and left the office resentfully.

Wang Qian lit a cigarette and exhaled a long breath.


"I didn't expect that the mysterious person I wanted to sign before had such a deep background."

"The person who can make Jie Lun and Justin curry favor... Who the hell is he?"

Wang Qian thought about it, but he couldn't think of who the person under the mask of the mysterious man would be.

"No, I have to contact the mysterious person, otherwise my company will go bankrupt!"

He immediately got up, called for his secretary, and said, "Contact me with the mysterious person, and tell me that I want to meet him!"


The secretary agreed, and immediately contacted Lin Yang.

Until the afternoon, Lin Yang also ended the live broadcast in the morning.

As soon as it was over, he was chatting with Jie Lun and others.

Bai Ning suddenly received a call.

(End of this chapter)

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